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InventoryApp is a 'simple' Windows Forms application written in C# for product inventory management

Getting Started

  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine.

  2. Open Visual Studio: Launch Visual Studio on your computer.

  3. Open Project/Solution: Click on "File" > "Open" > "Project/Solution" in Visual Studio.

  4. Locate the Solution File: Navigate to the project directory and select the InventoryApp.sln.

  5. Right-click on the project, select "Add" > "New Item", and choose Service-Based Database.

  6. Open the service-based database then, right-click and select "New Query".

  7. Copy this SQL script, paste it into the query editor, and then execute or (Ctrl+Shift+E).

  8. Build and Run: Click "Build" > "Build Solution" to compile the code. Then, click "Start Debugging" or press F5 to run the app.


This projects is intended for educational purposes only, such as school projects. Please be aware that the app may not be suitable for production or commercial use.