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NoobsEnslaver authored and egobrain committed Jul 5, 2019
1 parent 4f61299 commit f4ea516
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Showing 2 changed files with 216 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ erl_crash.dump
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions src/mql.erl
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@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
%%% @doc
%%% Map query language - DSL to modify maps
%%% @end
-compile({no_auto_import, [apply/2]}).


take(Key, Map) ->
maps:take(Key, Map).


take(Key, Map) ->
case maps:find(Key, Map) of
{ok, Value} ->
{Value, maps:remove(Key, Map)};
error ->

-type key() :: term().
-type value() :: term().
-type action() :: {set, key(), value()}
| {append, key(), value()}
| {remove, key()}
| {ifeq, key(), value(), Then :: [action()], Else :: [action()]}
| {ifeq, key(), value(), Then :: [action()]}
| {ifset, key(), Then :: [action()], Else :: [action()]}
| {ifset, key(), Then :: [action()]}
| {ifdef, key(), Then :: [action()], Else :: [action()]}
| {ifdef, key(), Then :: [action()]}
| {rename, [{From :: key(), To :: key()}]}
| {rename, From :: key(), To :: key()}
| {with, key() | [key()]}
| {without, key() | [key()]}
| {replace_all, From :: value(), To :: value()}
| {remove_all, value()}.
%% @doc
%% Apply actions to modify map.
%% @end
-spec apply([action()], map()) -> map().
apply([], Map) ->

%% append Value to list from Map:Key
apply([{append, Key, Value} | Rest], Map) ->
apply(Rest, Map#{Key => [Value | maps:get(Key, Map, [])]});

%% perform Map#{Key => Value}
apply([{set, Key, Value} | Rest], Map) ->
apply(Rest, Map#{Key => Value});

%% remove Key from map
apply([{remove, Key} | Rest], Map) ->
apply(Rest, maps:remove(Key, Map));

%% apply actions list Apply only if Key exists in Map and equal to Val
%% else apply ApplyElse actions list if presented
apply([{ifeq, Key, Val, Apply} | Rest], Map) ->
apply([{ifeq, Key, Val, Apply, []} | Rest], Map);
apply([{ifeq, Key, Val, Apply, ApplyElse} | Rest], Map) ->
case maps:find(Key, Map) of
{ok, Val} -> apply(Apply ++ Rest, Map);
_ -> apply(ApplyElse ++ Rest, Map)

%% apply actions list Apply only if Key exists in Map and not 'undefined' or 'null'
%% else apply ApplyElse actions list if presented
apply([{ifset, Key, Apply} | Rest], Map) ->
apply([{ifset, Key, Apply, []} | Rest], Map);
apply([{ifset, Key, Apply, ApplyElse} | Rest], Map) ->
case maps:get(Key, Map, undefined) of
undefined -> apply(ApplyElse ++ Rest, Map);
null -> apply(ApplyElse ++ Rest, Map);
_-> apply(Apply ++ Rest, Map)

%% apply actions list Apply only if Key exists in Map
%% else apply ApplyElse actions list if presented
apply([{ifdef, Key, Apply} | Rest], Map) ->
apply([{ifdef, Key, Apply, []} | Rest], Map);
apply([{ifdef, Key, Apply, ApplyElse} | Rest], Map) ->
case maps:is_key(Key, Map) of
true -> apply(Apply ++ Rest, Map);
false-> apply(ApplyElse ++ Rest, Map)

%% rename key From to key To
apply([{rename, FromToList} | Rest], Map) ->
apply([{rename, F,T} || {F,T} <- FromToList] ++ Rest, Map);
apply([{rename, From, To} | Rest], Map) ->
case take(From, Map) of
{Value, Map2} -> apply(Rest, Map2#{To => Value});
_ -> apply(Rest, Map)

%% remove all keys from map, who not presented in list Keys
apply([{with, Keys} | Rest], Map) when is_list(Keys) ->
apply(Rest, maps:with(Keys, Map));
apply([{with, Key} | Rest], Map) ->
apply(Rest, maps:with([Key], Map));

%% remove Keys from map
apply([{without, Keys} | Rest], Map) when is_list(Keys) ->
apply(Rest, maps:without(Keys, Map));
apply([{without, Key} | Rest], Map) ->
apply(Rest, maps:without([Key], Map));

%% replace value of all entries of From to To
%% for example: {replace_all, undefined, null}
apply([{replace_all, From, To} | Rest], Map) ->
apply(Rest, maps:map(fun(_,V) when V == From -> To;
(_,V)-> V end, Map));

%% remove all records where value equal to Value
apply([{remove_all, Value} | Rest], Map) ->
apply(Rest, maps:filter(fun(_,V)-> V /= Value end, Map)).

%% --------------- Tests ----------------------------------

complex_test() ->
Map = #{path => "localhost",
body => <<>>,
headers => [],
code => 400,
etag => undefined,
user_key => ok},
Modificators = [{ifdef, path,
[{set, version, 1}],
[{set, version, 2}]},
{ifeq, code, 200,
[{set, status, "OK"}],
[{without, body},
{ifeq, code, 400,
[{set, status, "malformed request"}],
[{set, status, "unexpected error"}]}]},
{ifset, body,
[{append, headers, {"Content-Encoding", "gzip"}},
{append, headers, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}}]},
{with, [path, body, headers, code, version, status, etag]},
{replace_all, undefined, null}
TestMap1 = apply(Modificators, Map),
?assertMatch(#{status := "malformed request",
version := 1,
etag := null,
headers := []}, TestMap1),
?assertNot(maps:is_key(body, TestMap1)),
?assertNot(maps:is_key(user_key, TestMap1)),

TestMap2 = apply([{without, path} | Modificators], Map#{code => 200}),
?assertMatch(#{status := "OK",
version := 2,
body := <<>>,
headers := [{"Content-Type", "application/json"},
{"Content-Encoding", "gzip"}]}, TestMap2).

commands_test_() ->
[?_test(?assertMatch(#{foo := bar}, apply([{set, foo, bar}], #{}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{foo := "ok"}, apply([{append, foo, $k},
{append, foo, $o}], #{}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{bar := 2}, apply([{remove, foo}], #{foo => 1, bar => 2}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := true}, apply([{ifeq, foo, bar,
[{set, result, true}]}], #{foo => bar}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := false}, apply([{ifeq, foo, bar,
[{set, result, true}],
[{set, result, false}]}], #{foo => baz}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := true}, apply([{ifset, foo,
[{set, result, true}],
[{set, result, false}]}], #{foo => bar}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := false}, apply([{ifset, foo,
[{set, result, true}],
[{set, result, false}]}], #{foo => undefined}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := false}, apply([{ifset, foo,
[{set, result, true}]}], #{foo => undefined, result => false}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := false}, apply([{ifset, foo,
[{set, result, true}]}], #{foo => null, result => false}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := true}, apply([{ifset, foo,
[{set, result, true}]}], #{foo => bar, result => false}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := false}, apply([{ifset, foo,
[{set, result, true}]}], #{result => false}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := false}, apply([{ifdef, foo,
[{set, result, true}]}], #{result => false}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := true}, apply([{ifdef, foo,
[{set, result, true}]}], #{foo => undefined, result => false}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := true}, apply([{ifdef, foo,
[{set, result, true}],
[{set, result, false}]}], #{foo => undefined}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := false}, apply([{ifdef, foo,
[{set, result, true}],
[{set, result, false}]}], #{}))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := true}, apply([{rename, foo, result}], #{foo => true}))),
?_test(?assertMatch([foo], maps:keys(apply([{rename, unexisting, bar}], #{foo => true})))),
?_test(?assertMatch(#{result := true}, apply([{rename, [{foo, bar},
{bar, result}]}], #{foo => true}))),
?_test(?assertEqual([foo], maps:keys(apply([{with, foo}], #{foo => 1, bar => 2})))),
?_test(?assertEqual([bar, foo], maps:keys(apply([{with, [foo, bar]}], #{foo => 1, bar => 2})))),
?_test(?assertEqual([bar], maps:keys(apply([{without, foo}], #{foo => 1, bar => 2})))),
?_test(?assertEqual([], maps:keys(apply([{without, [foo, bar]}], #{foo => 1, bar => 2})))),
?_test(?assertEqual([ok, ok], maps:values(apply([{replace_all, undefined, ok}], #{foo => undefined, bar => undefined})))),
?_test(?assertEqual([ok], maps:values(apply([{remove_all, undefined}], #{foo => undefined, bar => ok}))))


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