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Read EDGES ACQ spectrum files.





In a new/existing python environment, run pip install git+

If you wish to develop read_acq, do the following:

git clone
cd read_acq
pip install -e .


read_acq can be used in a Python interpreter or directly via the command line.


To use the CLI, a single command is provided:

acq convert <data.acq> [<data2.acq> ...] [-f format1 [-f format2]]

This will convert the file(s) provided to all formats provided, and place any resulting files in the same location as the original datafile(s) (but with different extension). The default format is 'mat'. The command can be run from anywhere on the system, and the file given can be a relative or absolute path.

Multiple data files can be given, and each will be converted. Wildcards may also be used in any of the filenames, eg.:

acq convert data/*.acq


The main point of entry for the Python interface is decode_file:

>>> from read_acq import decode_file
>>> data = decode_file("my_data.acq", write_formats=[])

By default, this function will also write the file in .mat format, but you can turn that off by providing write_formats=[]. The output is a numpy array of the data. Several more options are provided, use help(decode_file) in an interpreter to see all the options.