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Botkit Middleware Dialogflow v2

This middleware plugin for Botkit allows developers to integrate Google Dialogflow (formerly with social platforms like Slack, Facebook and Twilio.

Dialogflow's Natural Language Processing (NLP) platform transforms real-world user input into structured intents and entities, and can optionally trigger actions and fulfillment (webhooks). Configuration and training are done in the convenient and powerful Dialogflow Console, with the results being immediately available to your bot.


npm install --save

Function Overview

  • middleware.receive: used to send the message content to Dialogflow, and add results to the message object.


Create a Dialogflow Agent

To get started, sign up for an account, and explore the Dialogflow Console.

Next, create an agent. Agents represent your bots' NLU (Natural Language Understanding). Your bot will interact with your agent through the Dialogflow API.

Note the Google Project ID that can be found in the agent settings; this will be required by your bot.

Set up Google Cloud authentication

Set up authentication with a service account so you can access the API.

Configure a Channel

This document shows code snippets using Slack with the middleware. See the examples folder for how to configure a basic bot on your preferred service.

Bot Setup

Let's walk through the code in the examples/slack_bot.js file.

Let's start with Botkit. That's the main engine.

var Botkit = require('botkit');

Create a Slack controller using Botkit:

var slackController = Botkit.slackbot({
    debug: true,

Spawn a Slack bot using the controller:

var slackBot = slackController.spawn({
    token: process.env.token,

Create a middleware object which we'll be attaching to the controller:

var options = {
    projectId: process.env.dialogflow,
var dialogflowMiddleware = require('botkit-middleware-dialogflow-v2')(options);

Tell your Slackbot to use the middleware when it receives a message:


Finally, make your bot listen for the intent you configured in the Dialogflow Agent. Notice we are listening for hello-intent - that's the name we gave the intent in the Dialogflow Console.

Patterns can be provided as an array or a comma separated string containing a list of regular expressions to match.

// listen for literal string 'hello-intent' (case insensitive)
slackController.hears('hello-intent', 'direct_message', dialogflowMiddleware.hears, function(
) {
    bot.reply(message, 'Hello!');


// listen for literal string 'hello-intent', or anything beginning with "HELLO" (case insensitive)
    ['hello-intent', /^HELLO.*/i],
    function(bot, message) {
        bot.reply(message, 'Hello!');


// listen for comma-separated 'hello-intent' or 'greeting-intent'
    function(bot, message) {
        bot.reply(message, 'Hello!');

What it does

The middleware parses the Dialogflow API response and updates the message object. The raw result of the middleware call to endpoint is made available on the nlpResponse property of the message.

The full set of properties available after processing include:

  • message.intent for any named intents found as defined in Dialogflow
  • message.entities for any language entities defined in Dialogflow (dates, places, etc)
  • message.fulfillment for Dialogflow specific speech fulfillment
  • message.confidence for the confidence interval
  • message.nlpResponse for the raw Dialogflow response.

Here is a diff of a message object, before and after middleware processing.



When creating the middleware object, pass an options object with the following parameters.

Property Required Default Description
projectId Yes N/A Google Project ID, from the Dialogflow Console.
ignoreType No 'self_message' Skip Dialogflow processing if the type matches the pattern. Useful to avoid unneccessary API calls. Patterns can be provided as a string, regex, or array of either.
minimum_confidence No 0.5 Dialogflow returns a confidence (in the range 0.0 to 1.0) for each matching intent. This value is the cutoff - the hears and action middleware will only return a match for confidence values equal or greather than this value.
sessionIdProps No ['user', 'channel'] Session ID's help Dialogflow preserve context across multiple calls. By default, this session ID is an MD5 hash of the user and channel properties on the message object. If you'd like to use different properties, provide them as a string or array or strings. If none of the desired properties are available on a message, the middleware will use a random session ID instead.


Dialogflow has the ability to extract entities (dates, places, etc) from user input. If you have configured your Agent this way, any entities found will be available on the message.entities property.


Dialogflow supports multi-language agents. If the message object has a lang value set, the middleware will send it to Dialogflow and the response will be in that language, if the agent supports it.

By default, Botkit message objects do not have a langauge specified, so Dialogflow defaults to en.

For example, to invoke the Dialogflow agent in French, set your message as such:

message.lang = 'fr';


To enable debug logging, specify dialogflow-middleware in the DEBUG environment variable, like this:

DEBUG=dialogflow-middleware node your_awesome_bot.js

By default, objects are only logged to a depth of 2. To recurse indefinitely, set DEBUG_DEPTH to null, like this:

DEBUG=dialogflow-middleware DEBUG_DEPTH=null node your_awesome_bot.js

Change Log

  • pre-fork as botkit-middleware-dialogflow-v2
    • initial release


Forked from botkit-middleware-dialogflow. Thanks to @jschnurr for the original work.


This library is licensed under the MIT license. Full text is available in LICENSE.


Botkit middleware for Dialogflow v2







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