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Raven Game Framework

2D game framework written in C# that is designed to be easy to use, but still enforces good practices. This is based off of the Starling/Sparrow projects. The idea is to make putting graphics on the screen extremely easy, along with handling input, audio, and physics. Originally this project was called "Egg82LibEnhanced" but I scrapped both the project and the title as both were terrible.


More examples available in the "Test" project

Input (Keyboard, Mouse, DXInput)

The input engine uses events and also stores states at the same time. This means you can have your input handling be either event-driven or update-driven. The choice is yours!

ServiceLocator.ProvideService(typeof(InputEngine)); // Also available: NullInputEngine & LoggingInputEngine
IInputEngine inputEngine = ServiceLocator.GetService<IInputEngine>();
Window window = new Window(800, 600, "Input"); // Window is required for keyboard/mouse since that's what traps the events


// Event-driven
inputEngine.Mouse.MouseMove += OnMouseMove;
inputEngine.Controllers.TriggerPressed += OnTriggerPressed;
inputEngine.Keyboard.KeyDown += OnKeyDown;
// Update-driven
if (
    inputEngine.Keyboard.IsAnyKeyDown(Key.A, Key.Left)
    || inputEngine.Controllers.IsAnyCodeFlagged(0, (int) XboxButtonCode.Left, (int) XboxStickCode.LeftW)
) {
if (inputEngine.Keyboard.AreAllKeysDown(Key.S, Key.C, Key.R, Key.T)) {


do {
    inputEngine.UpdateControllers(); // Controller/DXInput events
    window.UpdateWindow(); // Keyboard/Mouse/Window events & Window properties
} while (true); // In reality you'll likely want to stop this when the last Window is closed

Audio (NAudio)

ServiceLocator.ProvideService(typeof(AudioEngine)); // Also available: NullAudioEngine & LoggingAudioEngine
IAudioEngine audioEngine = ServiceLocator.GetService<IAudioEngine>();
IAudio audio = audioEngine.Add("example", AudioType.Music, AudioFormat.MP3, File.ReadAllBytes("music.mp3"));
audio.Play(true); // True = Repeat, False = Play only once


IAudio audio = audioEngine.Get("example");
audio.Volume = 0.15d;


Stream micStream = new MemoryStream();
audioEngine.StartRecording(ref micStream);

Graphics (SFML)

Window window = new Window(800, 600, "Graphics", SFML.Window.Styles.Default, false);
window.AddState(new GraphicsState()); // Anything that extends State


// In GraphicsState
private Raven.Display.Sprite ball = new Raven.Display.Sprite();

protected override void Enter() {
    // Optional image
    ball.Texture = new Texture(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "graphics" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "ball.png");
    // Optional graphics, drawn directly onto the screen
    ball.Graphics.DrawEllipse(new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Red, 1.0f), 0.0d, 0.0d, ball.Width - 1.0d, ball.Height - 1.0d); // Taking into account the line width
    // Setting the TransformOffset so it rotates at its center
    ball.TransformOffset.X = ball.Width / 2.0d;
    ball.TransformOffset.Y = ball.Height / 2.0d;

public override void Update(double deltaTime) {
    ball.Rotation += 1.0d * deltaTime;
    ball.X += 0.2d * deltaTime;

Physics (Farseer)

Coming soon!

Mod/Plugin Support

Coming soon!

Musc Utilities/Tools

Update Loop

Automatically loops an arbitrary function in a new thread around a particular framerate. It constantly adjusts itself to better guarantee a stable and more accurate FPS.

UpdateDeltaLoop updateLoop = new UpdateDeltaLoop(delegate(double deltaTime) {
    ServiceLocator.GetService<IInputEngine>()?.UpdateControllers(); // Update controllers
    foreach (Window w in windows) {
        w.UpdateWindow(); // Update mouse/keyboard & fire events
        w.UpdateStates(deltaTime); // Update any states (and their child DisplayObjects) attached to the window
}, 120.0d); // Update framerate


A thread that has an affinity for a particular processor core. Use sparingly, as generally the OS knows better.

AffinityThread updateThread = new AffinityThread(threadStart);
updateThread.ProcessorCore = 1;


QuadTrees come as part of the Window. Simply add any DisplayObject to it and you're off! It'll automatically re-calculate moved objects.

// In any State
// Don't actually need width/height if you just want to get objects under a point
ImmutableList<DisplayObject> objects = Window.QuadTree.Query(searchX, searchY, searchWidth, searchHeight);
foreach (DisplayObject obj in objects) {
    // Do something

Perlin/Simplex Noise

1D and 2D noise functions for everything from camera shakes to terrain generation and beyond!

INoise noise = new SimplexNoise(seed); // Or PerlinNoise
noise.Scale = intensity;
camera.Shake(noise.CalculateAll(x, width));


2D game framework written in C# that is designed to be easy to use, but still enforces good practices







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