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  1. Possibly update with additional hardware stuff
    a. Dipole antenna
    b. Other reciever modules
    c. Case options


Use a Raspberry Pi to monitor Maverick ET-732 temperature readings and provide an interface to access that information.

Back end software (maverick.c) sniffs the 433mhz radio signal from the Maverick ET-732 (and likely other models), which transmits temprerature readings every 12 seconds, and stores those readings to a sqlite3 database. Front end software (php on nginx) provides an interface to start/stop cooks, manage cook related information, and view temp gauges and graphs

web server - nginx
DBMS - sqlite3
interface - php7-fpm
433mhz sniffer/parser - C

Raspberry PI
433mhz receiver (

GPIO Pinout (physical pin numbers):
2 (5v) - to 5v pin on receiver
34 (GND) - to GND on receiver
31 (BCM6) - to DATA on receiver

Install steps as of 5/2018 (Raspbian stretch lite version March 2018) (work in progress):

  1. Download Raspbian Stretch Lite -
  2. Unzip img, burn with Etcher -
  3. Insert SD card, connect HDMI and keyboard to pi, power on
  4. Log in: pi, raspberry
  5. sudo raspi-config, a. 2 - Network Config, N1 (set hostname if desired), N2 (configure wifi)
    b. 5 - Interfacing options, P2 - Enable SSH
  6. Reboot
  7. sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  8. sudo raspi-config
    a. 1 - change password (if desired)
    b. 4 - Localisation options (if desired)
    c. 5 - Interfacing options, P6 - Turn off shell interface over serial (no to shell interface, yes to enable serial HW)
  9. Reboot
  10. sudo apt-get install git (may have to sudo apt-get updated again first)
  11. git clone
  12. Install PIGPIO (see
    a. rm
    b. sudo rm -rf PIGPIO
    c. get
    d. unzip
    e. cd PIGPIO
    f. make
    g. sudo make install
  13. sudo apt-get install nginx
  14. sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev sqlite3
  15. Install php-fpm and sqlite3 php library
    a. sudo apt-get install php-fpm
    b. sudo apt-get install php-sqlite3
    c. configure for nginx (ENABLE PHP IN NGINX section):
  16. Copy maverick html files to nginx web root
    a. cd ~/maverick/html
    b. sudo cp -r * /var/www/html
  17. Create the database
    a. cd ~/maverick
    b. sudo sqlite3 -init ./db.script /var/www/html/the.db
    c. .fullschema to verify the db
    d. .quit to exit
  18. Build the maverick executable
    a. cd ~/maverick
    b. sudo gcc -o /var/www/html/maverick maverick.c -lpigpio -lsqlite3
  19. Enable nginx user www-data to execute and kill maverick executable
    a. sudo visudo
    b. add "www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www/html/, /bin/kill" as last line
  20. Set ownership/permissions on /var/www/html directory and contents
    a. sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html
    b. sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/*


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