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TS express starter

Express.js server starter with TypeScript

Initialize the Project


Run the server in development mode

yarn dev

This Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in your browser.
If it shows Hello There! then the server is running successfully.

To Build the project

yarn build

Generates the JS output in dist folder.

Start the server

yarn start

Runs the js code from dist folder.

Format the Code in src/ directory

yarn format

To run Tests

yarn test

You can use any package manager of your choice

This uses prettier to format the code according to config defined in .prettierrc.yaml file

To Throw a error from anywhere on the codebase

   throw new CustomError(500, "Unexpected Server ERROR");
  • here first argument to send is statuscode and second argument is any form of string or any


Build the image

docker build -t <image-name> .

Run built image

docker run -e CLIENT_BASE_URL=localhost:8080 -p 8080:8080 -it <image-name>

If you are not using yarn as package manager then change to respective package manager in Dockerfile