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Pumbaa uses the Simba make based builds system to build application and upload it to the baord. The Arduino IDE can be used to build and upload the interactive interpreter example and write python scripts to file on the board.

arduino Arduino IDE

Install Pumbaa in the Arduino IDE 1.6.10 as a third party board using the Boards Manager.

  1. Open File -> Preferences.
  2. Add these URL:s to Additional Boards Manager URLs (click on the icon to the right of the text field) and press OK.
  3. Open Tools -> Board: ... -> Boards Manager... and type pumbaa in the search box.
  4. Click on Pumbaa by Erik Moqivst version x.y.z and click Install and press Close.
  5. Open Tools -> Board: ... -> Boards Manager... and select one of the Pumbaa boards in the list.
  6. Open File -> Examples -> Pumbaa -> interactive.
  7. Select the Arduino serial port at Tools -> Port: ....
  8. Open Tools -> Serial Monitor and change the baudrate to 38400 in the bottom right corner.
  9. Verify and upload the sketch to your device.
  10. Done!

simba Simba build system

The Simba development environment can be installed on Windows (Cygwin) and Linux (Ubuntu 14). Just follow the steps below and you'll be up and running in no time. =)

Windows (Cygwin)

Download Cygwin and select the following packages for installation:

- gcc-core          (Devel -> gcc-core)
- make              (Devel -> make)
- python            (Python -> python)
- python-setuptools (Python -> python-setuptools)
- git               (Devel -> git)
- doxygen           (Devel -> doxygen)

Start Cygwin and execute the one-liner below to install Pumbaa.

$ mkdir pumbaa && \
  cd pumbaa && \
  easy_install-2.7 pip && \
  pip install pyserial pyelftools xpect readchar sphinx breathe && \
  git clone && \
  git clone --recursive

Linux (Ubuntu 14)

Execute the one-liner below to install Pumbaa.

$ mkdir pumbaa && \
  cd pumbaa && \
  sudo apt install ckermit valgrind cppcheck cloc python python-pip doxygen git lcov && \
  sudo apt install bossa-cli gcc-arm-none-eabi && \
  sudo apt install make unrar autoconf automake libtool gcc g++ gperf \
                       flex bison texinfo gawk ncurses-dev libexpat-dev \
                       python-serial sed libtool-bin && \
  sudo pip install pyserial pyelftools xpect sphinx breathe sphinx_rtd_theme && \
  git clone --recursive