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Base Installation for all Raspberry Pi

The base installation is for all honeypots the same. This is the basic installation of the Raspberry Pi.

sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get install git -y
cd ~
git clone
cd APT-Detection
chmod +x *.sh

Installing a cowrie SSH honeypot for the APT-Detection System

  1. Step - Cowrie SSH Honeypot Installation
cd ~/APT-Detection
  1. Step - Reboot the Raspberry Pi

After the reboot yous must connect to Cowrie with the IP Adresse and you have to use the private SSH Key and as user root!

Last Step - Finale Installation

for the finale step you must install cowrie once with this commands:

    su - cowrie
    cd cowrie
    virtualenv --python=python3 cowrie-env
    source cowrie-env/bin/activate
    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install pycrypto Crypto
    pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
    # generate a key for the cowrie instance
    ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024 -f ./var/lib/cowrie/ssh_host_dsa_key
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -f ./var/lib/cowrie/ssh_host_dsa_key
    # start cowrie manually for test
    bin/cowrie start

After rebooting the raspberry pi all services will start automatically! The Cowrie SSH Honeypot is now ready for fine tuning.

For more information please visit this link:

Installing a dionaea Honeypot for the APT-Detection System

  1. Step Dionaea Honeypot Installation
cd ~/APT-Detection

Installing a honeyd Honeypot for the APT-Detection System

  1. Step Honeyd Honeypot Installation
cd ~/APT-Detection

For more information please visit this link:

Installing a Glastopf Web-Application Honeypot for the APT-Detection System

  1. Step Glastopf Honeypot Installation
cd ~/APT-Detection

For more details please visit this website: or


The public SSH key stored in the repository must of course be replaced by your own key.