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JavaScript Period 2 Hand-in

The following exercises can be found in this repository:

  1. From almost zero to start: express-ZeroToStart/
  2. Exercises day 1: express_EX1.x/
  3. Deployment to Digital Ocean:
  4. Testing(partial): testing-mocha_chai/

Learning goals

Why would you consider a Scripting Language as JavaScript as your Backend Platform.

Explain Pros & Cons in using Node.js + Express to implement your Backend compared to a strategy using for example Java/JAX-RS/Tomcat

Node.js uses a Single Threaded Non-blocking strategy to handle asynchronous task. Explain strategies to implement a Node.js based server architecture that still could take advantage of a multi-core Server.

Explain, using relevant examples, concepts related to the testing a REST-API using Node/JavaScript + relevant packages

Explain, using relevant examples, the Express concept; middleware.
Explain, using relevant examples, how to implement sessions, and the legal implications of doing this.

Compare the express strategy toward (server side) templating with the one you used with Java on second semester.

Explain, using a relevant examples, your strategy for implementing a REST-API with Node/Express and show how you can "test" all the four CRUD operations programmatically using for example the Request package.

Explain, using relevant examples, about testing JavaScript code, relevant packages (Mocha etc.) and how to test asynchronous code.

Explain, using relevant examples, different ways to mock out databases, HTTP-request etc.


Hand-in of JavaScript exercises from Period 2.







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