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Edmonds Commerce Magento 2 Integration Testing


First make sure the container has access to the BitBucket repos. If it does not then add the public key to the account, details can be found here

Then cd to the project directory and run the following commands

composer config repositories.edmondscommerce-test-runner vcs
composer require edmondscommerce/module-magento2-test-runner --dev

Also ensure that you have the Magento 2 coding standards installed

composer require --dev magento/magento-coding-standard

Running QA

There will now be a qa.m2.bash file in the vendor/bin folder. By default it will scan the entire app/code directory. If there are already several modules in there that are failing, then it can just scan a specific directory by passing the relative path to it.

# Scan the entire directory
bash vendor/bin/qa.m2.bash

# Just scan the EdmondsCommerce directory
bash vendor/bin/qa.m2.bash app/code/EdmondsCommerce

This tool should be run on a regular basic, and must be passing before requesting changes are merged.

Running Integration Tests

MySql Config

In dev/tests/integration/etc make a copy of install-config-mysql.php.dist called install-config-mysql.php

Alter the contents to have the correct configuration, you MUST use a totally separate database.

You can remove the amqp- files if not using rabbit queue.

See here for further details

Setting up php unit configuration

By default the tool will copy a standard phpunit.xml file into the test folder. This can be bypassed by passing false to the script, however you will need to create a dev/tests/integration/phpunit.edmondscommerce.xml file before the tests will run.

Running the tests

There is a new tool in the vendor/bin directory called runIntegrationTests.bash. It can be run like so

# Copy the default config and run the tests
bash vendor/bin/runIntegrationTests.bash
# Don't copy the config and use the file that is already there
bash vendor/bin/runIntegrationTests.bash false

Running Acceptance Tests

There is a helper script that will try to setup the Magento 2 acceptance testing suite, this will also validate as much as possible and allows for the use of a centralised environment configuration file.

Project Requirements

  • You must have the appropriate version of MFTF installed as a dev dependency
  • Magerun2 must be installed and usable on the system path as magerun
  • System level bash support, this has been tested under Centos 7


The script is written in a way to provide as much feedback as possible when something is wrong with the configuration.

In places it will auto fix issues with data from the main environment file and also try to protect you.

Environment file

In this repository there is a test.bash.dist file that needs to be copied to the root of the Magento 2 project and renamed to test.bash - this will be used to load your project/environment specific variables to use later.

This file should also be git ignored, this will be checked as part of the setup script, this also serves as an environment check as this file should never exist in production nor should this module be installed in production for that matter.

Once the file is copied, fill out the different variable values as required.

Running the Setup Script

Run bash vendor/bin/setupAcceptanceTests.bash from the root of your project, this is assuming that bin files are still setup to be symlinked with composer.

You can use the full path vendor/edmondscommerce/module-magento2-test-runner/bin/setupAcceptanceTests.bash if necessary and the tool will recognise this.

During the running of the script the configured Magento store will be set to use a new test database set in the environment file, this test database must exist and be accessible by the configured Mysql user in the database file.

The script will validate different things in the environment and let you know what to do if it finds a problem.

Running the tests

The setup script will generate the test suite that you configure but will not run them.

For the acceptance tests to run you must have Selenium or Zalenium configured and working before the tests will run correctly.