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API Simple Call

  • Getting Started:

    • get '/api/v1/estates' [index]
    • get '/api/v1/estates/[id]' [Show]
    • post '/api/v1/estates/', Params are required [Create]
    • patch '/api/v1/estates/[id]' Params are required [Update]
    • delete '/api/v1/estates/[id]' [Delete]
  • Searching

    • To Start searching
      • get '/api/v1/estates/search'
    • Use [type='xxxx'] to get all records with specific type.
    • Use [starting_price='xxxx' && ending_price='xxxx'] to get records with pricing range. [You can specify one only also]
    • Use [starting_square='xxxx' && ending_square='xxxx'] to get records with square feet range. [You can specify one only also]
  • Pagination

    • get '/api/v1/estates?page=page_number' [index]
    • get '/api/v1/estates/search?starting_price=xxx&&type=xxxx&&page=page_number' [Search]
  • Testing

    • Model & Controller Tests written with RSpec.
      • For testing: bundle exec rspec
      • Controller Specs are inside spec/requests/
  • After Database Setup & Migration, Keep 'estates.csv' inside the project folder and run 'rails db:seed' to populate data into the database.


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