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I've maintained this collection of technical mini-projects for the last three years. These allow you to gain experience that can be discussed in job interviews and added to your CV/Resume. Right now, these are mainly AWS based, and while they're taken from my courses, they are designed to be free to use and are entirely self-contained. I create as many of these as possible, but I'm just one person with limited hours in the day.

I want to pay people to create projects and add them to this repository. The repo is MIT licensed, which means once you add them, they are free for anyone to use for any purpose. The MIT license also means there are no risks for you and no expectations to maintain them (though this would be nice).

So, what's the deal

You submit an idea (i.e. a brief) for a project to me, and I review it. Based on its complexity, it will be categorised into a SIMPLE, INTERMEDIATE or ADVANCED project. If it's something worth doing, I will fund its development. I will pay you $1,000 for a simple, $2000 for an intermediate and $3,000 for an advanced project (value in USD, paid in bitcoin, when completed, verified and submitted to the above repo)

What you need to deliver

Here are three examples of mini projects, these are AWS ones, but you get the idea:


Delivery of the mini projects will be via a Pull Request into the above repo

What you need to deliver to get paid: (use the above mini projects as a guide)

  1. Any assets for the project. Things that people will need to implement it.
  2. Any AWS 1-Click deployment templates (like my projects). These need to be added via a PR to this repo. Once approved, these will be deployed to an S3 bucket allowing them to be used as part of the Quick Create Stack feature of AWS CloudFormation.
  3. Step-by-step instructions for each stage of the project (see the above for examples)
  4. Any screenshots or diagrams which go along with each stage

You won't need to worry about recording video guides; you only need to handle the mini-project. However, as it's MIT licensed, I may create a video guide and add that to my youtube channel or even include it in my courses if it's a good fit.

Getting Started

  1. Fill in this form
  2. Give me some time to review it (anywhere up to a week or two)
  3. I'll respond in one of three ways.
    1. Yes, go ahead; funding agreed.
    2. I have some questions; you'll need to answer them.
    3. No, this isn't something that I want to fund
  4. Only invest time, once I've said Yes :)
  5. Implement the project and submit it via a PR to one or both of the above repos
  6. Tell me once you're done & give me some time to review your product
  7. If it's what you promised, I'll pay you in bitcoin (or lightning)


  1. What do I get out of this? You can implement something cool, learn while doing it and get paid
  2. Does it have to be related to AWS? no, I'm interested in many areas of tech
  3. Do I have to maintain it? HAVE to, no. Should you? it gives you an open-source portfolio, so .. you might want to
  4. Can other people use my project? once you submit it, it's MIT licensed so anyone can use it for anything they want, commercial or not, with or without attribution

That's all there is to it. I want more mini-projects, and I'm willing to help fund them. Creating these projects will improve your skills and benefit those who implement them. Everyone benefits.

Thanks for reading /Adrian