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Model simulation for audibot in ROS Gazebo


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Audibot Simulator

This repository contains a Gazebo simulation model of an Audi R8. It is meant to be a very flexible simulation platform that supports single and multiple vehicle simulations.

To customize the model, include audibot.urdf.xacro in the audibot_description package in another URDF file and add sensors, plugins, etc.

single_vehicle_example.launch in the audibot_gazebo package shows how a single vehicle can be simulated in the root workspace with no TF prefix.

two_vehicle_example.launch shows how multiple vehicles can be simulated at the same time, with each in its own namespace and with a unique TF prefix.

To control the vehicle, publish the following topics:

  • steering_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired steering wheel angle in radians
  • brake_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired brake torque in Newton-meters (Nm)
  • throttle_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired throttle percentage (range 0 to 1)
  • gear_cmd - std_msgs/UInt8 topic containing the desired gear (DRIVE = 0, REVERSE = 1)

Ground truth speed and yaw rate feedback are provided on the twist topic, which is of type geometry_msgs/TwistStamped

Current gear state is provided on the gear_state topic, which is of type std_msgs/UInt8. The gear state starts in DRIVE by default.

Some useful kinematics parameters:

  • Gear ratio between steering wheel and equivalent bicycle steer angle = 17.3 : 1
  • Wheelbase = 2.65 meters
  • Track width = 1.638 meters
  • Wheel radius = 0.36 meters



  • Laser: origin: xyz="0 0 1.0" rpy="0 0 0", axis: xyz="0 1 0" rpy="0 0 0"
  • IMU: origin: xyz="0 0 0.5" rpy="0 0 0" axis: xyz="0 0.5 0" rpy="0 0 0"


  • Laser: /$(arg robot_name)/audi_laser_scan
  • IMU: /$(arg robot_name)/imu
  • Ground Truth Odom: /audi_odom, /orange/odom and /blue/odom


  • CMD_VEL: /audi_twist_cmd, /orange/cmd_vel and /blue/cmd_vel

Launch Files

Package Launch File Includes Description
audibot_gazebo audibot_robot.launch - Spawns a single URDF of the audibot
audibot_gazebo audibot_robot_sens.launch - Spawns a single URDF of the audibot with sensors
audibot_gazebo audibot_named_robot.launch - Spawns the multiple URDFs (Orange & Blue) of the audibot
audibot_gazebo audibot_named_robot_sens.launch - Spawns the multiple URDFs (Orange & Blue) of the audibot with sensors
audibot_gazebo single_vehicle_example.launch audibot_robot.launch Launches a single URDF of the audibot along with Gazebo world
audibot_gazebo single_vehicle_example_sens.launch audibot_robot_sens.launch Launches a single URDF of the audibot with sensors along with Gazebo world
audibot_gazebo two_vehicle_example.launch audibot_named_robot.launch Launches the multiple URDFs (Orange & Blue) of the audibot along with Gazebo world
audibot_gazebo two_vehicle_example_sens.launch audibot_named_robot_sens.launch Launches the multiple URDFs (Orange & Blue) of the audibot with sensors along with Gazebo world
audibot_control control_single_audi.launch - Launches the nodes responsible for converting the CMD to lat and lot control for a single vehicle
audibot_control control_orange_audi.launch - Launches the nodes responsible for converting the CMD to lat and lot control for the orange vehicle
audibot_control control_blue_audi.launch - Launches the nodes responsible for converting the CMD to lat and lot control for the blue vehicle
audibot_control manual_control_single_audi.launch control_single_audi.launch Launches the node of keyboard control and remaps the required topics of a single vehicle
audibot_control manual_control_orange_audi.launch control_orange_audi.launch Launches the node of keyboard control and remaps the required topics of the orange vehicle
audibot_control manual_control_blue_audi.launch control_blue_audi.launch Launches the node of keyboard control and remaps the required topics of the blue vehicle
audibot_odometry odom_single_audi.launch - Launches the node that publishes the groundtruth odometry of a single vehicle
audibot_odometry odom_orange_audi.launch - Launches the node that publishes the groundtruth odometry of the orange vehicle
audibot_odometry odom_blue_audi.launch - Launches the node that publishes the groundtruth odometry of the blue vehicle
audibot_odometry odom_two_audi.launch odom_orange_audi.launch, odom_blue_audi.launch Launches the nodes that publish the groundtruth odometry of the two vehicles


Model simulation for audibot in ROS Gazebo







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  • Python 40.4%
  • CMake 38.1%
  • C++ 21.5%