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First working version of dependent effects
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edwinb committed Dec 30, 2013
1 parent 14765d0 commit 9e1fb5d
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Showing 11 changed files with 734 additions and 0 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions Effect/Exception.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module Effect.Exception

import Effects
import System
import Control.IOExcept

data Exception : Type -> Effect where
Raise : a -> Exception a b () (\v => ())

instance Handler (Exception a) Maybe where
handle _ (Raise e) k = Nothing

instance Show a => Handler (Exception a) IO where
handle _ (Raise e) k = do print e
believe_me (exit 1)

instance Handler (Exception a) (IOExcept a) where
handle _ (Raise e) k = ioM (return (Left e))

instance Handler (Exception a) (Either a) where
handle _ (Raise e) k = Left e

EXCEPTION t = MkEff () (Exception t)

raise : a -> Eff m b [EXCEPTION a]
raise err = Raise err

-- TODO: Catching exceptions mid program?
-- probably need to invoke a new interpreter

-- possibly add a 'handle' to the Eff language so that an alternative
-- handler can be introduced mid interpretation?

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions Effect/File.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
module Effect.File

import Effects
import Control.IOExcept

data OpenFile : Mode -> Type where
FH : File -> OpenFile m

openOK : Mode -> Bool -> Type
openOK m True = OpenFile m
openOK m False = ()

data FileIO : Effect where
Open : String -> (m : Mode) ->
FileIO Bool () (openOK m)
Close : FileIO () (OpenFile m) (\v => ())

ReadLine : FileIO String (OpenFile Read) (\v => (OpenFile Read))
WriteLine : String -> FileIO () (OpenFile Write) (\v => (OpenFile Write))
EOF : FileIO Bool (OpenFile Read) (\v => (OpenFile Read))

instance Handler FileIO IO where
handle () (Open fname m) k = do h <- openFile fname m
valid <- validFile h
case valid of
True => k True (FH h)
False => k False ()
handle (FH h) Close k = do closeFile h
k () ()
handle (FH h) ReadLine k = do str <- fread h
k str (FH h)
handle (FH h) (WriteLine str) k = do fwrite h str
k () (FH h)
handle (FH h) EOF k = do e <- feof h
k e (FH h)

FILE_IO t = MkEff t FileIO

open : Handler FileIO e =>
String -> (m : Mode) -> EffM e Bool [FILE_IO ()]
(\v => [FILE_IO (openOK m v)])
open f m = Open f m

close : Handler FileIO e =>
EffM e () [FILE_IO (OpenFile m)] (\v => [FILE_IO ()])
close = Close

readLine : Handler FileIO e => Eff e String [FILE_IO (OpenFile Read)]
readLine = ReadLine

writeLine : Handler FileIO e => String -> Eff e () [FILE_IO (OpenFile Write)]
writeLine str = WriteLine str

eof : Handler FileIO e => Eff e Bool [FILE_IO (OpenFile Read)]
eof = EOF

175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions Effect/Memory.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
module Effect.Memory

import Effects
import Control.IOExcept

%access public

data MemoryChunk : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
CH : Ptr -> MemoryChunk size initialized

data RawMemory : Effect where
Allocate : (n : Nat) ->
RawMemory () () (\v => MemoryChunk n 0)
Free : RawMemory () (MemoryChunk n i) (\v => ())
Initialize : Bits8 ->
(size : Nat) ->
so (i + size <= n) ->
RawMemory () (MemoryChunk n i) (\v => MemoryChunk n (i + size))
Peek : (offset : Nat) ->
(size : Nat) ->
so (offset + size <= i) ->
RawMemory (Vect size Bits8)
(MemoryChunk n i) (\v => MemoryChunk n i)
Poke : (offset : Nat) ->
(Vect size Bits8) ->
so (offset <= i && offset + size <= n) ->
RawMemory () (MemoryChunk n i) (\v => MemoryChunk n (max i (offset + size)))
Move : (src : MemoryChunk src_size src_init) ->
(dst_offset : Nat) ->
(src_offset : Nat) ->
(size : Nat) ->
so (dst_offset <= dst_init && dst_offset + size <= dst_size) ->
so (src_offset + size <= src_init) ->
RawMemory () (MemoryChunk dst_size dst_init)
(\v => MemoryChunk dst_size (max dst_init (dst_offset + size)))
GetRawPtr : RawMemory (MemoryChunk n i) (MemoryChunk n i) (\v => MemoryChunk n i)

do_malloc : Nat -> IOExcept String Ptr
do_malloc size with (fromInteger (cast size) == size)
| True = do ptr <- ioe_lift $ mkForeign (FFun "malloc" [FInt] FPtr) (fromInteger $ cast size)
fail <- ioe_lift $ nullPtr ptr
if fail then ioe_fail "Cannot allocate memory"
else return ptr
| False = ioe_fail "The target architecture does not support adressing enough memory"

do_memset : Ptr -> Nat -> Bits8 -> Nat -> IO ()
do_memset ptr offset c size
= mkForeign (FFun "idris_memset" [FPtr, FInt, FByte, FInt] FUnit)
ptr (fromInteger $ cast offset) c (fromInteger $ cast size)

do_free : Ptr -> IO ()
do_free ptr = mkForeign (FFun "free" [FPtr] FUnit) ptr

do_memmove : Ptr -> Ptr -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> IO ()
do_memmove dest src dest_offset src_offset size
= mkForeign (FFun "idris_memmove" [FPtr, FPtr, FInt, FInt, FInt] FUnit)
dest src (fromInteger $ cast dest_offset) (fromInteger $ cast src_offset) (fromInteger $ cast size)

do_peek : Ptr -> Nat -> (size : Nat) -> IO (Vect size Bits8)
do_peek _ _ Z = return (Prelude.Vect.Nil)
do_peek ptr offset (S n)
= do b <- mkForeign (FFun "idris_peek" [FPtr, FInt] FByte) ptr (fromInteger $ cast offset)
bs <- do_peek ptr (S offset) n
Prelude.Monad.return (Prelude.Vect.(::) b bs)

do_poke : Ptr -> Nat -> Vect size Bits8 -> IO ()
do_poke _ _ [] = return ()
do_poke ptr offset (b::bs)
= do mkForeign (FFun "idris_poke" [FPtr, FInt, FByte] FUnit) ptr (fromInteger $ cast offset) b
do_poke ptr (S offset) bs

instance Handler RawMemory (IOExcept String) where
handle () (Allocate n) k
= do ptr <- do_malloc n
k () (CH ptr)
handle {res = MemoryChunk _ offset} (CH ptr) (Initialize c size _) k
= ioe_lift (do_memset ptr offset c size) $> k () (CH ptr)
handle (CH ptr) (Free) k
= ioe_lift (do_free ptr) $> k () ()
handle (CH ptr) (Peek offset size _) k
= do res <- ioe_lift (do_peek ptr offset size)
k res (CH ptr)
handle (CH ptr) (Poke offset content _) k
= do ioe_lift (do_poke ptr offset content)
k () (CH ptr)
handle (CH dest_ptr) (Move (CH src_ptr) dest_offset src_offset size _ _) k
= do ioe_lift (do_memmove dest_ptr src_ptr dest_offset src_offset size)
k () (CH dest_ptr)
handle chunk (GetRawPtr) k
= k chunk chunk

RAW_MEMORY t = MkEff t RawMemory

allocate : (n : Nat) ->
EffM m () [RAW_MEMORY ()] (\v => [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk n 0)])
allocate size = Allocate size

initialize : {i : Nat} ->
{n : Nat} ->
Bits8 ->
(size : Nat) ->
so (i + size <= n) ->
EffM m () [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk n i)]
(\v => [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk n (i + size))])
initialize c size prf = Initialize c size prf

free : EffM m () [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk n i)] (\v => [RAW_MEMORY ()])
free = Free

peek : {i : Nat} ->
(offset : Nat) ->
(size : Nat) ->
so (offset + size <= i) ->
Eff m (Vect size Bits8) [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk n i)]
peek offset size prf = Peek offset size prf

poke : {n : Nat} ->
{i : Nat} ->
(offset : Nat) ->
Vect size Bits8 ->
so (offset <= i && offset + size <= n) ->
EffM m () [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk n i)]
(\v => [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk n (max i (offset + size)))])
poke offset content prf = Poke offset content prf

getRawPtr : Eff m (MemoryChunk n i) [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk n i)]
getRawPtr = GetRawPtr

move' : {dst_size : Nat} ->
{dst_init : Nat} ->
{src_init : Nat} ->
(src_ptr : MemoryChunk src_size src_init) ->
(dst_offset : Nat) ->
(src_offset : Nat) ->
(size : Nat) ->
so (dst_offset <= dst_init && dst_offset + size <= dst_size) ->
so (src_offset + size <= src_init) ->
EffM m () [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk dst_size dst_init)]
(\v => [RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk dst_size (max dst_init (dst_offset + size)))])
move' src_ptr dst_offset src_offset size dst_bounds src_bounds
= Move src_ptr dst_offset src_offset size dst_bounds src_bounds

data MoveDescriptor = Dst | Src

move : {dst_size : Nat} ->
{dst_init : Nat} ->
{src_size : Nat} ->
{src_init : Nat} ->
(dst_offset : Nat) ->
(src_offset : Nat) ->
(size : Nat) ->
so (dst_offset <= dst_init && dst_offset + size <= dst_size) ->
so (src_offset + size <= src_init) ->
EffM m ()
[ Dst ::: RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk dst_size dst_init)
, Src ::: RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk src_size src_init)]
(\v =>
[ Dst ::: RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk dst_size (max dst_init (dst_offset + size)))
, Src ::: RAW_MEMORY (MemoryChunk src_size src_init)])
move dst_offset src_offset size dst_bounds src_bounds
= do src_ptr <- Src :- getRawPtr
Dst :- move' src_ptr dst_offset src_offset size dst_bounds src_bounds
return ()

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions Effect/Monad.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module Effect.Monad

import Effects

-- Eff is a monad too, so we can happily use it in a monad transformer.

using (xs : List EFFECT, m : Type -> Type)
instance Functor (\a => EffM m a xs (\v => xs)) where
map f prog = do t <- prog
value (f t)

instance Applicative (\a => EffM m a xs (\v => xs)) where
pure = value
(<$>) f a = do f' <- f
a' <- a
value (f' a')

instance Monad (\a => Eff m a xs (\v => xs)) where
(>>=) = Effects.(>>=)

25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions Effect/Random.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module Effect.Random

import Effects

data Random : Effect where
getRandom : Random Integer Integer (\v => Integer)
setSeed : Integer -> Random () Integer (\v => Integer)

using (m : Type -> Type)
instance Handler Random m where
handle seed getRandom k
= let seed' = (1664525 * seed + 1013904223) `prim__sremBigInt` (pow 2 32) in
k seed' seed'
handle seed (setSeed n) k = k () n

RND = MkEff Integer Random

rndInt : Integer -> Integer -> Eff m Integer [RND]
rndInt lower upper = do v <- getRandom
return (v `prim__sremBigInt` (upper - lower) + lower)

srand : Integer -> Eff m () [RND]
srand n = setSeed n

23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions Effect/Select.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Effect.Select

import Effects

data Selection : Effect where
Select : List a -> Selection a () (\v => ())

instance Handler Selection Maybe where
handle _ (Select xs) k = tryAll xs where
tryAll [] = Nothing
tryAll (x :: xs) = case k x () of
Nothing => tryAll xs
Just v => Just v

instance Handler Selection List where
handle r (Select xs) k = concatMap (\x => k x r) xs

SELECT = MkEff () Selection

select : List a -> Eff m a [SELECT]
select xs = Select xs

40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions Effect/State.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module Effect.State

import Effects

%access public

data State : Effect where
Get : State a a (\v => a)
Put : b -> State () a (\v => b)

using (m : Type -> Type)
instance Handler State m where
handle st Get k = k st st
handle st (Put n) k = k () n

STATE t = MkEff t State

get : Eff m x [STATE x]
get = Get

put : x -> Eff m () [STATE x]
put val = Put val

putM : y -> EffM m () [STATE x] (\v => [STATE y])
putM val = Put val

update : (x -> x) -> Eff m () [STATE x]
update f = put (f !get)

updateM : (x -> y) -> EffM m () [STATE x] (\v => [STATE y])
updateM f = putM (f !get)

locally : x -> Eff m t [STATE x] -> Eff m t [STATE y]
locally newst prog = do st <- get
putM newst
val <- prog
putM st
return val

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