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Getting Involved

quyin edited this page Apr 19, 2013 · 5 revisions

Get involved with BigSemantics with the following ways:


Browse the BigSemantics developer group and subscribe here.

For Wrapper Authors and Developers

The BigSemantics wrapper repository and projects are hosted on github. You are welcomed to fork the wrapper repository or projects, author new wrappers, make changes, and submit your changes through pull requests.

Here is a list of current BigSemantics projects:

  • BigSemanticsWrapperRepository: The repository for wrappers. If you want a wrapper for a web site that you find useful, or to expose semantic data for your own web site, you can fork this project and author new wrappers right away. Use pull requests to submit new wrappers back to us and we will integrate into the repository.
  • BigSemanticsJava: The core modules of BigSemantics, written in Java. It can also be used for Android applications.
  • BigSemanticsCSharp: C# modules of BigSemantics, supporting .Net, Windows App Store, and WinRT platforms.
  • BigSemanticsService: A RESTful service for extracting and storing metadata on the server side. It also serves wrappers so there is no need to store the repository on client side, which makes upgrading repository easy.
  • BigSemanticsJavaScript: This project uses the BigSemantics service to render metadata on web pages. It contains a cool web application, the Metadata In-Context Expander.