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Configure AWS SAM to run serverless applications in your local environment(JAVA/Quarkus)


I will assume that you already have a running Java 11 environment with Maven set up.

You also gonna need to install and set up a GraalVM runtime. The GraalVM can be installed with homebrew:

$ brew install --cask graalvm/tap/graalvm-ce-lts-java11

Now that we have to configure:


Step 1 - Install AWS-CLI

First of all lets install the aws-cli v2.0, follow the commands:

On Linux
$ curl "" -o ""
$ unzip
$ sudo ./aws/install
On MacOS
$ brew install awscli

Now lets check if the instalation was successful by running the following command:

$ aws --version

You should see something like this:

$ aws-cli/2.1.29 Python/3.7.4 ...

You can now configure your aws credentials.

Step 2 - Install SAM-CLI

We can now install the AWS SAM CLI.

On Linux

First lets download the zip file.

Then unzip the installation file

$ unzip -d sam-installation

Install the AWS SAM CLI.

$ sudo ./sam-installation/install
On MacOS
$ pip install aws-sam-cli

Verify the installation

$ sam --version

Step 3 - Install Docker

Now we can install the Docker, so we can run our aws container images locally. You can install Docker by following the official get-docker page.

Setup our JAVA project

After configuring your development environment we can now test a sample application. We can use a Quarkus Maven Archetype, on your cli just put:

$ mvn archetype:generate \
       -DarchetypeGroupId=io.quarkus \
       -DarchetypeArtifactId=quarkus-amazon-lambda-archetype \

Start your Docker:

$ sudo service docker start

Now just run the following command:

$ sam local invoke --template target/sam.jvm.yaml --event payload.json

** If you get the following error from Docker after trying invoke a lambda:

$ ERROR: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock

Grant the following permissions for Docker:

$ sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

If all goes right, you should see something like this as output from your sample lambda function:

{"result":"hello Bill","requestId":"c426ea01-d149-43fa-aed2-b50f36b50506"}

Let's integrate our application with DynamoDB

First let's install the DynamoDB docker imagem:

$ docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local

We also gonna need to create a Docker network so our containers can interact with each other:

$ docker network create sam-demo

After that we can start our DynamoDB container:

$ docker run -d -v "$PWD":/dynamodb_local_db -p 8000:8000 --network sam-demo --name dynamodb amazon/dynamodb-local

Note that we set a --name AND a --network to the container

(Optional) GUI for DynamoDB

$ npm install -g dynamodb-admin

Set up the endpoint on the of the project, pointing to the --name that we previously gave to our DynamoDB docker container, i.e:


Now we can run our application with the following command:

$ sam local invoke --docker-network sam-demo --template target/sam.jvm.yaml --event payload.json


AWS Serverless examples using SAM






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