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This repository stores the code and data for the Boilergrades website.


This project uses full stack javascript with node/express serving the backend in index.js. The folder boiler-grades-web contains a Vue project which compiles into the frontend at boiler-grades-web/dist. To install a local version of the frontend run

$ cd boiler-grades-web && npm install

and then run it with

$ npm run serve

this will start a local vue-cli webserver for development.

To install and run a local version of the server run (you'll need to configure postgresql and import a local copy of the database)

$ npm install && node index.js

Make sure to change the proxy server in boiler-grades-web/vue.config.js.


To report a bug please create a new issue.

Updating the dataset

Updating the dataset with more recent data will require filing a new Public Records request with Purdue. If interested, here is the template I used to request the data:

Hello my name is Erik Duxstad,

Address: [ADDRESS]

Email: [email]

Phone Number: [NUMBER]

I am requesting the grade distributions by percent and/or letter grade, for every class and instructor for the last five years at the West Lafayette Campus of Purdue University. Please ensure the documents are FERPA compliant. I request that the information is in CSV format, and in digital format. Preferably in the form:

Course Subject, Course Number, Course Title, Course Section, Term/Semester, Primary Instructor, A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, W, Average Grade in GPA.

If putting in in that form is extra work, comma separated value format with the requisite information is acceptable.

Please notify me of any expenses prior to incurring them.

Thank you, Erik Duxstad

It took about two months for Purdue to retrieve the data. Once I received the data I converted it to CSV and sanitized it with, then ran a \copy command on the output to add it to the database. If you request updated data from Purdue feel free to create an issue/pull request and I will add the additional data to the database.

Ingesting Data (Old Way)

  1. Prepare the data in a new sheet in the excel file, removing all columns that aren't in the db table (you should verify the columns from the command in sql.commands).
  2. Save the file as a CSV.
  3. Edit and run the script on the newly created CSV.
  4. Follow the instructions here to forward the Postgres server to your machine. The password is in a local file.
  5. Run the COPY grades command from sql.commands with the appropriate file name.
  6. Update the website and online spreadsheet. Use export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider to workaround the SSL error.
  7. Deploy with flyctl deploy.


This project is licensed under GNU GPL v3.