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About Me

pub 2048R/438B687C
Key fingerprint = 6FD7 43E7 DE5E 9F78 048D A30D B013 356A 438B 687C
uid Elizabeth Ferdman <>

Hello, my name is Liz and I study programming and web development in Berkeley, CA. After graduating from UC Berkeley with a degree in English in 2014, I stumbled upon a YouTube course by Stanford called "Programming Fundamentals in Java" and became obsessed with writing code! Throughout my web development journey I've used sites such as Udacity, FreeCodeCamp, Workshoppers, Dash, and Codecademy.

I use Debian and I'm passionate about Free and Open Source Software. I like using bash, python, java, vi, and jekyll. I'm applying to the Linux Kernel and Debian projecs for Round 13 of Outreachy 2016.

When I'm not writing code, I'm teaching, writing, hiking in the Bay Area, traveling, or eating chocolate pudding.

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