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eddiemcnally edited this page May 19, 2015 · 4 revisions


Takes a url, performs a traceroute, and uses a geolocate service to overlay the host locations on Google Maps.

Implementation Notes

Implemented using PyQt5 (with QtDesigner and pyuic5 to auto-generate the UI components, associated layouts and Python UI code).

A traceroute command is initiated, and the raw output displayed in a text tab.

The raw output is parsed and the individual IP addresses extracted. A geolocate service ( is used to return information associated with each IP.

The geolocate json is parsed, and the latitude/longitude of each IP address is overlayed on Googel Maps (API v3)

This was developed and tested on Debian Jessie.

How to use

When run, you are presented with a text box and 2 tabs (one for text output, one for Google Map view). Enter a url, and click the DoIt button. The raw traceroute output is displayed in the Text tab. Once the traceroute command has completed, the map is drawn with the host IP addresses overlayed on the map.


Raw Traceroute output Overlayed on Google Maps

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