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Edwin Brady committed May 26, 2011
0 parents commit 022015a
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Showing 5 changed files with 435 additions and 0 deletions.
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions ResIO.idr
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data ResTy = RTy Set;

-- Resource state is the current time slot, and a list mapping resouce id
-- to their current state.

ResState : Nat -> Set;
ResState n = (Nat & Vect ResTy n);

rty : ResTy -> Set;
rty (RTy t) = t;

-- a resource which is valid at a specific time at a specific location

data Resource : Nat -> Fin n -> ResTy -> Set where
Res : {i:Fin n} -> rty a -> Resource t i a;

-- IO operations which can only be run in a resource computation
data IOr : Set -> Set where
MkIOr : IO a -> IOr a;

getIOr : IOr a -> IO a;
getIOr (MkIOr x) = x;

ior : IO a -> IOr a;
ior = MkIOr;

getResource : {i:Fin n} -> Resource t i a -> rty a;
getResource (Res v) = v;

using (xs:Vect ResTy n) {

data ResEnv : Vect ResTy n -> Set where
Empty : ResEnv VNil
| Extend : rty r -> ResEnv xs -> ResEnv (r :: xs);

envLookup : (i:Fin n) -> ResEnv xs -> rty (vlookup i xs);
envLookup fO (Extend t env) = t;
envLookup (fS i) (Extend t env) = envLookup i env;

update : (i:Fin n) -> A -> Vect A n -> Vect A n;
update fO v (x :: xs) = v :: xs;
update (fS i) v (x :: xs) = x :: (update i v xs);

updateEnv : ResEnv xs ->
(i:Fin n) -> rty a ->
ResEnv (update i a xs);
updateEnv (Extend t env) fO val = Extend val env;
updateEnv (Extend t env) (fS i) val = Extend t (updateEnv env i val);


Later : ResState n -> ResState n;
Later s = (S (fst s), snd s);

Later' : ResState n -> (i:Fin n) -> ResTy -> ResState n;
Later' s i a = (S (fst s), update i a (snd s));

data ResIO : Set -> ResState n -> ResState n -> Set where
ResIOp : {s:ResState n} -> {s':ResState n} ->
(ResEnv (snd s) -> IO (a & ResEnv (snd s'))) -> ResIO a s s';

getResAction : {n:Nat} -> {s:ResState n} -> {s':ResState n} ->
ResIO a s s' -> ResEnv (snd s) -> IO (a & ResEnv (snd s'));
getResAction {n} {s} {s'} (ResIOp f) = f;

using (s:ResState n, s':ResState n) {

BIND : ResIO t s s' -> (t -> ResIO u s' s'') -> ResIO u s s'';
BIND {n} {t} {s} {s'} (ResIOp c) k =
ResIOp (\env => do { cenv' <- c env;
getResAction (k (fst cenv')) (snd cenv');

RETURN : a -> ResIO a s s;
RETURN x = ResIOp (\env => return (x, env));

GET : (i:Fin n) -> ResIO (Resource (fst s) i (vlookup i (snd s))) s s;
GET i = ResIOp (\env => return (Res (envLookup i env), env));

PUT : {i:Fin n} ->
Resource (fst s) i (RTy a) ->
rty b ->
ResIO () s (Later' s i b);
PUT {i} res val = ResIOp (\env => return (II, updateEnv env i val));

CREATE : (i:Fin n) ->
|(action:IOr (rty a)) ->
ResIO (rty a) s (Later' s i a);
CREATE i ival
= ResIOp (\env => do { val <- getIOr ival;
return (val, updateEnv env i val); });

UPDATE : {i:Fin n} ->
|(action:IOr (rty a)) ->
Resource (fst s) i b ->
ResIO (rty a) s (Later' s i a);
UPDATE {i} ival res
= ResIOp (\env => do { val <- getIOr ival;
return (val, updateEnv env i val); });

USE : {i:Fin n} ->
(rty a -> IOr b) ->
Resource (fst s) i a ->
ResIO b s s;
USE {i} f res = ResIOp (\env => do { v <- getIOr (f (getResource res));
return (v, env); });

SET_TIMER : (time:Nat) -> ResIO b s t -> ResIO b s (time, snd t);
SET_TIMER {t} time (ResIOp {s'=t} prog) = ResIOp {s'=(time, snd t)} prog;

do using (BIND, RETURN) {

CHECK : {i:Fin n} -> {xs':Vect ResTy n} ->
Resource (fst s) i (RTy (Either a b)) ->
ResIO c (Later' s i (RTy a)) (t1, xs') ->
ResIO c (Later' s i (RTy b)) (t2, xs') ->
ResIO c s (max t1 t2, xs');
CHECK {n} {i} {t1} {t2} res left right =
either (getResource res)
(\lv => SET_TIMER (max t1 t2) do { PUT res lv; left; })
(\rv => SET_TIMER (max t1 t2) do { PUT res rv; right; });


LIFT : |(action:IO a) -> ResIO a s s;
LIFT action = ResIOp (\env => do { v <- action; return (v, env); });

syntax ResSub t u = #(Resource O (fO {k=O}) (RTy t) ->
ResIO u (O, RTy t :: VNil) (O, RTy t :: VNil));

syntax MK_USE x y = #({n:Nat} -> {s:ResState n} -> {i:Fin n} ->
Resource (fst s) i (RTy x) -> ResIO y s s);

syntax MK_CREATE y = #({n:Nat} -> {s:ResState n} ->
(i:Fin n) -> ResIO y s (Later' s i (RTy y)));

syntax MK_UPDATE x y = #({n:Nat} -> {s:ResState n} -> {i:Fin n} ->
Resource (fst s) i (RTy x) ->
ResIO y s (Later' s i (RTy y)));

-- an initial empty vector of n resources
clear : (n:Nat) -> Vect ResTy n;
clear O = VNil;
clear (S k) = RTy () :: clear k;

data ResProg : Set -> Set where
RP : {xs':Vect ResTy n} ->
ResIO a (O,clear n) (t,xs') -> ResProg a;

clearEnv : (n:Nat) -> ResEnv (clear n);
clearEnv O = Empty;
clearEnv (S k) = Extend II (clearEnv k);

run : ResProg a -> IO a;
run (RP {n} (ResIOp f)) = do { cenv' <- f (clearEnv n);
return (fst cenv'); };

resources = intToNat;


-- call_action is a workaround for a typechecker bug. Really need to rewrite
-- the thing - maybe a problem with the normaliser?

call_action : ResIO u (O, (RTy t :: VNil)) (O, (RTy t :: VNil)) ->
t -> IO (u & ResEnv (RTy t :: VNil));
call_action (ResIOp pval) rval = pval (Extend rval Empty);

CALL : {n:Nat} -> {i:Fin n} ->
{s:ResState n} -> {t:Set} -> {u:Set} ->
(Resource O (fO {k=O}) (RTy t) ->
ResIO u (O, RTy t :: VNil) (O, RTy t :: VNil)) ->
Resource (fst s) i (RTy t) ->
ResIO u s s;
CALL {n} {t} {u} {s} {i} p res =
let rval = getResource res in
let pval = p (Res rval) in
-- let act = action in -- getResAction pval ? in
ResIOp (\env => do { v <- call_action pval rval;
return (fst v, env); });

%hide MkIOr;

122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions ResIO1.idr
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data ResTy = RTy Set;

-- Resource state is the current time slot, and a list mapping resouce id
-- to their current state.

ResState : Nat -> Set;
ResState n = (Nat & Vect ResTy n);

rty : ResTy -> Set;
rty (RTy t) = t;

-- a resource which is valid at a specific time at a specific location

data Resource : Nat -> Fin n -> ResTy -> Set where
Res : {i:Fin n} -> rty a -> Resource t i a;

getResVal : {i:Fin n} -> Resource t i a -> rty a;
getResVal (Res v) = v;

using (xs:Vect ResTy n) {

data ResEnv : Vect ResTy n -> Set where
Empty : ResEnv VNil
| Extend : rty r -> ResEnv xs -> ResEnv (r :: xs);

envLookup : (i:Fin n) -> ResEnv xs -> rty (vlookup i xs);
envLookup fO (Extend t env) = t;
envLookup (fS i) (Extend t env) = envLookup i env;

update : (i:Fin n) -> A -> Vect A n -> Vect A n;
update fO v (x :: xs) = v :: xs;
update (fS i) v (x :: xs) = x :: (update i v xs);

updateEnv : ResEnv xs ->
(i:Fin n) -> rty a ->
ResEnv (update i a xs);
updateEnv (Extend t env) fO val = Extend val env;
updateEnv (Extend t env) (fS i) val = Extend t (updateEnv env i val);


Later : ResState n -> ResState n;
Later s = (S (fst s), snd s);

Later' : ResState n -> (i:Fin n) -> ResTy -> ResState n;
Later' s i a = (S (fst s), update i a (snd s));

data ResIO : Set -> ResState n -> ResState n -> Set where
ResIOp : {s:ResState n} -> {s':ResState n} ->
(ResEnv (snd s) -> IO (a & ResEnv (snd s'))) -> ResIO a s s';

getResAction : {n:Nat} -> {s:ResState n} -> {s':ResState n} ->
ResIO a s s' -> (ResEnv (snd s) -> IO (a & ResEnv (snd s')));
getResAction {n} {s} {s'} (ResIOp f) = f;

using (s:ResState n, s':ResState n) {

BIND : ResIO t s s' -> (t -> ResIO u s' s'') -> ResIO u s s'';
BIND {n} {t} {s} {s'} (ResIOp c) k =
ResIOp (\env => do { cenv' <- c env;
getResAction (k (fst cenv')) (snd cenv');

RETURN : a -> ResIO a s s;
RETURN x = ResIOp (\env => return (x, env));

GET : (i:Fin n) -> ResIO (Resource (fst s) i (vlookup i (snd s))) s s;
GET i = ResIOp (\env => return (Res (envLookup i env), env));

PUT : (i:Fin n) -> rty a ->
ResIO () s (Later' s i a);
PUT i val = ResIOp (\env => return (II, updateEnv env i val));

CREATE : (i:Fin n) -> |(action:IO (rty a)) ->
ResIO (rty a) s (Later' s i a);
CREATE i ival = ResIOp (\env => do { val <- ival;
return (val, updateEnv env i val); });

LIFT : |(action:IO a) -> ResIO a s s;
LIFT action = ResIOp (\env => do { v <- action; return (v, env); });

rread : {i:Fin n} -> Resource (fst s) i (RTy File) -> ResIO String s s;
rread r = ResIOp (\env => do { str <- fread (getResVal r);
return (str, env); });

ropen : String -> (i:Fin n) -> ResIO File s (Later' s i (RTy File));
ropen fname i = CREATE i (fopen fname "r");

rclose : {i:Fin n} ->
Resource (fst s) i (RTy File) ->
ResIO () s (Later' s i (RTy ()));
rclose {i} r = CREATE i (fclose (getResVal r));

data ResProg : Set -> Vect ResTy n -> Set where
RP : {xs':Vect ResTy n} -> {xs:Vect ResTy n} ->
ResIO a (O,xs) (t,xs') -> ResProg a xs;

run : {xs:Vect ResTy n} -> ResEnv xs -> ResProg a xs -> IO a;
run env (RP (ResIOp f)) = do { cenv' <- f env;
return (fst cenv'); };


rlist = RTy () :: RTy () :: RTy () :: VNil;

do using (BIND, RETURN) {

oc : ResProg () rlist;
oc = RP do { ropen "Test" fO;
h <- GET fO;
str <- rread h;
LIFT (putStrLn str);
str <- rread h;
LIFT (putStrLn str);
str <- rread h;
LIFT (putStrLn str);
rclose h;


main = run (Extend II (Extend II (Extend II Empty))) oc;
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Test
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions file-example.idr
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include "ResIO.idr";

fread' : File -> IOr String;
fread' x = ior (fread x);

fopen' : String -> String -> IOr (Either () File);
fopen' f m = ior do { h <- fopen f m;
return (Right h); };

fclose' : File -> IOr ();
fclose' f = ior (fclose f);

rread : MK_USE File String;
rread r = USE fread' r; %hide fread';

ropen : String -> MK_CREATE (Either () File);
ropen fname i = CREATE i (fopen' fname "r"); %hide fopen';

rclose : MK_UPDATE File ();
rclose r = UPDATE (fclose' (getResource r)) r; %hide fclose';

do using (BIND, RETURN) {

printline : ResSub File ();
printline h = do { str <- rread h;
LIFT (putStrLn str); };

oc : ResProg ();
oc = RP {n=resources 1}
do { ropen "Test" fO;
h <- GET fO;
(return II)
(do { h <- GET fO;
CALL printline h;
CALL printline h;
CALL printline h;
CALL printline h;
CALL printline h;
rclose h;

main = run oc;

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