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A simple, convenient interface for interacting with dynamodb with best practices.


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A simple, convenient interface for interacting with dynamodb with best practices.


  • removes "deprecated" and redundant params
  • adds intellisense comments to type definitions on params
  • normalizes input keys to ensure that no reserved key errors are thrown from dynamo api

Best practices:

  • enforces standard input and output logging, which is important for debugging live systems
  • reuses tcp connections across dynamodb queries, which is important for performance and recommended by aws


npm install --save simple-dynamodb-client



import { simpleDynamodbClient } from 'simple-dynamodb-client';

// ... your other imports ...

export const record = async ({ user }: { user: User }) => {
  const config = await promiseConfig();
  const item = castFromModelToDynamodbItem({ user });
  await simpleDynamodbClient.put({
    tableName: config.dynamodb.userTable,
    logDebug: log.debug,



import { simpleDynamodbClient } from 'simple-dynamodb-client';

// ... your other imports ...

export const findByUuid = async ({ uuid }: { uuid: string }) => {
  const config = await getConfig();
  const item = await simpleDynamodbClient.get({
    tableName: config.dynamodb.userTable,
    logDebug: log.debug,
    attributesToRetrieveInQuery: ['o'], // i.e., we only care about the "o" key, in this example
    key: {
      p: getPartitionKey({ uuid }), // i.e., partition key is made from uuid, in this example
  if (!item) return null;
  return castFromDynamodbToDomain({ item });


secondary index example

import { simpleDynamodbClient } from 'simple-dynamodb-client';

// ... your other imports ...

export const findAllForUser = async ({ userUuid, effectiveAt }: { userUuid: string, effectiveAt: string }) => {
  const config = await getConfig();
  const items = await simpleDynamodbClient.query({
    tableName: config.dynamodb.userFavoritesTable,
    logDebug: log.debug,
    attributesToRetrieveInQuery: ['o'], // i.e., we only care about the "o" key, in this example
    queryConditions: {
      KeyConditionExpression: 'q = :q',
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {
        ':q': userUuid, // i.e., secondary index key is made from userUuid and called 'q', in this example
  return => castFromDynamodbToDomain({ item }))

temporal database design pattern, finding state of an object at a time in the past:

import { simpleDynamodbClient } from 'simple-dynamodb-client';

// ... your other imports ...

export const findByUuid = async ({ uuid, effectiveAt }: { uuid: string, effectiveAt: string }) => {
  const config = await getConfig();
  const items = await simpleDynamodbClient.query({
    tableName: config.dynamodb.userTable,
    logDebug: log.debug,
    attributesToRetrieveInQuery: ['o'], // i.e., we only care about the "o" key, in this example
    queryConditions: {
      KeyConditionExpression: 'p = :p and s <= :s',
      ExpressionAttributeValues: {
        ':p': getPartitionKey({ uuid }), // i.e., partition key is made from uuid, in this example
        ':s': effectiveAt, // i.e., in this case the sort key is the timestamp of the time the version became "effective" (temporal database design pattern)
      ScanIndexForward: false,
      Limit: 1,
  if (!items.length) return null;
  if (items.length > 1) throw new Error('more than one user found by uuid');
  return castFromDynamodbToDomain({ item: items[0] });


import { simpleDynamodbClient } from 'simple-dynamodb-client';

const transaction = simpleDynamodbClient.startTransaction();
transaction.queue.put(...) // note: Parameters<typeof transaction.queue.put> === Parameters<typeof simpleDynamodbClient.put>
transaction.queue.delete(...) // note: Parameters<typeof transaction.queue.delete> === Parameters<typeof simpleDynamodbClient.delete>
await transaction.execute({ logDebug: log.debug });

custom endpoint

If you want to use a custom dynamodb endpoint, you can do so easily with an environmental variable. This is particularly helpful for testing against a local dynamodb instance.

for example

export USE_CUSTOM_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000



we recommend provisioning your dynamodb tables with terraform. example:

resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "table_user" {
  name = "${local.service}-${var.environment}-table-user"

  billing_mode = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"

  hash_key = "p" # partition key

  attribute {
    name = "p"
    type = "S"

  tags = local.tags


we recommend defining explicit casting functions (as you will have seen in the examples above).

a getPartitionKey is a useful function because it explicitly declares how to get the partition key in one place:

export const getPartitionKey = ({ user }: { user: User }) => user.uuid;

a castFromModelToDynamodbItem function allows you to declare in one place how to cast from the way your code talks about this data into the way that dynamo will represent the data:

import { getPartitionKey } from './getPartitionKey';

export const castFromModelToDynamodbItem = ({ user }: { user: User }) => {
  return {
    p: getPartitionKey(user}), // the partition key, upon which we will overwrite data
    recorded_at: new Date().toISOString(), // for debugging the last time cache for this was updated
    user, // i.e., just store the whole object in one column, for simplicity
    user_name:, // but also store the users name in a separate column for easier visual debugging

and a castFromDynamodbItemToModel function allows you to declare in one place how to do the reverse, and cast from the way that dynamodb talks about your data back to how your code prefers to talk about it:

export const castFromDynamodbItemToModel = ({ item }: { item: any }) => {
  return new User(item.user); // we expect that the whole "user" object is stored on `item.user`; this is reflected in the `castFromModelToDynamodbItem` function