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Your Content Management Superpower for Flutter

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Hey Flutter devs! 👋 Ready to supercharge your content management game? EDNet CMS is here to make your life easier when building complex, content-rich Flutter apps.

What's EDNet CMS?

EDNet CMS is your secret weapon for creating multiplatform, web-integrated, business-rich MVPs. It's not just a library; it's a whole new way of thinking about content management in Flutter, complete with a powerful interpreter app called EDNet One.

Why EDNet CMS?

Ever felt like content management in your apps is a bit... messy? Us too. That's why we created EDNet CMS. Here's what makes it special:

  1. Content is King (and Queen): We recognize that content is everywhere, often recursive, and self-defined. Sounds complex? That's because it is! But don't worry, we've got you covered.

  2. User-Centric Approach: We model content primarily based on how users interact with it in different contexts. It's all about that user experience!

  3. Abstraction Level: Expert: We elevate the abstraction level above the current web landscape, making it easier to map content across different user contexts.

Our Secret Sauce

We've baked in some seriously cool principles:

  • Human Biology: We consider how humans physically interact with content.
  • Human Psychology: We design with the human mind in focus, making UIs that just make sense.
  • Digital Realism: We account for the limitations of digital products in our design process.

The EDNet CMS Method

We're all about opinionated abstractions:

  1. Custom Language: We speak your domain's language.
  2. Event Storming: Capture your system's dynamics visually.
  3. Domain-Driven Design: Your code structure mirrors your business logic.
  4. Code Generation: Less boilerplate, more productivity.

Getting Started

  1. Add ednet_core and ednet_cms to your pubspec.yaml:

      ednet_core: latest
      ednet_cms: latest
      build_runner: latest
  2. Model your domain: Create .ednet.yaml files in lib/requirements/ for each of your bounded contexts.


    # lib/requirements/household/finance/finance.ednet.yaml
    domain: Household
    model: Finances
      - name: Income
          - name: amount
            type: number
          - name: source
            type: string
      - name: Expense
      - name: Budget
      - name: Transaction
  3. Start the build_runner in watch mode:

    dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
  4. Generated OneApplication is entry point into your domain models.

  5. Use EDNet One to visualize and interact with your domain model:

    flutter run

EDNet One: Your Domain Model Navigator

EDNet One is a multiplatform Flutter application that brings your domain models to life:

  • Master-Detail UX Pattern: Drill down from domains to models to entities seamlessly.
  • Interactive Graph View: Visualize entity relationships across domains.
  • Multiplatform Support: Run on Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop.
  • Theme Support: Switch between light and dark themes.

🚀 Features

  • In-Vivo Domain Model Editing: Modify your domain model directly within the app.
  • DBpedia and SPARQL Integration: Enrich your data with vast knowledge graphs.
  • Generative AI: Get AI-assisted suggestions for model and UI improvements.
  • API Integration: Connect with calendar, email, project management, and more.

📝 Usage

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the EDNet One directory:

    cd cms/apps/one
  3. Install dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  4. Refer to Getting Started

  5. Run the application:

    flutter run

Join the Community

We're not just building a library; we're cultivating a community of Flutter developers who believe in building scalable, maintainable apps. Join us on GitHub to contribute, report issues, or just say hi!

📄 License

Individual packages and applications within this repository have their own licenses, - see the LICENSE file for details.

📧 Contact

For more information, please contact our dev team.


EDNet One

Explore • Interact • Integrate