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edadma committed Feb 17, 2015
1 parent a2e8e51 commit f729d1d
Showing 1 changed file with 244 additions and 0 deletions.
244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/PrologBuiltins.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
package ca.hyperreal.sprolog

import collection.mutable.{HashMap, ArrayBuffer, Buffer, ArrayStack}

import funl.lia.{FunctionMap, Math}

class PredicateMap( evaluator: Evaluator ) extends HashMap[Indicator, Predicate]
def eval( a: Int, w: WAMInterface ) = evaluator.eval( w.wam.arg(a) )

def define( name: String, arity: Int )( c: Predicate )
addPredicate( name, arity, c )

def addPredicate( name: String, arity: Int, c: Predicate )
val ind = Indicator( Symbol(name), arity )

if (this contains ind)
sys.error( s"callable $ind already added" )
this(ind) = c

class PrologBuiltins( evaluator: Evaluator = new Evaluator ) extends PredicateMap( evaluator )
def identical( w: WAMInterface ) =
val l = w.wam.arg( 1 )
val r = w.wam.arg( 2 )

if (l.isInstanceOf[NumberAST] && l.asInstanceOf[NumberAST].n.getClass != r.asInstanceOf[NumberAST].n.getClass)
l == r

define( "is", 2 )
{ w =>
val v = eval( 2, w )

w.wam.arg(1) match
case NumberAST( n, _ ) => n == v && n.getClass == v.getClass
case a: Addr =>
w.bind( a, ConCell(v) )
case _ => false

define( "=:=", 2 ) (w => eval( 1, w ) == eval( 2, w ))

define( "=\\=", 2 ) (w => eval( 1, w ) != eval( 2, w ))

define( "<", 2 ) (w => Math( '<, eval(1, w), eval(2, w) ).asInstanceOf[Boolean])

define( "=<", 2 ) (w => Math( '<=, eval(1, w), eval(2, w) ).asInstanceOf[Boolean])

define( ">", 2 ) (w => Math( '>, eval(1, w), eval(2, w) ).asInstanceOf[Boolean])

define( ">=", 2 ) (w => Math( '>=, eval(1, w), eval(2, w) ).asInstanceOf[Boolean])

define( "==", 2 ) (identical)

define( "\\==", 2 ) (!identical( _ ))

define( "=", 2 ) (w => w.unify(w.wam.addr(1), w.wam.addr(2)))

define( "\\=", 2 ) (w => !w.unify(w.wam.addr(1), w.wam.addr(2)))

define( "arg", 3 )
{ w =>
val n = w.wam.argInteger( 1 )
val term = w.wam.addr( 2 )

if (w.wam.unbound( term ))
sys.error( "instantiation_error" )

if (n < 0)
sys.error( "domain_error" )

if (w.wam.isCompound( term ))
w.unify( w.wam.structureArg(term, n), w.wam.addr(3) )
sys.error( "expected a structure" )

define( "atom", 1 ) (w => atom( w.wam.arg(1) ))

define( "atomic", 1 ) (w => atomic( w.wam.arg(1) ))

define( "call", 1 )
{ w =>
val start = w.wam.callcode.size

Prolog.compileQuery( w.wam.arg(1), w.wam.callcode )
w.wam.callcode(start) = CallAllocateInstruction( w.wam.callcode(start).asInstanceOf[AllocateInstruction].n )
w.wam.cp = w.wam.p
w.wam.p = start + w.wam.QUERY

define( "compound", 1 ) (w => compound( w.wam.arg(1) ))

define( "fail", 0 ) (_ => false)

define( "float", 1 )
{ w =>
w.wam.arg(1) match
case NumberAST( (_: java.lang.Double|_: BigDecimal), _ ) => true
case _ => false

define( "functor", 3 )
{ w =>
val term = w.wam.arg(1)
val name = w.wam.arg(2)
val arity = w.wam.arg(3)

if (compound( term ))
val Indicator( _name, _arity ) = indicator( term )

w.unify( ConCell(_name), w.wam.addr(2) ) && w.unify( ConCell(_arity), w.wam.addr(3) )
else if (atomic( term ))
w.unify( ConCell(constant( term )), w.wam.addr(2) ) && w.unify( ConCell(0), w.wam.addr(3) )
else if (variable( term ) && atomic( name ) && w.wam.isInteger( arity ) && w.wam.asInteger( arity ) == 0)
w.unify( w.wam.addr(1), w.wam.addr(2) )
else if (variable( term ) && atom( name ) && w.wam.isInteger( arity ) && w.wam.asInteger( arity ) > 0)
val _arity = w.wam.asInteger( arity )
val start = w.wam.h

w.put( w.wam.h, FunCell(w.wam.asSymbol(name), _arity) )
w.wam.h += 1

for (_ <- 1 to _arity)
w.put( w.wam.h, RefCell(w.wam.h) )
w.wam.h += 1

w.unify( StrCell(start), w.wam.addr(1) )

define( "is_list", 1 )
{ w =>
isList( w.wam.arg(1) )

define( "integer", 1 )
{ w =>
w.wam.arg(1) match
case NumberAST( (_: java.lang.Integer|_: BigInt), _ ) => true
case _ => false

define( "nl", 0 )
{ _ =>

define( "nonvar", 1 ) (w => !w.wam.unbound(w.wam.addr(1)))

define( "number", 1 ) (w => w.wam.arg(1).isInstanceOf[NumberAST])

define( "var", 1 ) (w => w.wam.unbound(w.wam.addr(1)))

define( "true", 0 ) (_ => true)

define( "=..", 2 )
{ w =>
val terma = w.wam.addr( 1 )

if (w.wam.unbound( terma ))
val list = w.wam.argInstantiated( 2 )

if (isList( list ))
ca.hyperreal.sprolog.toList( list ) match
case List( c ) =>
atomic( c ) && w.unify( terma, ConCell(constant(c)) )
case f :: args =>
if (atom( f ))
w.unify( w.wam.write(StructureAST(asAtom(f).atom, args.toIndexedSeq)), terma )
sys.error( "expected list" )
val term = terma )
val list = w.wam.addr( 2 )

if (atomic( term ))
w.unify( w.wam.write(fromList(List(term))), list )
val s = term.asInstanceOf[StructureAST]

w.unify( w.wam.write(fromList(AtomAST(s.f) +: s.args.toList)), list )

define( "write", 1 )
{ w =>
print( w.wam.display(w.wam.arg(1)) )

define( "iterator_", 2 )
{ w =>
val l = w.wam.arg( 1 )

isList( l ) && w.unify( ConCell(ca.hyperreal.sprolog.toList(l).iterator), w.wam.addr(2) )

define( "next_", 2 )
{ w =>
w.unify( ConCell(constant(constant(w.wam.arg(1)).asInstanceOf[Iterator[Any]].next.asInstanceOf[AST])), w.wam.addr(2) )

define( "hasNext_", 1 )
{ w =>

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