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Egbert edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 3 revisions

Easy-Admin DNS

DNS Configuration Concept

The ways that Easy-Admin provides for ISC Bind9 DNS are:

  • named.conf generation
    • logging clause
    • RNDC controls clause and security settings
  • zone database file generation

Features #feature

With both named.conf and zone database configuration file generator, it supports the following features:

  • Split-Horizon DNS server
  • Bastion DNS Server
  • Hidden-Primary (formerly known as Hidden-Master) DNS
  • OpenPGPKey
  • Autodiscover/Autoconfig - let remote mail clients find your mail (SMTP/IMAP4/POP3 and its TLS variants) servers

CISecurity Settings

For those who are familiar with CISecurity and their recommended hardening procedures of ISC Bind9, I have added a read-only script to do just that. More details in CISecurity - ISC Bind9 DNS.