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Stochastic Optimal Control of a Sailboat

This repository implements the algorithms presented in Stochastic Optimal Control of a Sailboat by Cole Miles and Alex Vladimirsky for optimal route planning of sailboats in stochastically-evolving weather. Our approach includes a collection of improvements for the semi-Lagrangian algorithm proposed in Optimal Route Planning for Sailing Boats: A Hybrid Formulation, Ferretti, Festa, (2019). In particular, we reduce the state space by one dimension by working in a reduced coordinate formulation, and additionally develop a nearly-causal pseudotime discretization which allows the value iterations to converge in nearly-constant time. Also, we provide a more accurate modeling of the switching operator which evaluates the value function following a tack switch. Requires Julia ≥ 1.1.1.


This repo is structured as a library to be used in a Julia REPL or in short scripts. All of the logic is contained in five files

  • types.jl: Defines some data structures used throughout the code. Look here to see what fields each struct contains.
  • valuesolvers.jl: Implementations of our value iteration algorithms for various time discretizations and optimization strategies.
  • simulation.jl: Given the results of a value iteration, performs stochastically-sampled simulations of boats performing live control to reach a target.
  • plotting.jl: A collection of functions which visualizes the results of the code.
  • SemiLagrangian.jl: The main module file which assembles the former four and exposes functions to the users of the code.

The basic process of using this code is as follows:

  1. Create a ProblemParams struct defining the problem you want to solve. Default problems are defined as deterministic_params (fixed wind), stochastic_params (diffusive wind evolution), and drift_stochastic_params (drift-diffusive wind evolution).

  2. Initialize a ValueGrid struct using initialize_valuegrid(), providing as arguments the bounds of the grid, the discretization step sizes, and the ProblemParams from step (1). Default grids can be obtained by calling one of default_grid(), finer_grid(), extrafine_grid(), thefinestgrid(), in order of increasing granularity.

  3. Load a polar plot from a tabular file. To do this, call load_polars(fname) to create a PolarPlotSet struct from a file. The source we use in our manuscript is sunodyssey40.pol from this website, provided in this repo at scripts/polars/. This struct contains contains a set of polar plots at various speeds. The library assumes a fixed wind speed, so pick one of the speeds out by indexing. (polar_plot_set[2] gives you the PolarPlot at the second available wind speed, etc.).

  4. To perform value iterations to convergence, call solve_value_sweep(), providing as the first argument the PolarPlot, and additionally the ValueGrid and ProblemParams. λ sets the time discounting factor (always zero in the manuscript), and ϵ sets the convergence criterion used to terminate the value iterations. This step returns a tuple (ValueGrid, DirGrid, SwitchGrid) containing the final results.

  • Note: Setting rowwise=true in solve_value_sweep uses our nearly-causal discretization, while rowwise=false performs our "standard" Gauss-Seidel iterations. The former is much faster for most problems, but has slightly higher discretization errors.
  1. To perform live trajectory simulations, call liverun(), providing as arguments the PolarPlot, the SwitchGrid and DirGrid from step (4), the ProblemParams, and a starting_pt tuple of (r, θ, q) of initial conditions (polar r, θ, and initial tack). This step returns a PolarTrajectory containing the points of the trajectory in polar coordinates. This can be converted to Cartesian coordinates by calling convert(CartTrajectory, polar_traj) where polar_traj is the variable containing the PolarTrajectory. (All of the plotting functions do this for you automatically).

  2. Plot results! Various useful plotting functions are

    • plot_switchgrid(switchgrid :: SwitchGrid)
    • plot_polar(polar :: PolarPlot)
    • plot_trajectory(traj :: PolarTrajectory, params :: ProblemParams)
    • anim_trajs(trajs :: Vector{PolarTrajectory}, params :: ProblemParams, fname :: String; freq :: Int)

Important: When using anim_trajs, be sure to set the freq keyword argument to set how often frames are drawn. By default, it will make one frame for every point in the trajectory, which is usually way too many. A good number depends on your choice of Δt, and for Δt=0.01 is around 20.

An example of this complete process is in scripts/exampleStochasticProblem.jl. The remaining scripts in that directory reproduce the results of the manuscript after being run in a particular order.

  1. Run solve_problems.jl to produce solution valuegrids, directiongrids, and switchgrids for all problem scenarios at all grid granularities. Note that this is a very long-running script! To accelerate this, one can either:
    1. Run julia with the flag julia -p <N>, where N is an integer. Then, the simulations will be distributed across N cores on your machine.
    2. Edit the solve_problems.jl file to reduce the number of mesh granularities solved for, by removing the larger numbers at the end of the granularities list. Following this, the directory scripts/Grids will be populated by a large number of serialized solution grids used as input to the next step.
  2. Run plot_solutions.jl to produce plots of the valuegrids and switchgrids, and sampled sailboat trajectories under the solution control policies. Various plots will be deposited into scripts/Plots, scripts/Images, scripts/Movies. This requires that you ran step (1) at least up to granularity-16 (though you can manually edit this script to load lower-granularity grids).
  3. Run plot_refine.jl to produce plots of the error scaling analysis, deposited into scripts/Plots. If you performed step (1.ii), be sure to edit the granularities list here as well!


The easiest way to use this code is probably to clone this repository, navigate to the base directory, open up a Julia REPL, access the package manager by hitting ], then using the command activate . to enter the working environment defined by the project. Then the command instantiate will install all of the dependencies of the project. An update may also be required.

Once the environment is activated, you can go back to the regular REPL, and write using SemiLagrangian to import all of the functions/variables the library defines. You can then run the example script from within the REPL by writing include("scripts/exampleStochasticProblem.jl").

Using the code this way means that every time you'd like to use the library in a new REPL, you must activate the environment through the package manager. As an alternative, open a new REPL (so that we're working in the global environment), enter the package manager, and use the command dev "." to install the library in the global environment. Then, using SemiLagrangian will work from any REPL without having to activate the environment (and you can run julia scripts/exampleStochasticProblem.jl directly from the terminal instead of having to include() from a REPL).


A public repository with source code, example scripts, movies, and error scaling plots for our paper "Stochastic Optimal Control of a Sailboat".







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