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Dataviz Bordeaux-Métropole: point d'apports volontaires

Cartographie des 940 points de collecte de la région CUB/Bordeaux-Métropole. Elle permet de rapidement localiser les points les plus proches pour allez jeter les bouteilles vides suite à une soirée ou un événement.

en: Dataviz to visualize different type of trash collecting points in the area of Bordeaux, France.

dataviz preview

Data Sources

You may also find the website Où interesting.


Start by cloning the project repository:

git clone
cd collecte-verre-bordeaux
make install

This is the minimum to be able to build the app. If you want to dev, try:

make install-development


There is a makefile that automate the installation and data-mining tasks.

The default task will build a working environment and process data, you only need to run make in the project root directory. That is the equivalent to run:

make install clean .tmp
make get-emplacements extract-emplacements convert2geojson convert2geojsonVanilla convert2topojson reverse-location2adresses fix-reverse-location

Getting started

Install project dependecy using npm and bower:

npm install
bower install

Run a preview with gulp:

gulp serve

Start playing !

Want to fork or scaffold a similar project ?


The Project under GPLv3 license.

Tools: GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library)

To manipulate Shapefile, you need the command ogr2ogr command line, which is part of GDAL library. For JSON manipulation you will need the [jq C-library] ( which is avalaible in Linux repo:

sudo apt-get install jq gdal-{bin,contrib}

JavaScript Libraries

So start by installing Gulp webapp generator for yeoman:

sudo npm install -g generator-gulp-webapp gulp

Continue by scaffolding the application with the yeoman's generator:

mkdir my-map-app && cd my-map-app
yo gulp-webapp

Then install others dependencies:

npm install --save-dev jq xml2json-command topojson generator-gulp-webapp gulp gulp-sass
bower install --save topojson font-awesome d3 leaflet leaflet.markercluster es6-promise

Finish by running gulp for building and gulp watch for preview :

gulp watch


The use of geo-location is completely optional. Being done client-side there is no data store or collected by this app.


  • 2016-juil.-19: from 913 to 940 entries ;
  • 2015-mar-21: update data add 9 new sites.


points de collecte du verre dans la CUB/Bordeaux-Métropole (Bordeaux, Pessac, Mérignac, Bègles, etc.)







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