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Here we describe how XACC developers can extend the framework with new Compilers, Accelerators, Instructions, IR Transformations, etc. This can be done from both C++ and Python.

Quick Start with Docker

We have put together a docker image based on Ubuntu 18.04 that has all required dependencies for building XACC. Moreover, we have set this image up to serve an Eclipse Theia IDE on localhost:3000. To use this image run the following from some scratch development directory:

$ docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --init -it -p 3000:3000 xacc/xacc

Now navigate to localhost:3000 in your web browser. This will open the Theia IDE and you are good to go. Open a terminal with ctrl + `.

Writing a Plugin in C++

Let's demonstrate how one might add a new IR Transformation implementation to XACC. This is a simple case, but the overall structure works across most plugins.

First, we create a new project folder test_ir_transformation and populate it with a CMakeLists.txt file, and a src folder containing another CMakeLists.txt file as well as manifest.json, test_ir_transformation.hpp, test_ir_transformation.cpp, and test_ir_transformation_activator.cpp. You should have the following directory structure

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── src
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    └── manifest.json
    └── test_ir_transformation.hpp
    └── test_ir_transformation.cpp
    └── test_ir_transformation_activator.cpp

In the top-level CMakeLists.txt we add the following:

project(test_ir_transformation CXX)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9 FATAL_ERROR)
find_package(XACC REQUIRED)

Basically here we are defining a CMake project, setting the minimum version, locating our XACC install, and adding the src directory to the build.

In the src/CMakeLists.txt file, we add the following

set(LIBRARY_NAME test-ir-transformation)
file(GLOB SRC *.cpp)
add_library(${LIBRARY_NAME} SHARED ${SRC})
target_link_libraries(${LIBRARY_NAME} PRIVATE xacc::xacc)
set(_bundle_name test_ir_transformation)

Here we define the library name, collect all source files, run some CppMicroServices functions that append extra information to our library, build the library and link in all required XACC libraries. Next we add more information to this shared library from the manifest.json file, configure the libraries RPATH, and install to the correct plugins folder in XACC. manifest.json should contain the following json

  "bundle.symbolic_name" : "test_ir_transformation",
  "bundle.activator" : true,
  "" : "Test IR Transformation",
  "bundle.description" : ""

Next we provide the actual code for the test IR Transformation. In the test_ir_transformation.hpp we add the following

#pragma once
#include "IRTransformation.hpp"

using namespace xacc;

namespace test {

class Test : public IRTransformation {
  Test() {}
  void apply(std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction> program,
                     const std::shared_ptr<Accelerator> accelerator,
                     const HeterogeneousMap& options = {}) override;
  const IRTransformationType type() const override {return IRTransformationType::Optimization;}

  const std::string name() const override { return "test-irt"; }
  const std::string description() const override { return ""; }

and in test_ir_transformation.cpp we implement apply

#include "test_ir_transformation.hpp"

namespace test {

void Test::apply(std::shared_ptr<CompositeInstruction> circuit,
                             const std::shared_ptr<Accelerator> accelerator,
                             const HeterogeneousMap &options) {

  // do transformation on circuit here...

Finally, we add a BundleActivator that creates a shared_ptr to our IR Transformation and registers it with the CppMicroServices framework.

#include "test_ir_transformation.hpp"

#include "cppmicroservices/BundleActivator.h"
#include "cppmicroservices/BundleContext.h"
#include "cppmicroservices/ServiceProperties.h"

#include <memory>

using namespace cppmicroservices;

namespace {

class US_ABI_LOCAL TestIRTransformationActivator: public BundleActivator {


        TestIRTransformationActivator() {
        void Start(BundleContext context) {
                auto t = std::make_shared<test::Test>();
        void Stop(BundleContext /*context*/) {



The majority of this is standard CppMicroservices boilerplate code. The crucial bit that requires your attention when developing a new plugin is the implementation of Start. Here you create a shared_ptr to your instances and register it against the correct XACC interface type, here IRTransformation.

Now, all that is left to do is build your shared library, and install it for use in the XACC framework

$ cd test_ir_transformation && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DXACC_DIR=~/.xacc
$ make install

Writing a Plugin in Python

For this example, let's wrap a Qiskit transpiler pass with an XACC IRTransformation to demonstrate how one might integrate novel tools from vendor frameworks with XACC. This will require creating a new Python class in a standalone python file that extends the core C++ IRTransformation interface. Note that this can be done for other interfaces as well, including Accelerator, Observable, Optimizer, etc.

First lets show the code to do this, and then we'll walk through it. We will wrap the simple qiskit cx-cancellation pass (this is already in XACC from the circuit-optimizer IRTransformation, but this is for demonstration purposes). Create a python file named and add the following

import xacc
from pelix.ipopo.decorators import ComponentFactory, Property, Requires, Provides, \
    Validate, Invalidate, Instantiate

@Property("_irtransformation", "irtransformation", "qiskit-cx-cancellation")
@Property("_name", "name", "qiskit-cx-cancellation")
class EasyQiskitIRTransformation(xacc.IRTransformation):
    def __init__(self):

    def type(self):
        return xacc.IRTransformationType.Optimization

    def name(self):
        return 'qiskit-cx-cancellation'

    def apply(self, program, accelerator, options):
        # Import qiskit modules here so that users
        # who don't have qiskit can still use rest of xacc
        from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
        from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager
        from qiskit.transpiler.passes import CXCancellation

        # Map CompositeInstruction program to OpenQasm string
        openqasm_compiler = xacc.getCompiler('openqasm')
        src = openqasm_compiler.translate(program).replace('\\','')

        # Create a QuantumCircuit
        circuit = QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str(src)

        # Create the PassManager and run the pass
        pass_manager = PassManager()
        out_circuit = transpile(circuit, pass_manager=pass_manager)

        # Map the output to OpenQasm and map to XACC IR
        out_src = out_circuit.qasm()
        out_src = '__qpu__ void ''(qbit q) {\n'+out_src+"\n}"
        out_prog = openqasm_compiler.compile(out_src, accelerator).getComposites()[0]

        # update the given program CompositeInstruction reference
        for inst in out_prog.getInstructions():


This class subclasses the Pybind11-exposed C++ IRTransformation interface, and provides implementations in python of its pertinent methods - a constructor, type(), name(), and apply(). The constructor must invoke the superclass constructor. We implement type() to indicate that this is an IRTransformation that is of type Optimization. Crucially important is the name() method, you must implement this to contribute the unique name of this IRTransformation. This name will be how users get reference to this IRTransformation implementation. And finally, you must implement the primary method for IRTransformation, apply. This is where the actual transformation (optimization) is performed.

To insure that users can leverage the XACC framework Python API without qiskit installed, we have to place our imports in the apply method so that they are not imported at framework initialization. The rest of the apply code takes the XACC CompositeInstruction (program) and converts it to an OpenQasm string with the appropriate openqasm Compiler implementation. From this we can construct a Qiskit QuantumCircuit and pass this to the transpile command orchestrating the execution of the CXCancellation pass. Now we get the optimized circuit back out and map back to XACC IR and update the provided program instance.

In order to contribute this IRTransformation to XACC as a plugin, we rely on the IPOPO project. To expose this class as a plugin, we annotate it with the demonstrated class decorators, indicating what it provides and its unique name. These lines are basic boilerplate, update them for your specific plugin contribution.

If this file is installed to the py-plugins directory of your XACC install, then when someone runs import xacc, this plugin will be loaded and contributed to the core C++ XACC plugin registry, and users can query it like any other service.

import xacc

qpu = xacc.getAccelerator('aer')
qbits = xacc.qalloc(2)

# Create a bell state program with too many cnots
.compiler xasm
.circuit foo
.qbit q
CX(q[0], q[1]);
CX(q[0], q[1]);
CX(q[0], q[1]);
f = xacc.getCompiled('foo')

# Run the python contributed IRTransformation that uses qiskit
optimizer = xacc.getIRTransformation('qiskit-cx-cancellation')
optimizer.apply(f, None, {})

# should have 4 instructions, not 6
assert(4 == f.nInstructions())

Extending Accelerator for new Simulators

Here we document how one might extend the Accelerator interface for new simulators.