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Docker orchestration for EEA Jenkins CI

Docker orchestration for EEA Jenkins



  1. Install Docker.
  2. Install Docker Compose.


$ git clone
$ cd eea.docker.jenkins
$ docker-compose up -d

Setup Jenkins at http://localhost

  • Login as admin. Get the generated admin password within master logs:

      $ docker-compose logs master
  • Create user jenkins with password jenkins (or the one you've set within docker-compose.yml) in order to allow workers to connect.

      JENKINS_USER: "jenkins"
      JENKINS_PASS: "jenkins"
  • To add more Jenkins workers:

      $ sudo docker-compose scale worker=3
  • Check that everything started as expected and the slave successfully connected to master:

      $ sudo docker-compose logs worker

Restore existing jenkins configuration



Note: See EEA SVN for answers.txt files

  • Within Rancher Catalog > EEA deploy:

    • EEA - Jenkins (Master)
    • EEA - Jenkins (Worker)
    • EEA - Jenkins (EEA Worker)
  • Deploy EEA - Jenkins (Docker Worker) with docker-compose (recommended)

    $ ssh user@docker-host-1
    $ cd /var/local/deploy
    $ git clone
    $ ln -s eea.rancher.catalog/templates/jenkins-worker-dind jenkins-worker-dind
    $ cd jenkins-worker-dind
  • Add deployment environment variables:

    $ vim .env
    $ echo "JENKINS_NAME=docker-$(hostname)" >> .env
  • Deploy the latest version (e.g.: 4):

    $ docker-compose -f 4/docker-compose.yml up -d

Production data migration

You can access production data for Jenkins Master is within jenkins-master volume:


And jenkins-worker volumes:



  1. Start rsync client on host where do you want to migrate Jenkins master data (DESTINATION HOST):
  $ docker run -it --rm --name=r-client -v jenkins-master:/var/jenkins_home  eeacms/rsync sh
  1. Start rsync server on host from where do you want to migrate Jenkins master data (SOURCE HOST):
  $ docker run -it --rm --name=r-server -p 2222:22 --v jenkins-master:/var/jenkins_home  \
               -e SSH_AUTH_KEY="<SSH-KEY-FROM-R-CLIENT-ABOVE>" \
           eeacms/rsync server
  1. Within rsync client container from step 1 run:
  $ rsync -e 'ssh -p 2222' -avz --numeric-ids root@<SOURCE HOST IP>:/var/jenkins_home/ /var/jenkins_home/
  1. Start rsync client on host where do you want to migrate Jenkins worker data (DESTINATION HOST):
  $ docker run -it --rm --name=r-client -v jenkins-worker:/var/jenkins_home/worker eeacms/rsync sh
  1. Start rsync server on host from where do you want to migrate Jenkins worker data (SOURCE HOST):
  $ docker run -it --rm --name=r-server -p 2222:22 -v jenkins-worker:/var/jenkins_home/worker \
               -e SSH_AUTH_KEY="<SSH-KEY-FROM-R-CLIENT-ABOVE>" \
           eeacms/rsync server
  1. Within rsync client container from step 4 run:
  $ rsync -e 'ssh -p 2222' -avz --numeric-ids --exclude="workspace" root@<SOURCE HOST IP>:/var/jenkins_home/worker/ /var/jenkins_home/worker/

Copyright and license

The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.

The Original Code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


European Environment Agency (EU)