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The foundation js bridge for efte projects, it provides js bridges that used in webview or browser (when you do local development).


Use cortex CLI tool to install efte.

$ cortex install efte --save

Require efte in the js you will use it.

var Efte = require('efte');

API Base

Common api for efte

- send_message

send_message Efte.send_message(method, args, callback) JS call native method with args, and will callback with the native JSON result.

  • method: String, eg: 'ajax'
  • args: Object, eg: {}
  • callback: Function
Efte.send_message('ajax', {
  method: 'GET',
  url: '',
  data: {}
}, function (xhr) {

- publish

publish Efte.publish(name, value) Use to pushlish message to other page. Always use with subscribe.

  • name: String, must a uniq string identifier in an App, eg: 'unit-m-customer-add-customer'
  • value: Object, JSON object, Android limit size 30KB.
Efte.publish('unit-m-customer-add-customer', {
  customerName: '小肥羊',
  bizType: 1,

- subscribe

subscribe Efte.subscribe(name, callback) Use to receive message from publish.

  • name: String, must a uniq string identifier in an App, eg: 'unit-m-customer-add-customer'
  • callback: Function, call with received JSON object message.
Efte.subscribe('unit-m-customer-add-customer', function (customer) {

- setTitle

setTitle Efte.setTitle(title) Set page title, it will show on header.

  • title: String


open, path, query, modal, animate) Open a new webview to load {unit}/{path}?query.

  • unit: String, unit name.
  • path: String, page path. eg: 'src/index'.
  • query: Object, query params, default {}.
  • modal: Boolean, open like modal, slide from bottom to top, default false.
  • animate: Boolean, open with animate, default true.'unit-m-home', 'src/home', { bu: '交易平台' });

- action.back

back Efte.action.back(animate) Close current webview.

  • animate: Boolean, default true.

- action.dismiss

dismiss Efte.action.dismiss(animate) Close current modal webview.

  • animate: Boolean, default true.

- action.openUrl

openUrl Efte.action.openUrl(url, modal, animate) Open a new webview to load url.

  • url: String
  • modal: Boolean, open like modal, slide from bottom to top, default false.
  • animate: Boolean, open with animate, default true.

- action.get

get Efte.action.get(callback) Get the query params previous page pass

  • callback: Function, called with params query

    query: Object, default {}

Efte.action.get(function (query) {

- action.reloadPage

reloadPage Efte.action.reloadPage() Reload current page.

- getAppVersion

getAppVersion Efte.getAppVersion(callback) Get App version.

  • callback: Function, called with version string.
Efte.getAppVersion(function (version) {


Useful plugins efte.js support currently.

- ajax

ajax Efte.ajax(options) Request by native, no problem with CORS.

options Object

  • method: String, eg: 'GET | POST | PUT | DELETE'.
  • url: String, eg: ''.
  • data: Object, JSON object.
  • success: Function, called with server result.
  • error: Function, called with status and errMsg.
  method: 'GET',
  url: '',
  data: {},
  success: function (data) {},
  error: function (status, errMsg) {

- setBarButtons

setBarButtons Efte.setBarButtons(buttons) Set buttons of top right corner.

  • buttons: Array, [button...]

Button Object

  • button: Object
  • title: String
  • action: Function, handler for user taped the button.
  title: '设置',
  action: function () {

- date

date, callback) Useful Datetime Picker.

  • options: Object, Config for Datetime Picker.
  • callback: Function, called with user picked datetime string

options Object

  • type: String, set Datetime Picker type. eg: 'date | time | datetime(default)'
  • default: String, set default show datetime in Datetime Picker. eg: '2014-11-11 | 12:12:12 | 2014-11-11 12:12:12(default)'
  • minuteInterval: Integer, must divide exactly by 60, set the minute step of Datetime Picker.
  • minDate: Integer, set the min indate, milliseconds start at 1970. eg: 1402012800000
  • maxDate: Integer, set the max indate, milliseconds start at 1970. eg: 1414569430214{
  type: 'date',
  default: '2014-12-12'
}, function (date) {

- geo.getCurrentPosition

getCurrentPosition Efte.geo.getCurrentPosition(success, error) Get current geo coords like { lng: 121.4268740794 , lat: 31.2202555095 }.

  • success: Function, call when get coords successfully.
  • error: Function, call when get coords failed.
Efte.geo.getCurrentPosition(function (coords) {
  console.log('经度: ' + coords.lng + ', 纬度: ' +;
}, function (errMsg) {

- takePhoto

takePhoto Efte.takePhoto(callback) Pick photo from photo gallary or camera;

  • callbck: Function, called with photoInfo.

PhotoInfo Object

  • name: String, photo name at gallary.
Efte.takePhoto(function (photo) {

- takePhotoByName

takePhotoByName Efte.takePhotoByName(name, callback, fail) Get photo info by name.

  • name: String, photo name, returned by takePhoto.
  • callback: Function, call with photoInfo.

PhotoInfo Object

  • name: String, photo name at gallary.
Efte.takePhotoByName('ime.png', functioin (photo) {
}, function (errMsg) {

- showPhoto

showPhoto Efte.showPhoto(photo, onDelete) Show large photo.

  • photo: PhotoInfo
  • onDelete: Function, delete callback.

PhotoInfo Object

  • url: String, full size image url.
  • editable: Boolean, exactly deletable.
  url: '',
  editable: true
}, function () {
  // delete in the photos

- enableRefresh

enableRefresh Efte.enableRefresh() Enable pull down refresh. Need be called before use startRefresh

- startRefresh

startRefresh Override this function, it will be called when user pull down the webview.

Efte.startRefresh = function () {
  // refresh data and update DOM


- stopRefresh

stopRefresh Efte.stopRefresh() Use to stop refresh at the end of startRefresh.

Efte.startRefresh = function () {
  // refresh data and update DOM


- multilevelFromResource

multilevelFromResource Efte.multilevelFromResource(unit, path, values, callback) A selector for deep level data.

  • unit: String, unit name. eg: 'unit-m-name'
  • path: String, path of json resource, not only support .json file, but also other file extentions, just data can be JSON.parse.
  • values: Array, default selected values of each level. eg: [1, 2, 3]
  • callback: Function, called after user finish selected each level with selected items.

JsonResource Array Array of items.

Item Object

  • text: String.
  • value: Integer.
  • children: Array, same as JsonResource.
// src/resource/city.json
    "text": "上海",
    "value": 1,
    "children": [
        "text": "卢湾区",
        "value": 1
      }, {
        "text": "徐汇区",
        "value": 2
    "text": "北京",
    "value": 2,
    "children": [
        "text": "朝阳区",
        "value": 14
      }, {
        "text": "东城区",
        "value": 15
Efte.multilevelFromResource('unit-m-name', 'src/resource/city.json', [1, 2], function (items) {

- multilevel

multilevel Efte.multilevel(options, values, callback) A selector for deep level data. Same as multilevelFromResource.

  • options: Array, same as JsonResource
  • values: Array, default selected values of each level. eg: [1, 2, 3]
  • callback: Function, called after user finish selected each level with selected items.
    "text": "上海",
    "value": 1,
    "children": [
        "text": "卢湾区",
        "value": 1
      }, {
        "text": "徐汇区",
        "value": 2
    "text": "北京",
    "value": 2,
    "children": [
        "text": "朝阳区",
        "value": 14
      }, {
        "text": "东城区",
        "value": 15
], [1, 2], function (items) {


The foundation js for efte projects







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