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This project is initiated to simply remove the hassle of setting up a sandbox on Codesandbox container sandbox or Stackblitz WebContainer running Remix.

All the templates are bootstrapped using npm init remix with typescript setup and using Remix App Server as the deployment target at the moment.

Specifying remix version

We published each template using the remix version as the branch name. The supported versions are listed here: List all branches

If you would like to kickstart a sandbox with a specific remix version, you can specify it as follow:

  • Codesandbox -
  • Stackblitz WebContainer -

Required setup

This setup is required only for versions before v1 as everything is now published to NPM and available to everyone

As most of the remix packages are served from a private NPM registry. Codesandbox cannot install the required packages without your REMIX_TOKEN. Here is how you can set it up:

  1. Look for the server control panel on the left sidebar. If you couldn't find it, you are properly not looking at your own sandbox. Fork it first.
  2. On the Server Control Panel, look for the Secret Keys section. Add a new secret with the name REMIX_TOKEN and put your license on the value field. Submit it by clicking Add Secret.
  3. On the Terminal view, add a new terminal by clicking +. Type npm ci or npm install and close the terminal when the installation complete
  4. Finally, back to the Server Control Panel, look for the Control Container section. Click Restart Server. Wait for the terminal to kickstart the dev server again. Refresh the browser view and you should see Remix running!


1. The terminal view is showing /bin/sh: 1: remix: not found

Please check the Required setup for details.

2. The browser view is showing 502: Bad Gateway

This usually happens when the dev server fails to start. Please make sure you follow the steps listed on the Required setup and restart the server afterwards.