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Updating phpShop 0.81 - adding the forum module -
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ulisoft committed Oct 30, 2008
1 parent 12bc4a1 commit eeaaefd
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Showing 2 changed files with 345 additions and 0 deletions.
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions phpshop1/WEB-INF/modules/shop/html/topic_list.ihtml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
// if ($data["forum"]==1) {
if ($topic_return) {
echo $topic_return;

$utg=$topic_group_id + 1;

echo "<center>";
echo "<H4> $topic_list_str </H4>";

$navi_db = new ps_DB;
$q = "SELECT * ";
$q .= "FROM topic_groups WHERE topic_group_id <'$utg' ";
$q .= "AND language='$lang'";


while ($navi_db->next_record()) {
$url = SECUREURL . "?page=$modulename/topic_list&show=";
echo "<A class=\"bLink\" HREF=";
echo $sess->url(SECUREURL . "?page=$modulename/topic_list&show=" . $navi_db->f("topic_group_id"));
echo "><B>";
echo $navi_db->f("topic_group_name")."</B></A> | ";

$url = SECUREURL . "?page=$modulename/topic_list";
echo "<A class=\"bLink\" HREF=".$sess->url($url)."><B> $show_all_lbl </B></A><BR>";




if (empty($offset))

if ($keyword) {
$list = "SELECT topic_num, topic_id, topic_status, topics.mdate, topic_subject, topic_content, topics.topic_group_id,forum_name ";
$list .= "FROM topics,auth_user_md5 WHERE ";
$count = "SELECT count(*) as num_rows FROM topics, auth_user_md5 WHERE ";
$q = "(topics.topic_subject LIKE '%$keyword%' ";
$q .= "OR topics.topic_content LIKE '%$keyword%' ";
$q .= "OR auth_user_md5.forum_name LIKE '%$keyword%' ";
$q .= ") ";
$q .= "AND topics.user_id=auth_user_md5.user_id ";
$q .= "AND topics.vendor_id='$ps_vendor_id' ";
$q .= "AND topics.topic_group_id < '$utg' ";
$q .= "AND topics.language = '$lang' ";

$q .= "ORDER BY mdate DESC";
$list .= $q . " LIMIT $offset, " . SEARCH_ROWS;
$count .= $q;

else {
$q = "";
$list = "SELECT topic_num, topic_id, topic_status, topic_subject, topics.mdate,topics.topic_group_id,forum_name ";
$list .= "FROM topics,auth_user_md5 WHERE ";
$count = "SELECT count(*) as num_rows FROM topics, auth_user_md5 WHERE ";
$q .= "topics.user_id=auth_user_md5.user_id ";
$q .= "AND topics.vendor_id='$ps_vendor_id' ";
$q .= "AND topics.topic_group_id < '$utg' ";
$q .= "AND topics.language = '$lang' ";

if ($show)
$q .= "AND topics.topic_group_id = '$show' ";
$q .= "ORDER BY mdate DESC";
$list .= $q . " LIMIT $offset, " . SEARCH_ROWS;
$count .= $q;

$num_rows = $db->f("num_rows");

if ($num_rows == 0) {
echo "$notopics <BR>";

else {

search_header($topic_list_lbl, $modulename, "topic_list");

<table width="100%" BORDER="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" class="RecordsTable">
<td NOWRAP class="RecordsTableHeader">
echo $from_str;

if ($topic_group_name) {
echo " &nbsp &nbsp Group: $topic_group_name";

<td NOWRAP class="RecordsTableHeader"><?php echo $topic_list_cdate ?></td>
<td NOWRAP class="RecordsTableHeader"><?php echo $subject_lbl ?></td>
<td NOWRAP class="RecordsTableHeader"><?php echo $group_str ?></td>

$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()) {

if ($i++ % 2)
<tr BGCOLOR=<?php echo $bgcolor ?>>

echo $db->f("forum_name");

echo strftime("%d-%b-%y %H:%M", $db->f("mdate"));

$q = "SELECT topic_status FROM topics WHERE ";
$q .= "topic_id = '" . $db->f("topic_id") . "'";
$q .= "AND language='$lang'";
$dbps = new ps_DB;


if ($auth["user_id"]) {
$url = $sess->url(SECUREURL . "?page=account/topic_print&topic_id=" . $db->f("topic_id"));
echo "<A class=\"bLink\" HREF=$url>";
echo $db->f("topic_subject");
echo "</A><BR>";

else {
$url = $sess->url(URL . "?page=shop/topic_print&topic_id=" . $db->f("topic_id"));
echo "<A class=\"bLink\" HREF=$url>";
echo $db->f("topic_subject");
echo "</A><BR>";



$q = "SELECT topic_group_name FROM topic_groups WHERE ";
$q .= "topic_group_id = '" . $db->f("topic_group_id") . "'";
$dbps = new ps_DB;
echo $dbps->f("topic_group_name");
echo "<BR>";


search_footer($modulename, "topic_list", $offset, $num_rows, $keyword . "&show=$show");
// }

162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions phpshop1/WEB-INF/modules/shop/html/topic_print.ihtml
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
// if ($data["forum"]==1) {

$q = "SELECT * FROM topics WHERE topic_id='$topic_id' AND language='$lang' AND topic_group_id < '$utg' AND vendor_id='$ps_vendor_id'";

if ($db->next_record()) {
$topic_view=$db->f("topic_view") + 1;

$q = "SELECT * FROM topic_groups WHERE ";
$q .= "topic_group_id='$topic_group_id' ";
$q .= "AND language='$lang'";

$q = "UPDATE topics SET ";
$q .= "topic_view= '$topic_view'";
$q .= " WHERE topic_id='$topic_id' AND language='$lang'";

<TR VALIGN=TOP BGCOLOR=<?php echo $leftbar_title_bgcolor?>>
<a class=bLink href=<?php $sess->purl(SECUREURL . "?page=account/topic_add");?>>
<?php echo $new_topic_title ?></a>
&nbsp &nbsp
<a class=bLink href=<?php $sess->purl(SECUREURL . "?page=account/topic_reply&topic_id=$topic_id");?>>
<?php echo $reply_str ?></a>
&nbsp &nbsp


<table width="100%" BORDER="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="center" class="RecordsTable">

<TD colspan=2><B><?php echo $info_lbl ?></B></TD>
<TD width="50%"><?php echo $group_str ?></TD>
<TD width="50%">
<a class=bLink href="<?php $sess->purl(SECUREURL . "?page=shop/topic_list&show=$topic_group_id") ?>"><?php echo $topic_group_name ?>

<TD><?php echo $topic_list_id ?></TD>
<TD><?php echo $topic_id ?></TD>

<TD><?php echo $date_lbl ?></TD>
<TD><?php echo date("d-M-Y H:i", $mdate); ?></TD>

<TD><?php echo $ftp_list_status ?></TD>
$q = "SELECT topic_status_name FROM topic_status WHERE ";
$q .= "topic_status_id = '$topic_status' AND language='$lang' ";
$dbos = new ps_DB;
echo $dbos->f("topic_status_name");


<TD><?php echo $from_str ?></TD>

$q = "SELECT user_id FROM topics WHERE ";
$q .= "topic_id = '$topic_id' AND language='$lang' ";
$dbos = new ps_DB;

$q = "SELECT * FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id = '$uid'";
$dbos = new ps_DB;
echo $un;


<TD><?php echo $clicks_lbl ?></TD>
<TD><?php echo $topic_view ?></TD>

<TD colspan=2 width=100%><B><?php echo $topic_lbl ?></B></TD>

<TD COLSPAN=2><B><?php echo $subject_lbl ?></B>:&nbsp
<?php echo $topic_subject ?></TD>

<TD colspan=2>
$topic_content=str_replace(" ","&nbsp;",$topic_content);
$topic_content=str_replace("&lt;a&nbsp;href","<a href",$topic_content);
echo $topic_content;

$db = new ps_DB;
$q = "SELECT * FROM topic_reply WHERE ";
$q .= "topic_id = '$topic_id' AND language='$lang' ";

while ($db->next_record()) {

if ($i==1) {
echo "<tr><td colspan=2>";
echo "<B>$reply_list_mnu</B><BR>";

$url = SECUREURL . "?page=shop/reply_print&reply_id=";
$url .= $reply_id;
echo "<A class=\"bLink\" HREF=".$sess->url($url).">$rs</A><BR>";

if ($i > 0) {
echo "</td></tr>";
// }

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