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AIOps Canary Releases with New Relic and Argo Rollouts

New Relic Applied Intelligence spots unusual changes across all applications, services, and log data with automatic alerts based on golden signals like throughput, errors, and latency — with no configuration needed, Proactive Detection, for example, is automatically enabled and available at no additional cost. All that's required is data from your APM-monitored applications flowing into New Relic.

Using the New Relic AIOps power to drive Canary releases can make your application deployment safer, faster, and easier to set up, ensuring that only healthy versions of your application reach production. We can literally go from zero to fully monitored canaries in minutes.

This post assumes you already have installed and are familiar with Kubernetes, Docker, Service Mesh, and Canary concepts. The main goal is to give you an overview of Argo Rollouts Analysis powered by New Relic AIOps Proactive Detection and maybe be an inspiration to help you find the paved road to safer deploys. All examples presented are specific for this demo application and should not be used as a common recipe for canary releases.


Argo Rollouts

Argo Rollouts is a Kubernetes controller and set of CRDs which provide advanced deployment capabilities such as blue-green, canary, canary analysis, experimentation, and progressive delivery features to Kubernetes.

Argo Rollouts (optionally) integrates with ingress controllers and service meshes, leveraging their traffic shaping abilities to gradually shift traffic to the new version during an update. Additionally, Rollouts can query and interpret metrics from various providers to verify key KPIs and drive automated promotion or rollback during an update.


  • Blue-Green update strategy
  • Canary update strategy
  • Fine-grained, weighted traffic shifting
  • Automated rollbacks and promotions
  • Manual judgment
  • Customizable metric queries and analysis of business KPIs
  • Ingress controller integration: NGINX, ALB
  • Service Mesh integration: Istio, Linkerd, SMI
  • Metric provider integration: Prometheus, Wavefront, Kayenta, Web, Kubernetes Jobs

Argo Rollouts install
$ kubectl create namespace argo-rollouts
$ kubectl apply -n argo-rollouts -f

The above commands will create a new K8s namespace named argo-rollouts, where Argo Rollouts controller will run. The kubectl plugin can be installed using Brew by running on the terminal brew install argoproj/tap/kubectl-argo-rollouts. More instructions on how to install the Argo Rollouts can be found on the official documentation.

Set up everything

This tutorial will use a host-level traffic splitting approach which splits the traffic between two Kubernetes hosts or services: in this case, a canary and a stable service. This approach requires the creation of the following K8s resources:

  • Istio Gateway

  • Service (canary)

  • Service (stable)

  • Istio VirtualService

  • Rollout

Istio Gateway

The ingress Istio gateway will receive our application HTTP connections on port 80. For simplicity's sake, it will be bound to all hosts (*).

$ kubectl apply -f


$ kubectl apply -f

This manifest will create two K8s Services, nr-rollouts-demo-canary and nr-rollouts-demo-stable for both versions (stable and canary). The selector of these Services (app: nr-rollouts-demo) will be modified by the Rollout during an update to target the canary and stable ReplicaSet pods.

Istio Virtual Service

The following command will create a VirtualService (nr-rollouts-demo-virtualservice) which will define our application traffic routing rules. This virtual service is continuously modified by Argo Rollouts, for example, to set the desired canary weight. Initially, 100% of the traffic will be routed to the stable version.

$ kubectl apply -f


Argo Rollouts New Relic Analysis requires a K8s Secret containing your Account ID, Personal Key, and Region (us or eu) to be able to run the analysis against your account's data. We also need another K8s Secret to enter your New Relic License Key and pass it over to our demo application by an environment variable.

$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: newrelic-rollouts
  namespace: argo-rollouts
type: Opaque
  personal-api-key: "<YOUR-PERSONAL-KEY>"
  region: "<YOUR-REGION>"
  account-id: "<YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID>"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: newrelic
type: Opaque
  license-key: "<YOUR-LICENSE-KEY>"


Argo Rollouts provides several ways to perform analysis and drive progressive delivery. In this example, we will focus on New Relic's Proactive Detection and the events reported by APM. Both data sources work out of the box and require almost no actions by you to work but keeping APM-monitored data flowing into New Relic.

The following command will create three Argo Rollouts AnalysisTemplate:

$ kubectl apply -f

The newrelic-transaction-error-percentage-background template checks the percentage of HTTP 5xx responses given by the canary's pods during the last 30 seconds. This template will be used as a fail-fast mechanism and will run every 30 seconds during the whole deployment time.

The newrelic-transaction-error-percentage is similar to the newrelic-transaction-error-percentage-background, the main difference is that this template does not run in the background, has no initial delay, and execute the NRQL query using the since argument instead of fixed 30 seconds ago. This template will be used to check the overall response errors in a bigger time window.

Finally, the newrelic-golden-signals will check the New Relic Proactive Detection golden signals (throughput, response time, and errors) of the application. If New Relic detects any anomaly or if an alert triggers during the deployment, the canary will be aborted.

If no data is reported to New Relic by the canary pods during the analysis time, an inconclusive result will be reported. You can also customize the failure and inconclusive acceptances using the failureLimit, consecutiveErrorLimit and inconclusiveLimit properties.


Finally, let's configure our application rollout running the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f

The Rollout resource specification has a variety of properties to control how the deployment is done, on this example, we will focus on the canary strategy.

Canary strategy

There are several guides out there about how to define a good canary strategy and which practices we should adopt for effective canary deploys. In this example, we will define a specific strategy based on our demo application (not a real-world application), if you plan to do canary releases and doesn't know how to define a good strategy for your application, this blog post is a good starting point and will help you find a good fit for your use case.

In this example, our canary release analysis will take at least 11 minutes to be fully promoted. The plan is to gradually increase the canary's traffic every one or two minutes and run the analysis to detect problems. To summarize our strategy:

  • If the canary is completely broken, we want to fail it fast, for that, we will use a background analysis to check our application canary pod's HTTP 5XX responses, every 30 seconds, during the whole deployment time.
  • New Relic Proactive Detection monitors metric data reported by an APM agent, building a model of our typical application dynamics, and focuses on key golden signals: throughput, response time, and errors. If one of these golden signals behaves anomalously during the deployment, the canary will fail. To make sure we have enough data points reported to New Relic, we will start running this analysis after 5 minutes.
  • The canary will fail if any alert triggers for our demo application.
  • Finally, we will check the overall golden signals and HTTP responses given by the canary's pods again, but during the whole deployment time.
      stableService: nr-rollouts-demo-stable
      canaryService: nr-rollouts-demo-canary
            name: nr-rollouts-demo-virtualservice
              - primary
      # The following analysis will run in the background while the canary is progressing through its 
      # rollout steps. It will check every 30 seconds if the application has reported more than 1% of 
      # HTTP 5XX responses to New Relic. If so, the canary will fail and the deployment aborted.
          - templateName: newrelic-transaction-error-percentage-background
          - name: app-name
          - name: canary-pod-hash
              podTemplateHashValue: Latest
        # First, we only redirect 3% of our application traffic to the canary. This amount is only an example
        # and should be carefully defined according to your application characteristics. Too small values can
        # lead to insufficient traffic to spot problems out. Bigger values can affect customers if the canary is
        # completely broken.
        - setWeight: 5
        - pause: { duration: 60s }
        - setWeight: 15
        - pause: { duration: 60s }
        ... # increases the traffic gradually
        - setWeight: 30
        - pause: { duration: 120s }
        # At this step, if the background analysis didn't report any failure, we will check our canary 
        # golden-signals (AI anomalies and incidents) opened since the deployment started (5 minutes ago).
        - analysis:
              - templateName: newrelic-golden-signals
              - name: app-name
              - name: since
                value: "5 minutes ago"
        ...  # increase the traffic gradually and run the newrelic-golden-signals
        - setWeight: 90
        - pause: { duration: 120s }
        # Finally, with 90% of the traffic being handled by the canary, we will check the golden-signals and 
        # also the HTTP error percentage reported during the WHOLE deployment time (11 minutes ago).
        - analysis:
              - templateName: newrelic-transaction-error-percentage
              - templateName: newrelic-golden-signals
              - name: app-name
              - name: canary-pod-hash
                  podTemplateHashValue: Latest
              - name: since
                value: "11 minutes ago"
       # No more steps here means that the canary succeeded and will be automatically promoted to stable
       # If you want to pause the canary here and promote it manually, just add pause{} step with no duration.

Running everything

For this example, we will use a modified version of the rollouts-demo application which sends metrics to New Relic using the Go-Agent. Before checking the demo application out, let's verify if all resources were properly created:

$ kubectl get ro
nr-rollouts-demo   1         1         1            1
$ kubectl get svc
NAME                   		TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
nr-rollouts-demo-canary   ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP    1h
nr-rollouts-demo-stable   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    1h
$ kubectl get virtualservice
NAME                              GATEWAYS                       HOSTS   AGE
nr-rollouts-demo-virtualservice   ["nr-rollouts-demo-gateway"]   ["*"]   19h
$ kubectl get gateway
NAME                       AGE
nr-rollouts-demo-gateway   19h

If everything is fine with our resources, we just need to access our demo application front-end. To do that, we need first to expose our Istio Gateway and then access it on the browser using the http://localhost URL.

Locally exposing your gateway Minikube: $ minikube tunnel K8s port-forward: kubectl port-forward svc/istio-ingressgateway 80:80 -n istio-system


Great! We can see on the demo application that only one version (blue) is deployed and receiving traffic at this moment. Let's check the application rollout status running the following command:

$ kubectl argo rollouts get rollout nr-rollouts-demo --watch

At this point, everything looks fine with our demo application and all metrics are being reported to New Relic:


Before starting testing our canary strategy, let's remind a few useful Argo Rollouts commands:

$ kubectl argo rollouts promote nr-rollouts-demo          # Manually promote a rollout to the next step
$ kubectl argo rollouts abort nr-rollouts-demo            # Abort the rollout
$ kubectl argo rollouts promote --full nr-rollouts-demo   # Skip all remaining steps and analysis 

Test 1: Healthy

First of all, let's check if a healthy (green) version of the demo application is successfully deployed and promoted to stable using our canary strategy:

$ kubectl argo rollouts set image nr-rollouts-demo nr-rollouts-demo=edmocosta/nr-rollouts-demo:green 

green video

Test 2: HTTP 500

The bad-red image adds 15% of HTTP 500 errors to the API responses. This canary version should fail as the maximum percentage allowed by our AnalysisTemplate is 1%.

$ kubectl argo rollouts set image nr-rollouts-demo nr-rollouts-demo=edmocosta/nr-rollouts-demo:bad-red 

bad-red video

Test 3: Alerts

For this test, let's deploy the slow-yellow version, this image delays all API responses by 2 seconds. It should affect our demo application Apdex score. An alert condition was previously configured in New Relic One to detect Apdex values lower than 0.9. If an alert triggers during the release, the rollout should fail.

$ kubectl argo rollouts set image nr-rollouts-demo nr-rollouts-demo=edmocosta/nr-rollouts-demo:yellow

slow-yellow video

Test 4: Proactive Detection

This last experiment will test the proactive detection analysis, we will deploy the purple version and set our demo application error rate to 100%. This is definitely an abnormal error rate for our demo application and should trigger an anomaly incident in New Relic One.

$ kubectl argo rollouts set image nr-rollouts-demo nr-rollouts-demo=edmocosta/nr-rollouts-demo:purple

purple video

That's great! Isn't? New Relic Proactive Detection is automatically enabled and available at no additional cost and virtually zero configuration. All that's required is data from your APM-monitored applications flowing into New Relic.

Overview of anomalies

New Relic One also provides information about the anomalies in your environment via the Anomalies tab on the Alerts & AI Overview page. That tab provides a list of all the recent anomalies from every configuration in the selected account, and you can select an anomaly for a detailed analysis.

For the above anomaly, we can easily identify that our canary version generated the anomaly:


What's next?

Argo Rollouts supports different types of analysis, a Kubernetes Job, for example, can be used to run analysis and experiments. Those capabilities make it possible to also include in your canary pipeline other types of healthiness checks such as E2E tests, performance benchmarks, etc. It also integrates with Argo CD making the operators lives easier.

Proactive Detection is only one feature of the New Relic AIOps solution, if you want find, troubleshoot, and resolve problems more quickly, please check the New Relic Applied Intelligence page out and discover how AIOps can be a valuable ally to keep your applications up and running.

The canary analysis presented in this post is a starting point, depending on your application characteristics, you can also include Logs, Metrics, Tracing, and your own set of Alerts in the canary analysis. Having a good strategy that fits your application characteristics is a key success factor for your canary releases. Once again, this blog post can helps you with that.

All the code used in the example can be found in this GitHub repository.