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Need the ssh plugin
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edavis10 committed Mar 20, 2010
1 parent 30c81c7 commit 0a6b576
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Showing 7 changed files with 386 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions app/manifests/application_manifest.rb
Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,8 @@ def sqlite_stack

plugin :iptables
recipe :iptables
recipe :ssh

# Add your application's custom requirements here
def application_packages
Expand Down
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions vendor/plugins/moonshine_ssh/README.rdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
= Moonshine_SSH

== A plugin for Moonshine[]

This plugin provides a few security improvements for your default SSH
configuration. It also gives you the ability to easily customize your
settings. Browse through the sshd_config in the <tt>templates/</tt> directory
to see the available settings.

The new configuration file is tested before it's used, so there's less
chance that you'll accidentally lock yourself out.

=== Instructions

* <tt>script/plugin install git://</tt>
* Edit moonshine.yml to customize plugin settings if desired:
:port: 9022
- rob
- rails
* Include the plugin and recipe you in your manifest:
plugin :ssh
recipe :ssh

=== SFTP-only users

OpenSSH supports chrooting users natively. You can create users who will be chrooted
and only allowed to use SFTP (no console access) by adding the following to your

:sftponly: true

Then add this to your manifest:

plugin :ssh
recipe :ssh

This creates a user called sftponly with a randomized password. To allow access, you can manag authorized_keys through your manifest:

file '/home/sftponly/home/sftponly/.ssh/authorized_keys',
:ensure => :present,
:content => YOUR_SSH_PUBKEYS

Once connected via sftp, the user will be chrooted to /home/sftponly where they will only see a
'home' directory. The user can upload files to /home/sftponly. For a normal user, the uploaded
files will be located at /home/sftponly/home/sftponly.

==== Advanced

For a more complicated example, we'll consider a user called 'rob' who needs to upload
files into a directory under the Rails application's shared/ directory. Since he will
be chrooted, he can't have direct access to the directory. Also, the directory is owned
by the rails group, so he'll need to be a member of that. Finally, we don't want to worry
about public keys, so he'll need a password.

In your moonshine.yml:

:groups: rails
:password: sooper_sekrit

In your manifest:

plugin :ssh
recipe :ssh
def mount_assets
file '/home/rob/home/rob/assets',
:ensure => :directory,
:owner => 'rob',
:require => file('/home/rob/home/rob')

mount '/home/rob/home/rob/assets',
:ensure => :mounted,
:device => "#{configuration[:deploy_to]}/shared/assets/",
:options => 'bind',
:fstype => :none,
:atboot => true,
:remounts => true,
:require => file('/home/rob/home/rob/assets')
recipe :mount_assets

Then deploy, and you're done! The user's /home/rob/assets directory is now actually the shared assets directory. Anything uploaded there will be available to the application automatically.
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions vendor/plugins/moonshine_ssh/lib/ssh.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
module SSH

# Ensures the SSH server is installed, running, and configured
# per specifications. Use <tt>configure</tt> to change defaults.
# The available options can be gathered by perusing the sshd_config
# template.
# configure(:ssh => {:permit_root_login => 'yes', :port => 9022})
def ssh(options = {})

package 'ssh', :ensure => :installed
service 'ssh', :enable => true, :ensure => :running

if options[:sftponly]
options[:subsystem] = {:sftp => 'internal-sftp'}

file '/etc/ssh/',
:mode => '644',
:content => template(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'templates', 'sshd_config'), binding),
:require => package('ssh'),
:notify => exec('update_sshd_config')

exec 'cp /etc/ssh/ /etc/ssh/sshd_config',
:alias => 'update_sshd_config',
:onlyif => '/usr/sbin/sshd -t -f /etc/ssh/',
:refreshonly => true,
:require => file('/etc/ssh/'),
:notify => service('ssh')



# Sets up users and directories for chrooted, sftp-only access
# By default, the chroot is /home/USERNAME and the user's home
# will be inside that, at /home/USERNAME/home/USERNAME
def sftponly(options)

group 'sftponly', :ensure => :present

exec "fake shell",
:command => "echo /bin/false >> /etc/shells",
:onlyif => "test -z `grep /bin/false /etc/shells`"

(options[:users]||'sftponly').to_a.each do |user,hash|
user = user.to_s

chroot = options[:chroot_directory] || "/home/#{user}"
homedir = chroot + ( hash[:home] || "/home/#{user}" )

parent_directories homedir, :owner => 'root', :mode => '755'
file homedir,
:ensure => :directory,
:owner => user,
:group => user,
:require => user(user)

user user,
:ensure => :present,
:home => "/home/#{user}/home/#{user}",
:shell => "/bin/false",
:groups => (['sftponly'] + hash[:groups].to_a).uniq,
:require => [group('sftponly'),exec('fake shell')],
:notify => exec("#{user} password")

password = hash[:password] || rand_pass(6)
exec "#{user} password",
:command => "echo #{user}:#{password} | chpasswd",
:refreshonly => true


def parent_directories(path,options)
options.merge!({:ensure => :directory})
while path != "/"
path = File.split(path)[0]
file path, options

def rand_pass(len) { rand(256) }.pack('C*').unpack('H*').first

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions vendor/plugins/moonshine_ssh/moonshine/init.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib/ssh.rb"

include SSH
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions vendor/plugins/moonshine_ssh/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
require 'rubygems'
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test'
ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] ||= File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../..'

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'moonshine', 'lib', 'moonshine.rb')
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'ssh.rb')

require 'shadow_puppet/test'
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions vendor/plugins/moonshine_ssh/spec/ssh_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper.rb')

class SSHManifest < Moonshine::Manifest
plugin :ssh

describe SSH do

before do
@manifest =

it "should be executable" do
@manifest.should be_executable

it "should load the template file" do
File.should_receive(:read).with(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'templates', 'sshd_config'))).and_return "SSH CONFIG"

it "should set default values" do
@manifest.files.should include("/etc/ssh/")
sshd_config = @manifest.files["/etc/ssh/"].content
sshd_config.should match /Port 22/
sshd_config.should match /PermitRootLogin no/

it "should check the configuration file before updating" do
@manifest.execs.should include("cp /etc/ssh/ /etc/ssh/sshd_config")
@manifest.execs["cp /etc/ssh/ /etc/ssh/sshd_config"].onlyif.should match /sshd -t/

it "should allow customization" do
@manifest.ssh( :port => 9022 )
@manifest.files["/etc/ssh/"].content.should match /Port 9022/

describe "configured for sftponly" do

before do
@manifest.ssh(:sftponly => {
:users => {
:rob => {
:password => 'sekrit',
:groups => 'rails'

it "should create the sftponly group" do
@manifest.groups.should include('sftponly')

it "should add the user" do
@manifest.users.should include('rob')
@manifest.execs['rob password'].command.should == "echo rob:sekrit | chpasswd"

it "should add user to sftponly and extra groups if requested" do
@manifest.users['rob'].groups.should == ['sftponly','rails']

it "should create the home directory" do
@manifest.files.should include('/home/rob/home/rob')
@manifest.files['/home/rob/home/rob'].owner.should == 'rob'
@manifest.files['/home/rob/home'].owner.should == 'root'
@manifest.files['/home/rob'].owner.should == 'root'

it "should set the sftp subsystem" do
@manifest.files['/etc/ssh/'].content.should match /Subsystem sftp internal-sftp/

it "should add a group matcher to the sshd config" do
@manifest.files['/etc/ssh/'].content.should match /Match Group sftponly/
@manifest.files['/etc/ssh/'].content.should match /ChrootDirectory \/home\/%u/



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