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Faucet Smart Contract

Ultra Testnet Faucets Contest.

clsdk is the compiler used to create the .abi and .wasm files. Please make sure you are using Ubuntu 20.04 to successfully compile this Smart Contract. More about this compiler here.

  1. To install clsdk, run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -yq    \
    binaryen                \
    build-essential         \
    cmake                   \
    gdb                     \
    git                     \
    libboost-all-dev        \
    libcurl4-openssl-dev    \
    libgmp-dev              \
    libssl-dev              \
    libusb-1.0-0-dev        \
    pkg-config              \

mkdir ~/work

cd ~/work
tar xf wasi-sdk-12.0-linux.tar.gz

cd ~/work
tar xf clsdk-ubuntu-20-04.tar.gz
  1. Setting env variables:
export WASI_SDK_PREFIX=~/work/wasi-sdk-12.0
export CLSDK_PREFIX=~/work/clsdk

  1. In your .env file, make sure you have set the CONTRACT_ENDPOINT and CONTRACT_ACCOUNT variables correctly.

  2. To compile and deploy the Smart Contract, make sure you are in /faucet:

make compile
make deploy
  1. To validate if the Smart Contract passes the unit test:
make test

If you want to follow the official installation instructions, you can consult it here.

About Edenia

Edenia runs independent blockchain infrastructure and develops web3 solutions. Our team of technology-agnostic builders has been operating since 1987, leveraging the newest technologies to make the internet safer, more efficient, and more transparent.