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Formol is a Python module which helps format a cheated version of eepp’s plain text format to the real thing.

The main goal of this project is to help create editor/IDE extensions so as to quickly convert an ordinary programming language block comment, a Git commit message, or a plain text email message to some visually appealing and readable text.

This module offers the simple format() function as well as the format_c_block_comment() and format_prefixed_block_comment() helpers to reformat C/C++ or prefixed block comments.


The goal of Formol is to convert a cheated version of eepp’s plain text format to the actual specified format.

In today’s difficult world, no one wants to find the  character, insert the correct number of heading underline characters, or write and align ordered list item numbers manually. On the other hand, you do want all that stuff for your readers!

For example, given this C comment:

 * = québec poutine
 * Poutine is a beloved dish originating from Québec, Canada. It's famous for its
 * simple yet delicious combination of fries, cheese curds, and gravy.
 * == History
 * Poutine was first created in the late 1950s in rural Québec. Although several small towns claim to have invented it, its exact origins are still a topic
 * of
 * friendly dispute.
 * As Jean Tremblay once said:
 * >>>
 * Poutine is not just a dish; it's a divine experience of taste that transcends the ordinary.
 * Each bite harmonizes the humble potato with rich gravy and spirited cheese curds, embodying the warmth and resilience of Québec itself.
 * >>>
 * == Ingredients
 * Fries:: Thick-cut fries that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
 * Cheese Curds:: Fresh, squeaky cheese curds are essential.
 * Gravy:
 *     A light brown gravy, traditionally made from:
 *     * Chicken
 *     * Veal
 *       ***
 *       Some random code, why not:
 *       ```
 *       def _try_parse_pre(self):
 *           elem = self._try_parse_pre_backticks()
 *       if elem is not None:
 *           return elem
 *       return self._try_parse_pre_backticks()
 *       ```
 *     * Turkey stock
 * == Preparation steps
 * . Prepare the fries:
 *   . Wash and peel the potatoes.
 *     !!!
 *     CAUTION: Peeling potatoes can be risky if not done cautiously.
 *     Using sharp peelers or knives can lead to cuts, especially when tools slip on the slick surface of a potato.
 *     This common kitchen task can also strain the hands and wrists, potentially causing repetitive stress injuries.
 *     Furthermore, failing to wash potatoes before peeling can spread contaminants like:
 *     * Pesticides
 *     * Bacteria
 *     This poses additional health risks.
 *     !!!
 *   . Cut the potatoes into thick strips, approximately 1/2 inch wide.
 *   . Soak the potato strips in cold water for at least an hour to remove excess starch, then drain and pat dry.
 *   . Heat oil in a deep fryer or large pot to 300°F (150°C). Fry the potato strips in batches until they are soft but not browned, about 4-5 minutes per batch.
 *   . Increase the heat to 375°F (190°C) and refry the potatoes until golden and crispy, about 2-3 minutes.
 * . Distribute the hot fries onto a plate or bowl.
 * . Sprinkle fresh cheese curds over the hot fries.
 * . Pour hot gravy over the fries and cheese curds to melt the cheese slightly.
 * == Variations
 * Classic poutine:: The original recipe with just fries, cheese curds, and gravy.
 * Meat lovers poutine:: Includes additional toppings like pulled pork, bacon, or smoked meat.
 * Veggie poutine:: Uses mushroom or vegetable-based gravy and might include other vegetable toppings.
 * == Poutine in Québec culture
 * Poutine is more than just a dish; it's a cultural icon
 * in Québec. It embodies the joie de vivre of the Québécois people and is enjoyed
 * in
 * many settings, from
 * fast food restaurants to fine dining establishments.
 * == Conclusion
 * Whether you enjoy it as a late-night snack or a hearty meal, poutine remains a testament to Québec's rich culinary traditions.

If this whole string is named str, then the result of formol.format_c_block_comment(str) (72 columns by default) is:

 * ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
 * Poutine is a beloved dish originating from Québec, Canada. It's
 * famous for its simple yet delicious combination of fries, cheese
 * curds, and gravy.
 * History
 * ───────
 * Poutine was first created in the late 1950s in rural Québec. Although
 * several small towns claim to have invented it, its exact origins are
 * still a topic of friendly dispute.
 * As Jean Tremblay once said:
 * > Poutine is not just a dish; it's a divine experience of taste that
 * > transcends the ordinary.
 * >
 * > Each bite harmonizes the humble potato with rich gravy and spirited
 * > cheese curds, embodying the warmth and resilience of Québec itself.
 * Ingredients
 * ───────────
 * Fries:
 *     Thick-cut fries that are crispy on the outside and soft on
 *     the inside.
 * Cheese Curds:
 *     Fresh, squeaky cheese curds are essential.
 * Gravy:
 *     A light brown gravy, traditionally made from:
 *     • Chicken
 *     • Veal
 *       ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄
 *       Some random code, why not:
 *           def _try_parse_pre(self):
 *               elem = self._try_parse_pre_backticks()
 *           if elem is not None:
 *               return elem
 *           return self._try_parse_pre_backticks()
 *     • Turkey stock
 * Preparation steps
 * ─────────────────
 * 1. Prepare the fries:
 *    a) Wash and peel the potatoes.
 *       ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 *       │ CAUTION: Peeling potatoes can be risky if not              │
 *       │ done cautiously.                                           │
 *       │                                                            │
 *       │ Using sharp peelers or knives can lead to cuts, especially │
 *       │ when tools slip on the slick surface of a potato.          │
 *       │                                                            │
 *       │ This common kitchen task can also strain the hands and     │
 *       │ wrists, potentially causing repetitive stress injuries.    │
 *       │                                                            │
 *       │ Furthermore, failing to wash potatoes before peeling can   │
 *       │ spread contaminants like:                                  │
 *       │                                                            │
 *       │ • Pesticides                                               │
 *       │ • Bacteria                                                 │
 *       │                                                            │
 *       │ This poses additional health risks.                        │
 *       └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
 *    b) Cut the potatoes into thick strips, approximately 1/2
 *       inch wide.
 *    c) Soak the potato strips in cold water for at least an hour to
 *       remove excess starch, then drain and pat dry.
 *    d) Heat oil in a deep fryer or large pot to 300°F (150°C). Fry the
 *       potato strips in batches until they are soft but not browned,
 *       about 4-5 minutes per batch.
 *    e) Increase the heat to 375°F (190°C) and refry the potatoes until
 *       golden and crispy, about 2-3 minutes.
 * 2. Distribute the hot fries onto a plate or bowl.
 * 3. Sprinkle fresh cheese curds over the hot fries.
 * 4. Pour hot gravy over the fries and cheese curds to melt the
 *    cheese slightly.
 * Variations
 * ──────────
 * Classic poutine:
 *     The original recipe with just fries, cheese curds, and gravy.
 * Meat lovers poutine:
 *     Includes additional toppings like pulled pork, bacon, or
 *     smoked meat.
 * Veggie poutine:
 *     Uses mushroom or vegetable-based gravy and might include other
 *     vegetable toppings.
 * Poutine in Québec culture
 * ─────────────────────────
 * Poutine is more than just a dish; it's a cultural icon in Québec. It
 * embodies the joie de vivre of the Québécois people and is enjoyed in
 * many settings, from fast food restaurants to fine
 * dining establishments.
 * Conclusion
 * ──────────
 * Whether you enjoy it as a late-night snack or a hearty meal, poutine
 * remains a testament to Québec's rich culinary traditions.

An important feature of Formol is that it can (most of the time) consume its own output without changing it (idempotency). This makes it possible to change parts of the formatted text, possibly cheating again, and then reformat it again.

For example, starting with some previous output:

Preparation steps
1. Prepare the fries.

2. Sprinkle fresh cheese curds over the hot fries.

3. Pour hot gravy over the fries and cheese curds to melt the
   cheese slightly.

You may change the heading and add a list item as such:

1. Prepare the fries.
. Distribute the hot fries onto a plate or bowl.

2. Sprinkle fresh cheese curds over the hot fries.

3. Pour hot gravy over the fries and cheese curds to melt the
   cheese slightly.

Then the new result is:

1. Prepare the fries.

2. Distribute the hot fries onto a plate or bowl.

3. Sprinkle fresh cheese curds over the hot fries.

4. Pour hot gravy over the fries and cheese curds to melt the
   cheese slightly.

Install Formol

Formol only requires Python ≥ 3.8.

To install Formol:

$ python3 -m pip install --user formol

See Installing to the User Site to learn more about a user site installation.


Formol is a single module file,, which you can copy as is to your project to use it. has no external dependencies.


Here are the Formol cheats:

First level heading

= salut la gang



You may modify a formatted first level heading and reformat: Formol adjusts the case and the underline length.

For example:

SALUT LA GANG de malades

Second level heading

== Grease guns


Grease guns

You may modify a formatted second level heading and reformat: Formol adjusts the underline length.

For example:



I'm baby tote bag kogi paleo kickstarter. Chillwave crucifix `hot chicken four dollar` toast biodiesel af. Etsy sriracha pickled bodega boys neutra
tattooed schlitz
jianbing neutral milk hotel gentrify health goth `DSA shoreditch`
Bicycle rights distillery sus forage
mlkshk irony helvetica, listicle hoodie.


I'm baby tote bag kogi paleo kickstarter. Chillwave crucifix
`hot chicken four dollar` toast biodiesel af. Etsy sriracha pickled
bodega boys neutra tattooed schlitz jianbing neutral milk hotel gentrify
health goth `DSA shoreditch` slow-carb mustache. Bicycle rights
distillery sus forage mlkshk irony helvetica, listicle hoodie.

Note how there’s no line break in the middle of a literal string (between backticks).


Incididunt officia magna.


Ut deserunt cupidatat exercitation.


Incididunt officia magna.


Ut deserunt cupidatat exercitation.

Unordered list

* Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon shoulder bresaola meatloaf kielbasa. Spare ribs capicola pastrami, hamburger.
* Drumstick spare ribs doner filet mignon beef porchetta shankle chicken.

  Alcatra ground round pork loin ham hock tenderloin chicken rump jowl. Sausage andouille ribeye turkey.

  * Pastrami rump short.
  * Prosciutto jowl alcatra.
  * Leberkas tri-tip brisket.

* Sirloin swine turkey fatback prosciutto t-bone tongue short:

  fn square(num int) int {
    return num * num

  fn main() {


• Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon shoulder bresaola meatloaf kielbasa.
  Spare ribs capicola pastrami, hamburger.

• Drumstick spare ribs doner filet mignon beef porchetta
  shankle chicken.

  Alcatra ground round pork loin ham hock tenderloin chicken rump jowl.
  Sausage andouille ribeye turkey.

  ‣ Pastrami rump short.
  ‣ Prosciutto jowl alcatra.
  ‣ Leberkas tri-tip brisket.

• Sirloin swine turkey fatback prosciutto t-bone tongue short:

      fn square(num int) int {
        return num * num

      fn main() {

You may modify a formatted unordered list: add more * characters if needed so that Formol converts them to bullet points.

For example:

• Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon shoulder bresaola
  meatloaf kielbasa. Spare ribs capicola
  pastrami, hamburger.

• Drumstick spare ribs doner filet mignon beef
  porchetta shankle chicken.

  Alcatra ground round pork loin ham hock tenderloin
  chicken rump jowl. Sausage andouille ribeye turkey.

  ‣ Pastrami rump short.
  ‣ Prosciutto jowl alcatra.
  * Tongue meatball frankfurter strip.
  ‣ Leberkas tri-tip brisket.
* Landjaeger doner ribeye, turkey shoulder
  pancetta beef.

Ordered list

. Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon shoulder bresaola meatloaf kielbasa. Spare ribs capicola pastrami, hamburger.
. Drumstick spare ribs doner filet mignon beef porchetta shankle chicken.

  Alcatra ground round pork loin ham hock tenderloin chicken rump jowl. Sausage andouille ribeye turkey.

  . Pastrami rump short.
  .  Prosciutto jowl alcatra.
  . Leberkas tri-tip brisket.

. Sirloin swine turkey fatback prosciutto t-bone tongue short:

  #define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm
  #define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm_full
  #define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm_opt


1. Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon shoulder bresaola meatloaf kielbasa.
   Spare ribs capicola pastrami, hamburger.

2. Drumstick spare ribs doner filet mignon beef porchetta
   shankle chicken.

   Alcatra ground round pork loin ham hock tenderloin chicken rump jowl.
   Sausage andouille ribeye turkey.

   a) Pastrami rump short.
   b) Prosciutto jowl alcatra.
   c) Leberkas tri-tip brisket.

3. Sirloin swine turkey fatback prosciutto t-bone tongue short:

       #define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm
       #define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm_full
       #define CUSTOM_DEFINE_gcboehm_opt

You may modify a formatted unordered list: add more . characters if needed so that Formol converts them to list item numbers.

For example:

1. Bacon ipsum dolor amet bacon shoulder bresaola
   meatloaf kielbasa. Spare ribs capicola
   pastrami, hamburger.

2. Drumstick spare ribs doner filet mignon beef
   porchetta shankle chicken.

   Alcatra ground round pork loin ham hock tenderloin
   chicken rump jowl. Sausage andouille ribeye turkey.

   a)  Pastrami rump short.
   b) Prosciutto jowl alcatra.
   . Tongue meatball frankfurter strip.
   d) Leberkas tri-tip brisket.

. Landjaeger doner ribeye, turkey shoulder
  pancetta beef.

Definition list

Silken Tofu:: A soft, creamy form of tofu that blends smoothly into soups, desserts, and smoothies due to its high moisture content.
Firm Tofu:
    A denser variety of tofu that holds its shape well, making it ideal for grilling, frying, or stir-frying.

    Firm tofu is a popular type of tofu appreciated for its sturdier texture, which allows it to maintain its shape during cooking.
Tofu Press:
Tofu Mold:
    Specialized utensils designed to aid in the making and processing of tofu, enhancing its texture and culinary versatility.


Silken Tofu:
    A soft, creamy form of tofu that blends smoothly into soups,
    desserts, and smoothies due to its high moisture content.

Firm Tofu:
    A denser variety of tofu that holds its shape well, making it ideal
    for grilling, frying, or stir-frying.

    Firm tofu is a popular type of tofu appreciated for its sturdier
    texture, which allows it to maintain its shape during cooking.

Tofu Press:
Tofu Mold:
    Specialized utensils designed to aid in the making and processing of
    tofu, enhancing its texture and culinary versatility.


Montana, known as the "Big Sky Country," is a state that offers vast and picturesque landscapes. Here are three key highlights:

* Glacier National Park
* Battle of Little Bighorn Site
* Fly Fishing


> Montana, known as the "Big Sky Country," is a state that offers vast
> and picturesque landscapes. Here are three key highlights:
> • Glacier National Park
> • Battle of Little Bighorn Site
> • Fly Fishing

You may modify a formatted blockquote: add more > characters as needed.

For example:

> Montana, known as the "Big Sky Country," is a state that offers vast
> and picturesque landscapes. Here are three key highlights:
> Consequat ut cillum sunt nisi adipisicing nulla ut minim dolore aliqua dolore.
> • Glacier National Park
> • Battle of Little Bighorn Site
> * One more thing...
> • Fly Fishing

Admonition box

IMPORTANT: Be aware of the changing tides and strong currents that can swiftly turn
a peaceful day at the beach into a dangerous situation.

Before taking a dip, make sure to check the local tide schedules and swim in designated areas with lifeguards present.


│ IMPORTANT: Be aware of the changing tides and strong currents that │
│ can swiftly turn a peaceful day at the beach into a                │
│ dangerous situation.                                               │
│                                                                    │
│ Before taking a dip, make sure to check the local tide             │
│ schedules and swim in designated areas with lifeguards present.    │

You may modify a formatted admonition box: modify the existing lines or add new lines without dealing with box drawing characters.

The first content line must start with one of:



  • NOTE: 

  • TIP: 


Each new content line must start with two spaces.

For example:

│ IMPORTANT: Be aware of the changing tides and strong  │
│ currents that can swiftly turn a wonderful day at the  │
│ beach into a dangerous situation.                     │
│           │
│ Before taking a dip, make sure to:

  * Check local weather and tide reports.
  * Use proper safety gear.
  * Never swim alone.

These precautions can help you enjoy water-related activities safely while respecting the power of nature's changing conditions.

Preformatted text

Two ways:


Here's some code for you:

if (idx < vec.size() - 1) {
    vec[idx] = std::move(vec.back());



Here's some code for you:

    if (idx < vec.size() - 1) {
        vec[idx] = std::move(vec.back());


Here's some code for you:

    if (idx < vec.size() - 1) {
        vec[idx] = std::move(vec.back());



Here's some code for you:

    if (idx < vec.size() - 1) {
        vec[idx] = std::move(vec.back());



I am convinced that you’ll find yourself in situations where the output of Formol isn’t what you expect. If so, please create a corresponding GitHub issue. In the meantime, just fix the output manually.

Formol ignores some input lines, keeping them as is, namely:

  • Any line which starts with a link reference number, for example:

  • Except for an existing admonition box, any line which starts with one of the following box drawing characters:

    │ ┃ ┆ ┇ ┊ ┋ ┌ ┍ ┎ ┏ └ ┕ ┖ ┗ ├ ┝ ┞ ┟ ┠ ┡ ┢ ┣ ╎ ╏ ║ ╒ ╓ ╔ ╘ ╙ ╚ ╞ ╟ ╠ ╽ ╿

    This makes it possible to add tables and general boxes at the paragraph level (no special indentation).


To run the tests:

$ poetry install
$ poetry run pytest


Plain text beautifier






No packages published
