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A type-safe generic EventEmitter inspired by NodeJS's event emitter.


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dotnet add package EventEmitter.NET


Before you can listen or emit events, you must first create an event emitter. An event emitter can be made by creating a new EventDelegator instance

var events = new EventDelegator();

The EventDelegator is responsible for routing triggered events to their respective event listeners. The EventDelegator is context safe by default, it uses a context string to define which context its running in. This means two instances of EventDelegator cannot trigger each-other's event listeners. If required, a context string can be provided to the EventDelegator constructor

var events = new EventDelegator("my-unique-context-string");

Triggering events

To trigger events, simply provide an eventId string and the event data object to pass to the event listeners. Only event listeners who are listening to the eventId with the same event data type will be triggered.

var events = new EventDelegator();

events.Trigger("my-event-id", "some-data");

This will invoke the registered callbacks of the event listeners listening to the eventId my-event-id and looking for the string event data type. Any event data type can be passed.

interface ITest
    public int test1 { get; }

public class TestEventData : ITest
    public int test1 { get; set; }
    public string test2;

var events = new EventDelegator();

var testData1 = new TestEventData()
    test1 = 11,
    test2 = "abccc"

events.Trigger("test-event", testData1);

This will also trigger event listeners looking for any sub-type of T, such as subclasses or interfaces. In the example above, listeners listening to the following event data types will trigger

  • object
  • ITest
  • TestEventData

Listening to events

Any of the following functions of EventDelegator can be used to listen for events:

  • ListenFor(string eventId, Action callback)
    • Listen for all event triggers of eventId, regardless of event data type
  • ListenFor<T>(string eventId, EventHandler<GenericEvent<T>> callback)
    • Listen for event triggers of eventId with the event data type T
  • ListenForOnce<T>(string eventId, EventHandler<GenericEvent<T>> callback)
    • Listen for event triggers of eventId with the event data type T only once.

Expanding from the previous example, here is how you would listen to events

interface ITest
    public int test1 { get; }

public class TestEventData : ITest
    public int test1 { get; set; }
    public string test2;

var events = new EventDelegator();

// Listen to events
events.ListenFor<TestEventData>("test-event", delegate(object sender, GenericEvent<TestEventData> @event)
    Console.WriteLine("I get invoked with TestEventData");

events.ListenFor<ITest>("test-event", delegate(object sender, GenericEvent<ITest> @event)
    Console.WriteLine("I get invoked with ITest");

events.ListenFor<string>("test-event", delegate(object sender, GenericEvent<string> @event)
    Console.WriteLine("I never get invoked!");

var testData1 = new TestEventData()
    test1 = 11,
    test2 = "abccc"

events.Trigger("test-event", testData1);

Helper Functions

If you are building an API that will expose dynamic events, you can have your class implement the IEvents interface. This interface only exposes an EventDelegator Events { get; } property. Once you inherit this interface, your class can then be used with the EventsExtensions extension functions to add the following functionality to your class

  • On(string eventId, Action callback)
  • On<T>(string eventId, EventHandler<GenericEvent<T>> callback)
  • Once<T>(string eventId, EventHandler<GenericEvent<T>> callback)
  • Off<T>(string eventId, EventHandler<GenericEvent<T>> callback)

These extension functions wrap the EventDelegator API to provide easy integration


A type-safe generic EventEmitter inspired by NodeJS's event emitter.







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