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Edison Chee edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 9 revisions


Slimbot is a fuss-free, thin wrapper around Telegram Bot API for Node.js. No frills. It is built around the concept of Promises, and uses Bluebird, Request-Promise and EventEmitter3 as its core dependencies. It is also designed to be magic-free, so that developers can easily grok how it works.

Slimbot uses #getUpdates to receive updates out of the box. This makes it easy for developers to jump in and start playing with it without messing around with web hooks.


Getting started

npm i slimbot
const Slimbot = require('slimbot');
const slimbot = new Slimbot(process.env['TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN']);

// Register listeners

slimbot.on('message', message => {
  slimbot.sendMessage(, 'Message received');

// Call API



Events you can listen to:

  • 'message'
  • 'edited_message'
  • 'channel_post'
  • 'edited_channel_post'
  • 'callback_query'
  • 'inline_query'
  • 'chosen_inline_result'

Take note that inline_query and chosen_inline_result only works if you have sent /setinline and /setinlinefeedback commands to @BotFather. Read the docs for more information.

slimbot.on('message', message => {
  // do something with message

slimbot.on('edited_message', message => {
  // do something with message

slimbot.on('channel_post', post => {
  // do something with post

slimbot.on('edited_channel_post', post => {
  // do something with post

slimbot.on('callback_query', query => {
  // do something with query

slimbot.on('inline_query', query => {
  // do something with query

slimbot.on('chosen_inline_result', result => {
  // do something with result


All methods found in the Telegram Bot API Documentation have been implemented.

Use them as they are described in the docs, providing the required parameters and if you wish, the optional parameters:

// Simple usage, without any optional parameters
slimbot.sendMessage('123456789', 'hello');

// Defining optional parameters
let optionalParams = {
  parse_mode: "Markdown",
  disable_web_page_preview: true,
  disable_notification: true,
  reply_to_message_id: 1234,
  reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
    inline_keyboard: [[
      { text: 'Today', callback_data: 'pick_today' },
      { text: 'Pick a date', callback_data: 'pick_date' }

// Calling a method with optional parameters
slimbot.sendMessage('123456789', 'hello', optionalParams);

Sending files

There are 3 ways to send files:

  • Method 1: Using a file_id when the the file already exists on Telegram's servers
  • Method 2: Using a HTTP URL
  • Method 3: Uploading a file to Telegram's servers

Check out the full example to learn how it works.

const fs = require('fs');

// Method 1
slimbot.sendPhoto(chat_id, 'AgADBQADqacxG2gbbxCWBkgvcmeAgxVPyjIABBlug37DKyhDEU0AAgI');

// Method 2
slimbot.sendPhoto(chat_id, '');

// Method 3
let inputFile = fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/bulb.png');
slimbot.sendPhoto(chat_id, inputFile).then(message => {
  // once successful, you can grab the file_id of the file

Additional methods implemented

These are actually convenience methods that use the same underlying editMessageText method in the API.

  • editInlineMessageText
  • editInlineMessageCaption
  • editInlineMessageReplyMarkup

Call these additional methods with inline_message_id rather than chat_id and message_id.

// slimbot.editMessageText(chat_id, message_id, 'edited message');
slimbot.editMessageText('123456789', 1234, 'edited message');

// slimbot.editInlineMessageText(inline_message_id, 'edited message');
slimbot.editInlineMessageText('4321', 'edited message');


If you'd like more fine-grained control over how your bot receives updates, set up a webhook. At the moment, you will have to parse the updates yourself, giving you freedom in choosing a Node.js server framework of your liking.

Using Restify for a simple API endpoint:

const Slimbot = require('slimbot');
const slimbot = new Slimbot(process.env['TELEGRAM_TOKEN']);
const restify = require('restify');

let server = restify.createServer();

// Setup webhook integration

// Get webhook status

// Handle updates (example)'/bot_updates', function handle(req, res) {
  let update = req.body;
  // handle type of update here...
  // i.e. if (update.message) { ... }

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