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To Do Application - Frontend REACT

This is a Todo frontend using React. Users can create lists and tasks associated with each list created. This is a single page view application that allows users to view all their tasks and lists. Users can update and delete entries.



Clone this repository onto your machine. Ensure that you are able to run React on your machine. If you need a backend see this link to get that started Backend

Make sure to configure the rack-cors gem to allow web requests from localhost:5173 instructions

Once the repository is on your machine get into the folder on your terminal and run teh following commands

npm install
npm run dev

These commands will start the server. Go to your browser (I use google chrome) and go to this url, http://localhost:5173 You will be able to see the application and it should be pulling in data from the backend when both servers are running.

Minimum Viable Product

  • Allow users to see all of their tasks (complete)
  • Allow users to create a task (complete)
  • Allow users to see an individual task (complete)
  • Allow users to update a task (complete)
  • Allow users to delete a task (complete)
  • Allow users to to sign up (complete)
  • Allow users to login and logout (complete)

Future Features

  • Allow users to create task lists (complete)
  • Allow users to prioritize tasks
  • Allow users to categorize tasks
  • Allow users to set due dates and get notifications


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