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Build/Provision dedicated minecraft servers with forge mod support in seconds


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Build/Provision dedicated minecraft servers with forge mod support in seconds.

How this project came to be

I began work on minutemen when I offered to host a small modded minecraft server for some friends and I. I was unimpressed with the current opensource offerings I found online so I decided to build my own. Most of the scripts/tutorials I found on forums/blogs either went against Linux best practices or went as far as suggesting screen in lieu of a named pipe and proper init system. I found these solutions to be unacceptable.


  • Written 100% in Bash 💪 Depends only on common Linux utilities; no additional languages required
  • Designed to be rerunnable with no repercussions
  • Built with security in mind
  • Supports Fedora and Ubuntu. If your distro of choice isn't compatible make an issue.
  • Utilizes Systemd
  • Does NOT depend on screen; instead named pipes are used
  • Supports multiple concurrent minecraft servers on a single host
  • Supports multiple versions of ForgeMod. Each instance can run a different version.


Quick and Dirty

curl | bash is indefensible. Just because the transport is over HTTPS doesn't guarantee the content hasn't been maliciously modified on the server. It also doesn't guarantee that you won't receive a partial download that happens to stop at some inopportune time.

curl | bash

The Proper Way

git clone
cd minutemen
./ -v -e 28.1.0

Note: Checkout manifest.json to see all supported forgemod versions. Other versions can be added with minimum effort.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Run the help utility for more info
./ -h
  1. Override jvm max heap size in megabytes
./ -m 4096M
  1. Have you created a monster and don't know what to do?

Delete the main installation folder and rerun

rm -rf /opt/minecraft
  1. Kill instance

Warning: You run the risk of data loss. Can you use systemctl stop minutemen@<uuid>?

systemctl kill -s SIGKILL minutemen@<uuid>
  1. If you're running multiple builds place the forge installer jar in /opt/minecraft/.cache to reduce network activity. The .jar is cached after the first install.



  1. If you add mods (i.e. .jar) to /opt/minecraft/instances/<uuid>/mods or /opt/minecraft/.forgemods be sure to set permissions
chown -R mminecraft:mminecraft /opt/minecraft/.forgemods
# or
chown -R mminecraft:mminecraft /opt/minecraft/instances/<uuid>/mods/
  1. Mods placed in /opt/minecraft/.forgemods will be automatically be installed


  1. Generate a password with the following command:
#Tested againt mkpasswd 5.5.3 on Fedora31
mkpasswd --method=sha512crypt mySuperSecretPassword

Tip: Run mkpasswd --method=help to print all the available encryption algorthims. SHA-512 is by far the strongest provided by mkpasswd.

  1. For example if you'd like user: mminecraft to have password: HelloWorld you'd run:
mkpasswd --method=sha512crypt HelloWorld

mkpasswd will return the following:


Note: By default mkpasswd salts the string. So each time you run mkpasswd you'll get a different hash by design.

  1. Pass the hash into as an environment variable
MC_USER_PASSWORD_HASH='$6$RN.HLGL5BosPQ2ZS$kVfGYi709anfOLAn7Hc18zwTfhRhwEcLfSMvhKl2yVU1wIJV4P4sJTheebx8BMpzr0HWl/cIsp3GK8FO670v9.' ./


  1. The forge installer stdout is saved to /opt/minecraft/log/<uuid>

  2. View process details

systemctl status minutemen@<uuid>
  1. View logs that would typically be printed to stdout
journalctl -u minutemen@<uuid>.service -f

Console Commands

To run the following commands you'll need to authenticate as mminecraft

su - mminecraft
├── backup
├── backup-restore
├── cmd
├── save
├── start
└── stop
  1. backup
  • Summary: Copies /opt/minecraft/instances/<uuid> directory and saves it to /opt/minecraft/backups/<uuid> as <epoch-time>.tar.gz
  • Example: /opt/minecraft/bin/backup <uuid>
  1. backup-restore
  • Summary: Recover from backup.
  • Example: /opt/minecraft/bin/backup-restore <uuid> <epoch-time>
  1. cmd
  • Summary: Execute any console command. See full list here
  • Example: /opt/minecraft/bin/cmd <uuid> say HELLO
  1. save
  • Summary: Executes console command save-all flush.
  • Example: /opt/minecraft/bin/save <uuid>
  1. start
  • Summary: Skip systemd and run the server manually
  • Example: /opt/minecraft/bin/start <uuid>
  1. stop
  • Summary: Executes console command stop
  • Example: /opt/minecraft/bin/stop <uuid>


Build/Provision dedicated minecraft servers with forge mod support in seconds








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