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ehmicky committed Sep 26, 2021
1 parent ca435be commit 3a889fd
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Showing 2 changed files with 209 additions and 214 deletions.
207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions src/stats/outliers/indexes.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
import { THRESHOLDS, isOutlier } from './threshold.js'

// When using a single outliers threshold:
// - When there is a small aggregate of measures close to each other in the
// tail
// - As opposed to all measures' frequency increasing progressively as they
// get closer to the mean
// - Then the outliers search either stops or passes that point, depending on
// whether there is a relative lack of outliers after it
// - This creates "stop points" that outliersMin|outliersMax are more likely
// to use
// - This means small changes in measures might lead to high changes in
// outliersMin|outliersMax
// - Those lead to high changes in other stats, especially stdev, mean,
// min and max.
// - This can happen in both directions, for both outliersMin|outliersMax
// We solve this by computing outliersMin|outliersMax with multiple outliers
// thresholds (THRESHOLDS_COUNT) and using their arithmetic mean:
// - Since each outliers threshold reaches those "stop points" at different
// times, using more outliers thresholds softens the problem above
// - We use a "base" outliers threshold (THRESHOLDS_BASE) as average
// - The other outliers thresholds are increasingly higher|lower than it,
// using a constant multiplying factor (THRESHOLDS_FACTOR)
// - The main downside is: wider ranges of outliers thresholds
// (THRESHOLDS_SPREAD) make that "average" less accurate
// - This results in outliersMin|outliersMax being too high or too low
// - On the other side, if the range is too narrow, it will only work with
// smaller "stop points"
export const getThresholdsIndexes = function (quantiles, quantilesCount) {
// eslint-disable-next-line fp/no-mutating-methods
const reversedQuantiles = [...quantiles].reverse()
const outliersLimit = Math.floor(quantilesCount * OUTLIERS_LIMIT)

return THRESHOLDS.reduce(
(thresholdsIndexes, threshold) =>
getThresholdIndexes(thresholdsIndexes, threshold, {
outliersMaxIndex: 0,
outliersMinIndex: 0,
outliersMaxIndexSum: 0,
outliersMinIndexSum: 0,

// Maximum percentage of min|max outliers.
// This is applied independently on outliersMax and outliersMin so they do not
// influence each other.
// A higher value:
// - Is more likely to result in very high outlier percentages on some edge
// cases, for example on a distribution with a continuous, very exponential
// slope.
// - Is more likely to include significant data instead of outliers only.
// A lower value reduces the benefits of outliers removal.
const OUTLIERS_LIMIT = 0.05

// Computes the index where outliers start on each side.
// The main criteria to consider whether a quantile is likely to be an outlier
// or not is:
// - Removing a group of {number} quantiles would divide the width (difference
// between max and min) by {number2}
// - The {number}/{number2} ratio is computed for each quantile. When higher
// than a given fixed threshold, the quantile is considered an outlier.
// Outlier quantiles are removed incrementally:
// - Their width is not taken into account anymore after removal
// - This ensures the final result is the same no matter how wide the
// first|last quantile is
// - Removing two quantiles one after the other should have the same result as
// removing both at once
// - This ensures the final result does not change when:
// - More or less iterations are happening due to slight changes to
// quantiles as more samples are added
// This results in the following algorithm:
// - For a given {number} and {number2}, a quantile is considered an outlier
// regardless of {number3} when it divides the:
// - Max-min width by {number} * {number3}
// - Amount of measures by {number2} * {number3}
// - So, for any {number3}, the result is same when using
// `widthPercentage ** {number3}` and `quantilePercentage ** {number3}`
// - For example, if removing 10% of measures to remove 50% of width is ok,
// then so is doing twice, i.e. 19% of measures for 75% of width
// - `outlierLikehood` computes this by dividing the inverse function of each
// side
// Another way to look at it, this is like:
// 1. Trace an exponential curve on the measures' cdf
// (cumulative distribution function).
// 2. Pick the first quantile over it.
// A higher `OUTLIER_THRESHOLD` creates steeper curves.
// 3. Repeat.
// Removing outliers on either side reduces the total width, which influences
// computing outliers on the other side:
// - Therefore, we need to compute outliersMin|outliersMax's side alternatively
// We use imperative code for performance.
/* eslint-disable fp/no-let, fp/no-loops, fp/no-mutation, no-param-reassign */
const getThresholdIndexes = function (
{ quantiles, reversedQuantiles, quantilesCount, outliersLimit },
) {
let outliersMaxIncrement = 0
let outliersMinIncrement = 0

do {
outliersMaxIncrement = getOutliersIncrement(
quantilesCount - outliersMinIndex,
outliersMaxIndex += outliersMaxIncrement

outliersMinIncrement = getOutliersIncrement(
quantilesCount - outliersMaxIndex,
outliersMinIndex += outliersMinIncrement
} while (outliersMaxIncrement !== 0 || outliersMinIncrement !== 0)

return {
outliersMaxIndexSum: outliersMaxIndexSum + outliersMaxIndex,
outliersMinIndexSum: outliersMinIndexSum + outliersMinIndex,
/* eslint-enable fp/no-let, fp/no-loops, fp/no-mutation, no-param-reassign */

// Return a number of the next quantiles are outliers.
// - This is 0 when there are no more outliers
// - This might be lower than the total amount of outliers, i.e. must be
// repeated
// Regardless of the direction, we use the whole range of quantiles to compute
// the `outliersLikelihood`, as opposed to using only one half of it because:
// - Finding the right "middle" is difficult:
// - The mode would make more sense than the median
// - Especially for highly skewed or exponential distributions
// - But the mode is hard to compute both precisely and accurately when
// using only samples
// - For multimodal distributions, especially with big gaps in-between modes
// - What really matters is the total width and amount of measures, not each
// individual half
// However, we stop searching after computing it for half of the quantiles:
// - This is because the closer widthPercentage is to 100%, the more imprecise
// it is.
// - This can lead to quantileRatio being much higher than it should just
// because the measures close to `minIndex` happen to be close to each other.
// We use imperative code and positional arguments for performance.
// eslint-disable-next-line max-statements, complexity, max-params
const getOutliersIncrement = function (
) {
if (startIndex >= outliersLimit) {
return 0

const start = quantiles[startIndex]
const end = quantiles[endIndex]
const width = start - end

// Edge case: this happens when most measures are identical
if (width === 0) {
return 0

const quantilesAmount = endIndex - startIndex
const finalIndex = Math.floor(quantilesAmount / 2)

// eslint-disable-next-line fp/no-loops, fp/no-let, fp/no-mutation
for (let index = 1; index <= finalIndex; index += 1) {
const quantile = quantiles[startIndex + index]
const widthPercentage = (start - quantile) / width

// Edge case: this happens when half of measures are identical
// eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
if (widthPercentage === 1) {
return 0

const quantilePercentage = index / quantilesAmount

// eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
if (isOutlier(widthPercentage, quantilePercentage, threshold)) {
return index

return 0

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