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FREEDOOM Cartridge

This is the source code for DOOM ported to RIV using FREEDOOM assets. It's the very same cartridge used on RIVES.

The DOOM game is run with RIVEMU, an special emulator used by RIVES with graphics, audio and keyboard support, that embeds the Cartesi Machine emulator to be strongly deterministic.


To build, first make sure you have the RIVEMU and RIV SDK before installed, check its documentation on how to do this.

Having the SDK set, to build is very simple, just clone the repository and run make:

git clone
cd cartridge-freedoom


First you need to download freedoom.sqfs, you can either download from this link or build yourself following the instructions above.

To play, just run with rivemu:

rivemu freedoom.sqfs

These are the controls to play: Controls:

  • CTRL/F/R2 - Shoot
  • SPACE/C/A3 - Use
  • SHIFT/Z/A1 - Run
  • ALT/A/L2 + LEFT/RIGHT - Strafe
  • S/L1 - Prev weapon
  • D/R1 - Next weapon
  • TAB/START - Map

Recording and replaying a tape

You can use tapes to store gameplay sessions to be shared or watched again.

Record a tape of your gameplay with -record option in RIVEMU:

rivemu -record=gameplay.rivtape freedoom.sqfs

And then you can replay it with -replay option:

rivemu -replay=gameplay.rivtape freedoom.sqfs

Inspecting a tape score

You can inspect a tape score by replaying with -save-outcard option:

rivemu -replay=gameplay.rivtape -save-outcard=score.json -speed=2 freedoom.sqfs
cat score.json


Running DOOM inside the Cartesi machine in real time was originally accomplished in this tweet.

Since then the project evolved into a fantasy console called RIV, and its distribution platform called RIVES, and now FREEDOOM is just a game of this ecosystem.

Compute machine

A cartesi machine for computing scores of DOOM game sessions is provided in the /compute-machine directory as an example on how to embed this in a cartesi machine.