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Releases: edgararuiz-zz/dbplot

dbplot 0.3.2

02 Jul 13:14
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  • Addresses issue of 'symbol' is not subsettable (#24)

dbplot 0.3.1

06 Mar 02:49
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  • New db_compute_raster2() function includes upper limit
  • Removes dependencies on pipes
  • Improves compliance with rlang's quo() vs expr() usage rules
  • Separates Spark and default behavior of db_compute_boxplot() and adds tests

dbplot 0.2.1

11 Mar 22:34
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  • Adds compatability with rlang 0.2.0 upgrade

  • Improves dependency management

dbplot 0.2.0

05 Jan 16:30
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Bug Fixes

  • Adds compatability with dbplyr 1.2.0 upgrade

  • Adds complete argument to db_compute_raster() and dbplot_raster() which fills in empty bins (#5)

  • Coerce aggregate results using as.numeric() to handle integer64 results (#6)

  • compute functions now return an ungrouped data.frame

dbplot 0.1.1

28 Nov 14:34
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  • Fixed issue that was returning the message: unused argument (na.rm = TRUE)

dbplot 0.1.0

24 Nov 02:52
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Leverages dplyr to process the calculations of a plot inside a database. This package provides helper functions that abstract the work at three levels: outputs a ggplot, outputs the calculations, outputs the formula needed to calculate bins.