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Erik Dominikus's works

These things are far from being finished. I merge everything into one Git repository to simplify my workflow.

I share my goals and knowledge in the website

Things maintained

  • etc: operating system configuration files
  • sh: shell scripts, mostly Bash
  • software: a SWI-Prolog 7 knowledge base
  • website source code
    • Related command: bundle exec jekyll serve.

Things far from being finished; sometimes even abandoned; mostly doodles

  • Haskell libraries
    • meta
      • library for writing metaprograms in Haskell
      • use Haskell as metalanguage
    • prelude: a maximalist Haskell Prelude that tries to collects best practices
    • trade: Trade stocks in Indonesia
    • ptt: should be merged into meta
  • devops: unclear, DevOps, infrastructure, cloud
  • research: old books/writings to be reassembled into my website
  • archive: abandoned things

Travis CI woes

  • 2018-07-16: I stopped using Travis CI because cabal new-build ran out of memory.
  • The travis branch
    • Pushing to this branch will trigger a rebuild.
    • This branch is meant to be rebased onto origin/master.
    • This branch is meant to be force-pushed.
    • The file .travis.yml shall stay in this branch.
    • Travis CI woes
  • Some notes about @optional-packages@ in @cabal.project@:
    • Clone Yi editor source into @yi@.
      • Hackage's yi-0.17.1 (Nov 2017) is not ready for GHC 8.

Building the website

(This note is for myself.)

The source code is in

The following commands expect to be run from that directory.

To serve the website locally, run the script _sh/serve.

To publish the website, run the script _sh/publish.