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GCP Persistent Disk CSI Driver for Constellation

This is a fork of the GCP CSI driver with added encryption features for Constellation.


This driver allows a Constellation cluster to use GCP Persistent Disks.

Plugin Features

CreateVolume Parameters

Parameter Values Default Description
type Any PD type (see GCP documentation), eg pd-ssd pd-balanced pd-standard Type allows you to choose between standard Persistent Disks or Solid State Drive Persistent Disks
replication-type none OR regional-pd none Replication type allows you to choose between Zonal Persistent Disks or Regional Persistent Disks
disk-encryption-kms-key Fully qualified resource identifier for the key to use to encrypt new disks. Empty string. Encrypt disk using Customer Managed Encryption Key (CMEK). See GKE Docs for details.
labels key1=value1,key2=value2 Labels allow you to assign custom GCE Disk labels.
provisioned-iops-on-create string (int64 format). Values typically between 10,000 and 120,000 Indicates how many IOPS to provision for the disk. See the Extreme persistent disk documentation for details, including valid ranges for IOPS.
provisioned-throughput-on-create string (int64 format). Values typically between 1 and 7,124 mb per second Indicates how much throughput to provision for the disk. See the hyperdisk documentation for details, including valid ranges for throughput.
resource-tags <parent_id1>/<tag_key1>/<tag_value1>,<parent_id2>/<tag_key2>/<tag_value2> Resource tags allow you to attach user-defined tags to each Compute Disk, Image and Snapshot. See Tags overview, Creating and managing tags.


This driver supports only one topology key: that represents availability by zone (e.g. us-central1-c, etc.).

Driver Deployment

Use helm to deploy the driver to your cluster:

helm install gcp-csi-driver charts/ --namespace=kube-system

Wait for the driver setup to finish:

kubectl wait -n kube-system deployments csi-gce-pd-controller --for condition=available

Proceed to use to learn how to create a storage class for provisioning encrypted storage to your workloads.

Remove the driver using helm:

helm uninstall 

Further Documentation

To build the driver container image:

driver_version=v0.0.0-test \
  GCE_PD_CSI_STAGING_VERSION=${driver_version} \
  make push-container


This project is licensed under the AGPLv3. It's based on code licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.