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Practice Assessment

Since the online REPLs will only let you submit a single time, you can use this repository to practice the prompts from the practice assessment multiple times.

In this repository, you'll have access to JS files containing the prompts from the practice assessment and tests to ensure they've been solved entirely. Some of the tests have been slightly to help you identify any hardcoded solves.

Phase 1: Cloning the project

In order to clone this project, you'll need to copy the link to the repository from the green Code button. Once it's copied, you can navigate your terminal to a new directory where you'd like to clone, then type

git clone pasteYourLinkHere

After a brief dialogue, you'll have a new folder containing the code in this repository.

Phase 2: Using Node to run JavaScript files

As you work through solving these prompts, be sure to use console.log statements to help you debug your code and keep track of your solve. In order to run the files you're working with, you'll need to tell node to find the file in order to look at it. If you've launched the cloned directory in VSCode, you should see a folder called problems and one called test. The test directory contains the code that will check your work, you'll want to complete the files found in the problems directory. While you're welcome to look in the test directory, it might not be much help.

In order to test your code as you work, you'll have node assess your file and look for output in your terminal to see if it mathces expectations. Each prompt has example code you can copy and paste below your function to check if it's working as expected. In order to run our files through node, we can

~ 01WeekPracticeAssessment $ node problems/01-mostExpensiveGroceries.js

if we're in the root of our project directory, or first cd problems then

~ problems $ node 01-mostExpensiveGroceries.js

Make sure to ask an instructor if you have any issues getting this to work!

Phase 3: Running tests using Mocha

Once you're satisfied with the solve you've written, you can test your function with the included test files. You'll use the node package mocha to test your work but have a few options for making use of it. You'll want to make sure your current working directory is the root -- meaning you should see both the problems/ folder and the test/ folder when you ls. To run all tests, type mocha into your terminal and press enter. To tell mocha to stop at the first error, run mocha -b. If you'd only like to run the tests for a specific prompt, you'll type mocha test/<name of test file>, the test files should match up with the problem files.

Good luck!


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