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Release 0.1.8

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@ehendrix23 ehendrix23 released this 03 Apr 00:16
· 303 commits to master since this release

Release v0.1.8:

- Added GPU hardware accelerated encoding for Mac and PCs with NVIDIA. On Mac it is enabled by default
- Added option to have video from side cameras be shown as if one were to look at it through the mirror (option --mirror). This is now the default
- Added option --rear to show video from side cameras as if one was looking to the rear of the car. This was how it was originally.
- Added option to swap left and right camera in output. Mostly beneficial in FULLSCREEN with --rear option as it then seems like it is from a rear camera
- Added option to speedup (--speedup) or slowdown (--slowdown) the video.
- Added option to provide a different encoder for ffmpeg to use. This is for those more experienced with ffmpeg.
- Now able to handle if a camera file is missing, a black screen will be shown for that duration for the missing file
- For output (--output) one can now also just specify a folder name. The resulting filename will be based on the name of the folder it is then put in
- If there is only 1 video file for merging then will now just rename intermediate (or copy if --keep-intermediate is set).
- The intermediate files (combining of the 3 cameras into 1 video file per minute) will now be written to the output folder if one provided.
- The intermediate files will be deleted once the complete video file is created. This can be disabled through option --keep-intermediate
- Set FULLSCREEN back as the default layout
- Added a default font path for Linux systems
- Fixed (I believe) cygwin path for fonts.
- Help output (-h) will show what default value is for each parameter
- Cleaned up help output
- Added --version to get the version number
- Releases will now be bundled in a ZIP file (Windows) or a DMG file (MacOS) with self-contained executables in them. This means Python does not need to be installed anymore (located on github)
- ffmpeg executable binary for Windows and MacOS added into respective bundle.
- Default path for ffmpeg will be set to same path as tesla_dashcam is located in, if not exist then default will be based that ffmpeg is part of PATH.