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Added generator for Exprs
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effectfully committed Apr 8, 2019
2 parents 64e5c3c + 58ac4d3 commit 438e8c9
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Showing 5 changed files with 227 additions and 15 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions boolean/TinyLang/Boolean/Core.hs
Expand Up @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ import TinyLang.Var

data UnOp
= Not
deriving (Show, Read, Generic)
deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Eq)

data BinOp
= Or
| And
| Xor
deriving (Show, Read, Generic)
deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Eq)

-- TODO:
-- 1. pretty-printing
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ data Expr
| EIf Expr Expr Expr
| EAppUnOp UnOp Expr
| EAppBinOp BinOp Expr Expr
deriving (Show, Generic)
deriving (Show, Generic, Eq)

instance Monad m => Serial m UnOp
instance Monad m => Serial m BinOp
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192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions boolean/TinyLang/Boolean/Generator.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
module TinyLang.Boolean.Generator
) where

import Control.Monad
import Test.QuickCheck
import TinyLang.Boolean.Core
import TinyLang.Boolean.Parser
import TinyLang.Boolean.Printer
import TinyLang.Var

We can't use String as the type of variable names in generators for
expressions because then it's probable that the variables occurring
in a randomly generated expression will all be distinct, which is
unrealistic. Also we have to conform to the concrete syntax, and
deal sensibly with Unique IDs in some way.
To deal with these issues we parameterise the expression generator
over a list of Vars, and the variables appearing in the expression
will be chosen uniformly from this list using QuickCheck's
'elements'. It's OK to have repeated variables: the more often a
variable appears in the list, the more often it's likely to appear
in a random expression (but note that repeated Vars should be exactly
the same, including the Uniqe ID).
Variable names should be of the form [a-z][a-z0-9]* if they're going
to be printed and fed to the parser.

type VarName = String

-- | A convenience method to convert a list of Strings into a list of
-- Vars. The variables are given unique serial numbers 1,2,3,...,
-- which means that multiple occurrences of the same name will yield
-- different Vars: this may or may not be what you want.
makeVars :: [VarName] -> [Var]
makeVars = zipWith (\index name -> Var (Unique index) name) [1..]

-- | A list of default variables for convenience.
defaultVars :: [Var]
defaultVars = makeVars ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"]

-- | Generator for values
arbitraryValue :: Gen Bool
arbitraryValue = arbitrary

-- | Generator for variables, choosing from the given list.
arbitraryVar :: [Var] -> Gen Var
arbitraryVar = elements

-- | Generator for unary operators. We only have one at the moment,
-- so this is kind of trivial: it's easily extensible though.
arbitraryUnOp :: Gen UnOp
arbitraryUnOp = elements [Not]

-- | Generator for binary operators.
arbitraryBinOp :: Gen BinOp
arbitraryBinOp = elements [And, Xor, Or]

-- | Generator for atoms (expressions with no subexpressions): EVal or EVar.
arbitraryAtom :: [Var] -> Gen Expr
arbitraryAtom vars = oneof [EVal <$> arbitraryValue, EVar <$> (arbitraryVar vars)]

{-| Generate an arbiratry expression of maximum size 'size' containing
the variables supplied in 'vars'.
If we use 'elements' to choose uniformly from the five constructors of
Expr then 40% of the time we get an atom so the trees aren't very
deep (indeed, 40% of the time they only have a single node). We
use 'frequency' instead, and the chosen frequencies give us an
atom twice out of every 17 atttempts: this makes the trees quite
deep and bushy.
Depending on the use case, it might be worth adjusting the frequencies.
Note that the 'size' parameter is an upper bound on the number of
nodes, not the depth of the tree. This works better with
QuickCheck's handling of sizes. For testing QuickCheck uses a
default size of 100, and generating trees of depth 100 would be
You probably won't get up to the size bound most of the time since
that would require almost all of the nodes to be non-atoms. Some
quick tests suggest that if you supply a bound of 100,000 then
samples are often of size 10000-35000 but seldom larger, so we're
at least getting the right order of magnitude.
To change the size while testing you can do things like
quickCheckWith stdArgs {maxSize=10000} prop_checkparse
See the QuickCheck documentation for the 'Args' type for
more information.

boundedAbritraryExpr :: [Var] -> Int -> Gen Expr
boundedAbritraryExpr vars size =
if size <= 1 then
arbitraryAtom vars
frequency [ (1, EVal <$> arbitraryValue)
, (1, EVar <$> arbitraryVar vars)
, (5, EAppUnOp <$> arbitraryUnOp <*> subexpr1)
, (5, EAppBinOp <$> arbitraryBinOp <*> subexpr2 <*> subexpr2)
, (5, EIf <$> subexpr3 <*> subexpr3 <*> subexpr3)
where subexpr1 = boundedAbritraryExpr vars (size-1)
subexpr2 = boundedAbritraryExpr vars (size `div` 2)
subexpr3 = boundedAbritraryExpr vars (size `div` 3)

-- | A default generator: defaultVars is defined above.
-- This is used in the Arbitrary instance for Expr below,
-- but you can also call it (or boundedAbritraryExpr) manually.
defaultArbitraryExpr :: Int -> Gen Expr
defaultArbitraryExpr = boundedAbritraryExpr defaultVars

{- A simple shrinker. If we get a failing example then it just tries
all of the subexpressions. This will produce a minimal example if,
for example we do something like printing with Unique IDs but parsing
without them (because our test compares names but not IDs, so we'll
be getting things like "b_2" == "b"). If this isn't good enough, we
could also try things like shrinking subexpressions or replacing
individual subtrees with atoms in failing cases.
shrinkExpr :: Expr -> [Expr]
shrinkExpr (EAppUnOp op e) = [e]
shrinkExpr (EAppBinOp op e1 e2) = [e1, e2]
shrinkExpr (EIf e e1 e2) = [e,e1,e2]
shrinkExpr (EVal _) = [] -- Can't shrink an atom
shrinkExpr (EVar _) = []

{-| An instance of Arbitrary for Expr. QuickCheck will use this for
testing properties. In the QuickCheck API documentationI couldn't
see any way to run tests using a specified generator and shrinker
without using an instance , but maybe I didn't look closely enough.
See the note about 'quickCheckWith' above for how to change the size
bound while running tests.
instance Arbitrary Expr
where arbitrary = sized defaultArbitraryExpr
shrink = shrinkExpr

-- Since we've got a generator, let's use it to test the parser and printer.

-- We want to check that printing then parsing is the identity, but in
-- general it won't be because the Uniques in the variables will change.
-- Let's get round that by setting all the IDs to 0.
-- I'm sure there's a fancy Haskell way to do this, but it's not hard to
-- do it the old-fashioned way.

forgetID :: Var -> Var
forgetID v = Var (Unique 0) (_varName v)

forgetIDs :: Expr -> Expr
forgetIDs (EVal b) = EVal b
forgetIDs (EVar v) = EVar (forgetID v)
forgetIDs (EAppUnOp op e) = EAppUnOp op (forgetIDs e)
forgetIDs (EAppBinOp op e1 e2) = EAppBinOp op (forgetIDs e1) (forgetIDs e2)
forgetIDs (EIf e e1 e2) = EIf (forgetIDs e) (forgetIDs e1) (forgetIDs e2)

prop_checkparse e = let r = parseExpr (toStringNoIDs e)
in case r of
Left _ -> False
Right f -> forgetIDs f == forgetIDs e

-- A couple of functions for checking the output of generators
nodes :: Expr -> Int
nodes (EVal b) = 1
nodes (EVar v) = 1
nodes (EAppUnOp op e) = 1 + nodes e
nodes (EAppBinOp op e1 e2) = 1 + nodes e1 + nodes e2
nodes (EIf e e1 e2) = 1 + nodes e + nodes e1 + nodes e2

depth :: Expr -> Int
depth (EVal b) = 1
depth (EVar v) = 1
depth (EAppUnOp op e) = 1 + depth e
depth (EAppBinOp op e1 e2) = 1 + max (depth e1) (depth e2)
depth (EIf e e1 e2) = 1 + max (depth e) (max (depth e1) (depth e2))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion boolean/TinyLang/Boolean/Parser.hs
Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ expr1 = valExpr <|> varExpr <|> parens expr

-- expr: full expressions
expr :: Parser Expr
expr = ifExpr <|> operExpr
expr = operExpr <|> ifExpr

-- operExpr: expressions involving unary and binary operators
operExpr :: Parser Expr
Expand Down
40 changes: 29 additions & 11 deletions boolean/TinyLang/Boolean/Printer.hs
@@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
module TinyLang.Boolean.Printer (toString)
module TinyLang.Boolean.Printer
) where

import TinyLang.Boolean.Core
import TinyLang.Boolean.Environment (lookupVar)
import TinyLang.Var

-- | TODO: make it configurable whether printed variable names include their Unique serial number
-- | Variable names are equipped with Unique identifiers. The
-- PrintStyle type determines whether printed variable names include
-- these or not ("x_5" versus "x"). If we're going to re-parse the
-- output of toString we probably don't want the IDs.
data PrintStyle = WithIDs | NoIDs

toStringVar :: PrintStyle -> Var -> String
toStringVar NoIDs (Var _ name) = name
toStringVar WithIDs v = show v -- or explicitly tell it what to do?

toStringUnOp :: UnOp -> String
toStringUnOp Not = "not "
Expand All @@ -22,14 +32,22 @@ isSimple (EVar _) = True
isSimple _ = False

-- Convert to string (with enclosing () if necessary)
toString1 :: Expr -> String
toString1 e = if isSimple e then toString e else "(" ++ toString e ++ ")"
toString1 :: PrintStyle -> Expr -> String
toString1 s e = if isSimple e then toString s e else "(" ++ toString s e ++ ")"

-- Main function
toString :: Expr -> String
toString (EVal b) = if b then "T" else "F"
toString (EVar v) = _varName v
toString (EIf e e1 e2) = "if " ++ toString1 e ++ " then " ++ toString1 e1 ++ " else " ++ toString1 e2
toString (EAppUnOp op e) = toStringUnOp op ++ toString1 e
toString (EAppBinOp op e1 e2) = toString1 e1 ++ toStringBinOp op ++ toString1 e2
toString :: PrintStyle -> Expr -> String
toString s (EVal b) = if b then "T" else "F"
toString s (EVar v) = toStringVar s v
toString s (EAppUnOp op e) = toStringUnOp op ++ toString1 s e
toString s (EAppBinOp op e1 e2) = toString1 s e1 ++ toStringBinOp op ++ toString1 s e2
toString s (EIf e e1 e2) = "if " ++ toString1 s e ++ " then " ++ toString1 s e1 ++ " else " ++ toString1 s e2

-- | Convert an Expr to a String, ignoring Unique IDs in variable names
toStringNoIDs :: Expr -> String
toStringNoIDs = toString NoIDs

-- | Convert an Expr to a String, including Unique IDs in variable names
toStringWithIDs :: Expr -> String
toStringWithIDs = toString WithIDs
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions tiny-lang.cabal
Expand Up @@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ library
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5,
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