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\textbf{Non-exclusive licence to reproduce thesis and make thesis public}

I, Egon Elbre (date of birth: July 27, 1988),
	\item herewith grant the University of Tartu a free permit (non-exclusive licence) to:
		\item reproduce, for the purpose of preservation and making available to the public, including for addition to the DSpace digital archives until expiry of the term of validity of the copyright, and
		\item make available to the public via the web environment of the University of Tartu, including via the DSpace digital archives until expiry of the term of validity of the copyright, "Parallel Pattern Discovery", supervised by Jaak Vilo.
	\item I am aware of the fact that the author retains these rights.
	\item I certify that granting the non-exclusive licence does not infringe the intellectual property rights or rights arising from the Personal Data Protection Act.

Tartu, \today


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